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Found 2 results

  1. Hello. I'm trying to build a site where users can book appointments with personal trainers. I want to use the free and open source jQuery Full Calendar for the look and feel of the calendar since it looks pleasant and is responsive. <link removed> I want each personal trainer to have their own calendar which will show the days that they're available. When a user clicks on an available day then they will see a list of time slots that they can book in 15 minute increments. So, for instance lets say a trainer named Mike is available on Mondays-Friday from 8am-5pm. If a user comes to his calendar they will see that certain days are not fully booked and they can click on a day. Then when they click on a day they can see time intervals like this: Mike's available time slots for Tuesday August 25, 2014: 8:00 am-9:00 am - Click here to book appointment! 8:15 am-9:15 am - Click here to book appointment! 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Click here to book appointment! The page above can be a separate page from the calendar, but it would need to be synced with the calendar to be able to fetch the times and days that he's available for appointments. Then when the user clicks on a day, he can book an appointment and after the trainer confirms via email then the user will receive an email confirmation that his appointment is scheduled. While it's still being confirmed though, that time slot would need to be no longer visible to other users, so that there wouldn't be multiple bookings for the same time slot, to avoid those conflicts. So, the application would need to fetch the data from MySQL and use that to display the available days. If a day is not available then the user will not be able to click on it in the calendar. Also, the trainers should be able to set their schedule which will get updated to MySQL, so the schedule is normally recurring but they should also be able to change certain days if they feel like they can or cannot work on that day. Also, the appointments will vary by time, so a training session can last 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 1 hour and a half, etc. and that would need to be taken into account when the user books an appointment because if the trainer has a 1 hour gap between 2pm and 3pm, but the session is for 2 hours, they should not be able to book that time slot, since it wouldn't make any sense. What makes this complicated is that the appointment lengths can vary. Otherwise, if every appointment was 1 hour long I would be able to just create a table for appointment times and do a query to see if they're booked and only show the booked ones. How can I do it with variable time lengths? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi Experts, I'll be very grateful if any please can help me with any third party or self made PHP script for appointment booking system. In the script registered user should be able to Book, Check, Cancel and Amend appointments. Many thanks for your help in advance. Regards, peter
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