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Found 2 results

  1. I am in desperate need of assistance with an inherited script from a "no-longer-works-with-me" website desiger. Long story short, my web developer left for another job and I have a script that a client is having trouble with. This script allows the admin to upload a new member's name, title, and picture. The picture is inserted into a file on the server. The problem is that the file is inserted with a default permission of 600 which does not allow the pic to be viewed on the public facing website or the admin page. I have read that chmod may be my answer, but am not a programmer by any means and have no idea where to implement this fix. I have attached the code as a .txt file - its the full code that resides on this page. Any help is greatly appreciated. code.txt
  2. Greetings All! This is my first post here, so I'd like to extend a big HELLO to everyone! I look forward to learning more about PHP from all the advanced PHP developers who frequent these forums. I've taken over management of a website that was recently compromised through use of a MULCI shell, as well as SQL injection. I've been working to tidy everything up, and have turned my attention to the image upload directory. Users have the ability to upload images to the website. I believe it could be possible that a user uploaded a PHP script (the MULCI shell) into the image uploads directory, and executed it their to compromise my website. I talked with a Linux security analyst who recommended that I CHMOD that directory to not allow execution of PHP files. Problem is, I'm not sure what permissions should be set to achieve such action, and this is a Rackspace Cloud Site, so I do NOT have terminal access. I tried setting some of my own CHMOD permissions, but it broke loading of images in the site. I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks.
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