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Found 8 results

  1. Hello All, Have a GoDaddy MySQL PHP:PDO hosting questions. Using a database class to make script queries. Unfortunately, I'm required to use GoDaddy Windows hosting. However, I'm a Linux kind of guy. Here's the issue. The viewer script includes database credentials defined as constants, in a file outside the root directory. Typically, these constants are available to all sub processes including class objects. Everything works as expected on development server. The error message I get with version using constants: L226: projectGallery_class datapull Caught Exception --- invalid data source name with host string userDBName.db.6482519.hostedresource.com;dbname=userDBName However when I deploy to GoDaddy's production server, the constants are defined - but empty. Here is the example code. /* works on Linux */ class datapull { var $host; // not assigned here var $userName; // not assigned here var $userPass; // not assigned here protected function conn() { try { $DB = new PDO(DB_HOST,DB_UNAME,DB_PASS); $DB->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return $DB; } catch( Exception $e ) { $mes = "L226: datapull::conn() Caught Exception --- "; $mes .= $e->getMessage(); error_log($mes); } } public function dbquery($qqueue) { $DB = (!isset($DB)) ? $this->conn() : $DB; /* some query stuff here */ return $result } The modified class for GoDaddy Windows class datapull { var $host = “mysql:host=userDBName.db.1234567.hostedresource.com;dbname=userDBName”; var $userName = “userDBName”; //godaddy user and database naming convention var $userPass = “userPWDString”; //user password protected function conn() { try { $DB = new PDO($this->host,$this->userName,$this->userPass); $DB->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return $DB; } catch( Exception $e ) { $mes = "L226: datapull::conn() Caught Exception --- "; $mes .= $e->getMessage(); error_log($mes); } } public function dbquery($qqueue) { $DB = (!isset($DB)) ? $this->conn() : $DB; /* some query stuff here */ return $result }
  2. Howdy, So I have been using my current hosting for 3+ years, however it has PHP 5.2 which was made in 2006 and it has gotten kind of pathetic. It didn't bother me until I tried to upload my Laravel project, and well, after a couple of hours trying to make it run, it turned out that the minimum for Laravel is 5.3.17 PHP so I guess the time has come to change my beloved hosting to another one. I looked over some options, but I am confused and need your help. Any hosting to recommend with the newest PHP version support? Since also that way I could test my PHP 5.5 programs and of course soon, I hope, PHP 7! Also would be great if the hosting supports Perl 5.16 at least, but not too important. Many Thanks!
  3. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this question, but I'll still post it. I'm a newbie programmer, have 1 year experience of php, mysql and html and know how to make a basic website, but I've never actually uploaded the already written code on the internet.So my question is, if you use vertrigo serv and have folders full of php files, what do you do after getting a domain? I read that dreamweaver does that for you, but i also read that it is a closed source software with limitations if you get the free version.The other choice is using FileZilla(which I don't fully understand yet ) i presume.
  4. suppose, I have 3 websites on same web-space that I have, with folder one two and three........ now, my question is that how to link them to their domains........ In my home directory, there are 3 folders [one,two and three] and they have all websites and web-pages that I want to access on internet....I am looking for an answer.......... If I enter one.com, it must access the files located in one folder only If I enter two.com, it must access the files located in two folder only If I enter three.com, it must access the files located in three folder only
  5. I am looking for a PHP web host that I can pay monthly. I am currently in the process of opening a business and would like to pay monthly for hosting and a domain and not have to worry about paying for a full year or two just to have the site functioning for a month or two. Any suggestions? Is it possible to keep my hosting on a free host and then use a custom domain to direct to it? Thanks.
  6. Hey Guys, I have a situation that has been bugging me for a long time, my website is currently hosted on a virtual machine on my home PC. I have my domain which redirects to a dynamic dns which points port 80 to port 8080 on my router, that port fowards to the virtual machine as it's network adapter allows me to put it on my local network as a PC with it's own IP address. When anyone connects to the website the URL stays the same so they still think they are visiting the same URL and not the redirected one. Let's be honest that is how a website should work. Connecting to the website and everything else is fine, however if you change from the page you see initially, the home page, the URL will not change at all. Any link salso redirect to the original domain and any following directories, yet the URL will stay the same no matter how you connect to the website. If you connect to a different page other than the home page, say /contact.html then no matter where you go on the site the URL stays as /contact.html. I have a feeling this is because I host it at home without DNS on my network pointing to places and I've not figured out a way to do that instead, but I also cannot understand why it wouldn't amend the URL? Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks guys! Emrys.
  7. Hi I have a contact page uploaded on my website. This is called contact.html, when the details are entered it picks up sendmail.php which sends the email However this works on my localhost as I get the e-mail to my outlook & hotmail account but not since I have hosted it as a live website. I am wondering is there a php conflict with the versions, I am on version 5.3.5. Can you provide any assistance with this please? The code for the sendmail.php file is below; <? $email = $_POST['email'] ; $q = $_POST['q'] ; $message = $_POST['message'] ; mail( "[email protected]", $q, $message, "From: $email" ); print "Thank you for your e-mail, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible, have a nice day."; ?> Thanks, Aidan
  8. Hey All, I always use Blue Host for my websites, but they don't let you use the CREATE TABLE MYSQL command. Does anyone know of any hosting services, reliable ones, that allow you to use this command?? And on a side note, best free web hosting?? Thanks in advance,
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