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hello dear php-experts, the question of the day - how to find a file with a certain text - the commands below do not help here .... the are good but they do not open the file find . | xargs grep "texthere" * grep -r "texthere" . grep -r "a target="_blank"" find ./ -type f | xargs grep "foo" hmm - well i guess that the grep command will help here. well i want to do a seach recursively - through all files in a folder. And i want to open fhe file - after it is found. How can we do this!? love to hear from you
How to convert following perl scripts to php.... my ( $ServiceSet, $Service ); eval { $ServiceSet = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")-> ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE State=\"Running\""); }; unless ($@) { print "\n"; foreach $Service (in $ServiceSet) { print $Service->{Name}, "\n"; if( $Service->{Description} ) { print " $Service->{Description}\n"; } else { print " <No description>\n"; } print " Process ID: ", $Service->{ProcessId}, "\n"; print " Start Mode: ", $Service->{StartMode}, "\n"; print "\n"; } } Above code shows running services from win32_service that i`m taken from Please help.. i want to display running services and display it in table form??? Thank You...
hello dear folks good evening dear PHP-Freaks, well i am not sure if this question fits here - in miscellaneous. but i am pretty sure that many many calc and excel-experts are here in this great forum. what is aimed: want to create a calendar - with 365-chunks that are imported into a caleandar form see some ideas where i can import this i posted the example-calc spreassheet that i want to import. note it has got 365 lines - for 365 days of the next year 2015 what needs to be done ; whats needs to be achieved: i need to impoort the example into the calendar form. see some of the examples -.. if i am able to import the texts (of the collumn ) in a writer or word document each line of the calc needs to get on a sheed of the word or writer. i need to know how to arrange this export of calc into the writer document. if i need to explain it more thoroughiy - just let me know! greetings you matze see some examples of calendar templates Blank daily calendar - Templates Daily lesson planner (color, landscape) - Templates note: all i need to know is to be able to export from calc to any word or calc document... see the attached sample below...
I was tasked out with converting perl subroutines to php, I'm not even a novice I have no clue how to even code this properly. I was given a four hour deadline please help. print "Enter any amount of test scores to find the average, median and standard deviation\nEnter your numbers below, Press Enter after each set, your last set of digits\nPress CTRL-D to receive your information or CTRL-C to cancel.\n"; @gnom = <STDIN>; sub avg { $tot = 0; foreach $num (@gnom) { $tot += $num; $mean = $tot/(scalar @gnom); } print "This the average of your grade are: $mean\n"; } avg; sub med { @gnom = sort(@gnom); if(@gnom % 2 == 0 or 1){ $sum = @gnom[(@gnom/2)-1] + @gnom[(@gnom/2)]; $med = $sum/2; print "The median grade is: $med\n"; } } med; sub stdv { $tot = 0; $tot1 = $tot; foreach $num (@gnom) { $tot += $num; $m = $tot/(scalar @gnom); $tot1 +=($mean-$num)**2; } $n2 = $tot1 / (scalar @gnom); $stderd = sqrt($n2); print "The standard deviation of your grade is: $stderd\n" } stdv;
I have no experience of doing command-line stuff, so am hoping to find some way of installing Webalizer that uses simple ftp to upload files and some way of calling the program to run. 25 years internet experience and some ability with php/mysql, but I don't understand where the Webalizer files go (in a directory, yes, and with a log file to analyse) but *where* to put them and *how* to call them, I haven't figured out at all (yet). I have heard that the latest stable Webalizer version is 2.23 but (also) don't know where to get this from. Any help appreciated.