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Everything posted by unemployment

  1. In my ajax php file for my messaging system I’m trying to get my pagination to work properly when sending an ajax request. I don’t know how to do it though. I’m trying to pass through the HTML generated from the php class into a JSON encoded array object. When I do this, I get a JS error. Here is the code below: if (isset($user_info['uid'], $_GET['id'], $_GET['page'], $_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] === session_id()) { delete_conversation($_GET['id']); $total = fetch_total_conversations(); $conversations = fetch_conversations($_GET['page'], 20); foreach($conversations as $k => $r) { $conversations[$k]['last_message'] = time_since_tstamp($r['last_message']).' ago'; } $pages = new Paginator(); $pages->items_total = $total; $pages->mid_range = 9; $pages->paginate(20); $conversations['pagination'] = $pages->display_pages(); //print_array($conversations); echo json_encode($conversations); }
  2. I created this function to update my tour system. The query is working and is updating one row in the table, but I get a resource boolean error in the return section of the function. Any idea why? function update_tour($uid, $step) { $step = (int)$step; $uid = (int)$uid; $sql = "UPDATE `users` SET `tour_step` = ${step} WHERE `id` = '${uid}'"; $q = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); return (mysql_num_rows($q) === 1) ? mysql_result($q, 0): false; }
  3. I'm currently making a product tour. I am rewriting the url with javascript and sending the user to their profile pages. example: http://dev.mysite.com/u/jason?welcome I then use php to load my javascript via a get variable. if (isset($_GET['welcome'])) { echo 'test'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ focus.set('FOCUSTHIS', 0, 'absolute', 'Personal Information', function (body){ $('<div class="test">.</div><div class="center ptm pbs"><a id="next_4" class="button" href="javascript: void(0)">Continue</a></div>').appendTo(body); }); }); </script> <?php } Any reason why this wouldn't at least echo properly? I am rewriting the URLs with mod rewrite.
  4. KICKSTART! Why are you so good at reading my mind? You're the best. Thanks again.
  5. I fixed this query. It's working now since I guess all I had to do was change the group by column, but I still want to add in another subquery. Here is the final version so far: SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`firstname`, `users`.`lastname`, `users`.`username`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`gender`, `users`.`accounttype`, `users`.`personalweb`, `users`.`guestviews`, `users`.`iviews`, `users`.`eviews`, `users`.`credentials`, `users`.`specialties`, `users`.`country`, `users`.`city`, `users`.`state`, `users`.`phonenumber`, `users`.`dateofbirth` AS `dob`, `users`.`mail_status`, `users`.`status`, `markers`.`lat`, `markers`.`lng`, `user_privacy`.`avatar` AS `privacy_avatar`, `user_privacy`.`city` AS `privacy_city`, `user_privacy`.`location` AS `privacy_location`, `investor_info`.`investor_type`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D') AS `dayofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%c') AS `monthofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%Y') AS `yearofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D \of %M %Y') AS `dateofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`signupdate`,'%h:%i %p %M %e, %Y') AS `signupdate`, SUM(`investor_info`.`capital_available`) AS `totalavailable`, `companytype`, `capital` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `investor_info` ON `users`.`id` = `investor_info`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `markers` ON `users`.`id` = `markers`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user_privacy` ON `users`.`id` = `user_privacy`.`uid` LEFT OUTER JOIN employees ON users.id = employees.userid LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT companies.companyid, companies.companytype AS `companytype`, SUM(companies.capital) AS `capital` FROM `companies` GROUP BY companies.companyid) SumCompanies ON employees.companyid = SumCompanies.companyidz WHERE `users`.`status` > 2 I need to add in: SELECT COUNT(`partner_id`) FROM `partners` WHERE (`user_id` = ${uid} OR `friend_id` = ${uid}) AND `approved` = 1 When I made this query I wrote it to work with the variables specified. I tried adding this in as a subquery, but can't seem to get it to work. I don't want the variables in the subquery. I just want them to group for every user.
  6. It's still not working. I get the same error. Any other thoughts?
  7. I am trying to use the google maps to geocode a location but I get this error: Warning: file_get_contents(http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=New London,+Connecticut,+United States&sensor=false): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request $location_request = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address={$city},+{$real_state},+{$real_country}&sensor=false"; $geocode = file_get_contents($location_request); What am I doing wrong? I tried URL encoding the location request but that also didn't work.
  8. I realized that I needed to use delegated events but I now have event bubbling. If I open the window 3 times and click the next button respectively, on the forth time when I click the next button the next event will fire four times. How do I stop this? $("#google_map_canvas").on("click", "#next", function() { var toHighlight = $('.first').next().length > 0 ? $('.first').next() : $('#infoWin li').first(); $(this).fadeOut(100); $('.first').fadeOut(100); $('.first').delay(100).removeClass('first'); toHighlight.delay(100).addClass('first'); $('.first').delay(100).fadeIn(100); $(this).delay(100).fadeIn(100); });
  9. Ok I sort of understand. Now I'm getting an error that says "Subquery returns more than 1 row". Any ideas? SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`firstname`, `users`.`lastname`, `users`.`username`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`gender`, `users`.`accounttype`, `users`.`personalweb`, `users`.`guestviews`, `users`.`iviews`, `users`.`eviews`, `users`.`credentials`, `users`.`specialties`, `users`.`country`, `users`.`city`, `users`.`state`, `users`.`phonenumber`, `users`.`dateofbirth` AS `dob`, `users`.`mail_status`, `users`.`status`, `markers`.`lat`, `markers`.`lng`, `user_privacy`.`avatar` AS `privacy_avatar`, `user_privacy`.`city` AS `privacy_city`, `user_privacy`.`location` AS `privacy_location`, `investor_info`.`investor_type`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D') AS `dayofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%c') AS `monthofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%Y') AS `yearofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D \of %M %Y') AS `dateofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`signupdate`,'%h:%i %p %M %e, %Y') AS `signupdate`, SUM(`investor_info`.`capital_available`) AS `totalavailable`, `companytype`, `capital` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `investor_info` ON `users`.`id` = `investor_info`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `markers` ON `users`.`id` = `markers`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user_privacy` ON `users`.`id` = `user_privacy`.`uid` LEFT OUTER JOIN employees ON users.id = employees.userid LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN ( SELECT employees.userid FROM employees INNER JOIN users ON employees.userid = users.id INNER JOIN companies ON employees.companyid = companies.companyid WHERE companies.companyid = employees.companyid AND users.id = employees.userid) THEN ( SELECT companies.capital FROM companies ) ELSE 0 END) AS `totalavailable`) SumCompanies ON employees.companyid = SumCompanies.companyid WHERE `users`.`status` > 2
  10. I made some more edits and added in the SELECT, but I still get #1054 - Unknown column 'companies.capital' in 'field list' I don't understand this because capital is a column in the companies table. Does it need a FROM clause? SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`firstname`, `users`.`lastname`, `users`.`username`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`gender`, `users`.`accounttype`, `users`.`personalweb`, `users`.`guestviews`, `users`.`iviews`, `users`.`eviews`, `users`.`credentials`, `users`.`specialties`, `users`.`country`, `users`.`city`, `users`.`state`, `users`.`phonenumber`, `users`.`dateofbirth` AS `dob`, `users`.`mail_status`, `users`.`status`, `markers`.`lat`, `markers`.`lng`, `user_privacy`.`avatar` AS `privacy_avatar`, `user_privacy`.`city` AS `privacy_city`, `user_privacy`.`location` AS `privacy_location`, `investor_info`.`investor_type`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D') AS `dayofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%c') AS `monthofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%Y') AS `yearofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D \of %M %Y') AS `dateofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`signupdate`,'%h:%i %p %M %e, %Y') AS `signupdate`, SUM(`investor_info`.`capital_available`) AS `totalavailable`, `companytype`, `capital` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `investor_info` ON `users`.`id` = `investor_info`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `markers` ON `users`.`id` = `markers`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user_privacy` ON `users`.`id` = `user_privacy`.`uid` LEFT OUTER JOIN employees ON users.id = employees.userid LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN ( SELECT employees.userid FROM employees INNER JOIN users ON employees.userid = users.id INNER JOIN companies ON employees.companyid = companies.companyid WHERE companies.companyid = employees.companyid AND users.id = employees.userid) THEN ( SELECT companies.capital) ELSE 0 END) AS `totalavailable`) SumCompanies ON employees.companyid = SumCompanies.companyid WHERE `users`.`status` > 2
  11. Adam, I created a public link where you can see what is going on http://pitchbig.com/people2.php Click on a cluster in the map and then click the next button in the info window. You'll see that if you open the window twice the 'next' event won't fire. If you view my people2.js file you'll see the $(#next).on about half way down the page. This still doesn't work and I'm not sure what to do. Please help.
  12. If I can't figure it out I'll post in this thread with a public link.
  13. So... I am much closer now with the code you provided. I put in the appropriate column names below. The problem with your output above is that Jeffrey shows up TWICE in the last column. I need the column to exclude duplicates. Then I also need to replicate this code for if my id was the friend_id and create a union for both queries. One more question: Why am I included in the last row? How do I remove that in the WHERE clause? Hopefully we can sort this out soon. Thanks. SELECT a.user_id, x.username, a.friend_id, y.username, b.friend_id, z.username FROM partners a JOIN partners b ON a.friend_id = b.user_id AND b.friend_id NOT IN ( SELECT m.friend_id FROM partners m JOIN partners n ON m.friend_id = n.user_id WHERE m.user_id = 1) JOIN users x ON a.user_id = x.id JOIN users y ON a.friend_id = y.id JOIN users z ON b.friend_id = z.id WHERE a.user_id =1;
  14. I'm not sure I follow this. You have uname multiple times in the select. I'll give it a shot though.
  15. The goal of this is to only sum the column where the user.id that is linked to employees.userid that is linked to employees.companyid that is linked to companies.companyid will then sum the companies.capital column. It doesn't work though. You'll see in the first example I was tried to get the sum of capital column. The problem was that it was summing the entire capital column in the companies table and I only want it to sum the capital that is available to the specific employee / user. The user can have multiple companies.
  16. Well the first query I posted will grab my friends friends. I just need to compare those against my friends and exclude my friends.
  17. I'll look into it. I also tried a few other combinations but all I got were my friends and not my friends friends.
  18. I upgrade to version 1.7 but the .on() doesn't seem to work. I tried using the .live() but the event kept bubbling and flashing on my screen like crazy. Here is the code I tried: $("#next").on("click", function(){ var toHighlight = $('.first').next().length > 0 ? $('.first').next() : $('#infoWin li').first(); $(this).fadeOut(100); $('.first').fadeOut(100); $('.first').delay(100).removeClass('first'); toHighlight.delay(100).addClass('first'); $('.first').delay(100).fadeIn(100); $(this).delay(100).fadeIn(100); }); Any other thoughts?
  19. This unfortunately doesn't work. I just get an awkward list of my username over and over with a list of a few other peoples which surely this can't be correct. I also don't think the NOT IN in the where clause makes sense because there is another side to this. Your id can also be the friend_id. Your id is the user_id in the partners table if you sent the request. If you are receiving the request then your id is the friend_id. Any other thoughts?
  20. Here is the SQL. I've made some modification though they still aren't quite right. I really do appreciate the help, but I just wish I could get it working. I wasn't sure how to adjust the VALUE in the case statement. Any thoughts? Here is my error: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SUM( CASE WHEN ( SELECT employees.userid FROM employees ' at line 46 SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`firstname`, `users`.`lastname`, `users`.`username`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`gender`, `users`.`accounttype`, `users`.`personalweb`, `users`.`guestviews`, `users`.`iviews`, `users`.`eviews`, `users`.`credentials`, `users`.`specialties`, `users`.`country`, `users`.`city`, `users`.`state`, `users`.`phonenumber`, `users`.`dateofbirth` AS `dob`, `users`.`mail_status`, `users`.`status`, `markers`.`lat`, `markers`.`lng`, `user_privacy`.`avatar` AS `privacy_avatar`, `user_privacy`.`city` AS `privacy_city`, `user_privacy`.`location` AS `privacy_location`, `investor_info`.`investor_type`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D') AS `dayofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%c') AS `monthofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%Y') AS `yearofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`dateofbirth`,'%D \of %M %Y') AS `dateofbirth`, DATE_FORMAT(`users`.`signupdate`,'%h:%i %p %M %e, %Y') AS `signupdate`, SUM(`investor_info`.`capital_available`) AS `totalavailable`, `companytype`, `capital` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `investor_info` ON `users`.`id` = `investor_info`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `markers` ON `users`.`id` = `markers`.`uid` LEFT JOIN `user_privacy` ON `users`.`id` = `user_privacy`.`uid` LEFT OUTER JOIN employees ON users.id = employees.userid LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SUM( CASE WHEN ( SELECT employees.userid FROM employees INNER JOIN users ON employees.userid = users.id INNER JOIN companies ON employees.companyid = companies.companyid WHERE company.companyid = employees.companyid AND users.id = employee.userid) THEN ( SELECT `company.capital`) ELSE 0 END) AS `totalavailable`) SumCompanies ON employees.companyid = SumCompanies.companyid WHERE `users`.`status` > 2
  21. I am integrating the google maps api into my application on the map it has an info window that will display information about a marker / cluster in that location. My problem is that when the map loads, the $('next') click event will only fire once. Once I close the info window and open another info window the $('next') click event won't fire. I find this to be odd because both times I am creating and destroying the next link element. What am I doing wrong? google.maps.event.addListener(markerCluster, 'clusterclick', function(cluster) { var markers = cluster.getMarkers(); var html2 = ''; html2 += '<div id="infoWin">'; html2 += '<ul class="addrlist">'; for (var i=0; i < markers.length; i++){ if(i > 0){ html2 += '<li style="display: none;">' + markers[i].html + '</li>'; }else{ html2 += '<li class="first">' + markers[i].html + '</li>'; } } html2 += '</ul>'; html2 += '<div style="position: relative; bottom: 0;"><a id="next" class="f_right pts" href="javascript: void(0)">Next</a></div>'; html2 += '</div>'; infowindow.setContent(html2); infowindow.open(map, markers[0]); $('#infoWin').parent().css({overflow: 'hidden'}); $('ul.addrlist li').click(function() { var p = $(this).find("a").attr("rel"); return infopop(markers[p]); }); $('#next').click(function() { console.log('test'); var toHighlight = $('.first').next().length > 0 ? $('.first').next() : $('#infoWin li').first(); $(this).fadeOut(100); $('.first').fadeOut(100); $('.first').delay(100).removeClass('first'); toHighlight.delay(100).addClass('first'); $('.first').delay(100).fadeIn(100); $(this).delay(100).fadeIn(100); }); });
  22. Why would I need to check criteria? In three tables there are... Users user_id Employees id user_id company_id Companies company_id I just need to join those so that I only total the amount of capital where the user is employed by that company.
  23. I only started a different thread because I saw them as two separate problems. I'll look into the case statement though I've never used them before.
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