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Hey guys: I have a database that is full of items. Each item lives in a box, with various accessories. I'm trying to loop through this DB to print out a label for each case that shows the amount of items that are in the case, along with the accessories that belong to it. I currently have a rather convoluted bit of code, that kind of works, but doesn't have the order that I want. My result is currently this: 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 16a to Powercon 2 X 16a to Powercon 2 X 16a to Powercon 2 X 16a to Powercon 2 X 16a to Powercon ********** 12 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 6 X 25kg Safety Bond ********** All the information is there, but due to the way that it loops through it's in the wrong order. I'd like it to be grouped so it looks like this so that it is grouped by box: 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 16a to Powercon 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 16a to Powercon 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 16a to Powercon 4 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 2 X 25kg Safety Bond 2 X 16a to Powercon ********** 12 X Generic lighting hanging clamp 6 X 25kg Safety Bond ********** Here is the code that I'm using. At the moment I'm just concentrating on the if ($item_type == '2') part, but have shown the whole lot so you can see what I'm doing. foreach ($distinct_path as $path) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM current_items WHERE path = '$path'"; $result = $con->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $item_name = $row['item_name']; $item_type = $row['item_type']; $item_qty = $row['qty']; $case_qty = $row['case_qty']; if ($item_type == '1') // THESE ARE MAIN ITEMS { $total_main_qty = $row['qty']; //main item QTY; $main_item_name = $item_name; } // This code will tell us number of full boxes, and number of extra lights left over $amtoffull = $total_main_qty/$case_qty; $amtoffull = floor($amtoffull); // we round down to the nearest whole number $total_left = $total_main_qty - ($case_qty * $amtoffull); if ($item_type == '2') // THESE ARE ACCESSORIES { $asc_qty = $row['qty']; //main item QTY; $asc_qty = $asc_qty/$total_main_qty; // THIS GIVES US THE TOTAL OF ONE Item $asc_qty = $asc_qty * $case_qty; // This is a full case amount //echo $asc_qty ." x ". $item_name ."</p>"; while ($i < $amtoffull) { echo $asc_qty ." X ". $item_name ."</p>"; ++$i; } } $i = 0; } echo "**********"; echo "<p>"; } I think I need to either shift the loops around so they work in a different order, or store everything into an array and then loop through that. Can any one help?
Say I have a table called artists with these fields (artistid, rank). Then say I have an array called $rankadjustments with a value for each artist (like 1, 7, 3,-3, 5, 9, etc). I am doing a MYSQL query that gets the info from artists table and sorts according to the rank field like this... $sql = "SELECT * FROM artists ORDER BY rank"; Easy enough. But what if I would like to bring that data back sorted by (rank + rankadjustment). For example, if the artist ranked 1st had a rank of "1" from mysql, but had a rankadjustment of "5" from the rankadjustment array, his "true" rank would be "6". Again, rankadjustment is NOT a field in my table, otherwise it would obviously be simple. It's calculated on the fly and stored in an array. FYI, the array has an index with their "artistid". For example, $rankadjustment[341][8] would be the artist with an artistid of "341" has a rank adjustment of 8. Is there a way to do this IN the query itself? It doesn't seem possible but wanted to find out for sure. If not, what is best way to do? I assume... Get the data sorted JUST by rank and put it all into an array, then create a new array that adds rank to rankadjustment and reorder by the "new" rank amount? I guess that wouldn't be too bad but again, wanted to make sure I'm not missing something that would allow me to do it all in the query (or just more efficiently). Thanks!
I’m writing a small application that allows me/users to add their own inputs so they can store their own data. It’s kind of like, a user defined database. Think of a super simple “filemaker” kind of application. The way I’ve set this up is like this: Table: item fields: item_id, user_id Table item_attribute Fields: item_attribute_id, item_id, name, value After my query I end up with stuff like this: $data = array( 0=>array( '123'=>array( 'name'=>'Year', 'value'=>'1985' ), '7'=>array( 'name'=>'Title', 'value'=>'Title For 1985' ), '25'=>array( 'name'=>'Length', 'value'=>'60' ) ), 1=>array( '123'=>array( 'name'=>'Year', 'value'=>'1990' ), '7'=>array( 'name'=>'Title', 'value'=>'Title For 1990' ), '25'=>array( 'name'=>'Length', 'value'=>'44' ) ), 2=>array( '123'=>array( 'name'=>'Year', 'value'=>'1965' ), '7'=>array( 'name'=>'Title', 'value'=>'Title For 1965' ), '25'=>array( 'name'=>'Length', 'value'=>'122' ) ) ); This seems to work great as there is no limit to what a user can add - it's working like I would like it to... But now that I’m trying to add sorting/filtering/pagination to results things have gotten extremely difficult on the back end. The only thing I can think of is to pull all the data and then use php algorithms to sort/filter/paginate before sending over to web page. I can see this getting slow if I eventually have to pull 1000s of records. Does anyone have advice in these matters? Should I rethink my db design? Can the results be used to create a temporary table and then sort on it? (don'n know how or if this is even possible) I need some help Thanks.
Hi all, I have a strange problem. I am using the MySQL query SELECT * FROM crh_log WHERE logdetix=$detix ORDER BY logix ASC I have this exact query in two scripts, each gives a different result. logix is the primary key to the table. There are two rows that satisfy this query. One script returns the rows on ascending order of logix, the other is the reverse. I've tried ORDER BY different variables and in one script it never makes a difference - it's as if MySQL is ignoring the ORDER by clause. The MySQL code in the code snippets in attached file are identical. The only difference is that logix is displayed in the able in one script and not in the other.
I have the following code: <? Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); $pathstring=pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $locationstring="http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$pathstring['dirname'] . "/"; function returnimages($dirname=".") { $pattern="(\.jpg$)|(\.jpeg$)|(\.gif$)"; $files = array(); $mostRecent=0; $curimage=0; if($handle = opendir($dirname)) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){ if(eregi($pattern, $file)){ echo 'picsarray[' . $mostRecent .']="' . $file . '";'; $mostRecent++; } } closedir($handle); } return($files); } echo 'var locationstring="' . $locationstring . '";'; echo 'var picsarray=new Array();'; returnimages() ?> I want to sort the images by reverse because This code sort pictures like this: picsarray[0]="2013-11-29 11:42:11 pm.jpg";picsarray[1]="2013-11-29 11:58:24 pm.jpg";picsarray[2]="2013-11-30 12:13:36 am.jpg";picsarray[3]="2013-11-30 12:27:46 am.jpg" I want to sort them by reverse. Anyone can help me to fix this problem?
My table description is as follows **entry_table** - serial(int) - s_name(varchar) - user_id(int) - id(int) **Students_details** - id(int) - user_id(int) - student_name(varchar) - adress(varchar) **User_login** - user_id(int) - user_name(varchar) - password(varchar) - alotment(bool) Scenario is that the students apply for multiple scholarships. Their selections are stored in the entry_table's s_name, user_id and id fields. My next step is to build a sorted list of all the students who applied for a particular scholarship eg:"scholarship1". This list should also show the student's name(student_name field of the students_details table) The lists are to be sorted according to two types of scholarships that the system offers(merit and need). Applicants of the merit scholarship are required to be sorted in descending order using the ratio(obtained marks/ total marks). However, the need scholarship is to be shorted in ascending order as it uses the ratio(family income/no. of non-earning family members) I tried to join my tables using $query = "SELECT *FROM entry_table, students_details WHERE group by entry.s_id,entry.student_id"; Please help in the sorting as per type problem. Also the above query helps joining the tables but doesnt achieve the purpose. thanking you in advance
I have these files in a directory and can easily list to a webpage Daily_CD_20130902.xml Daily_CD_20130903.xml Daily_CO_20130902.xml Daily_CO_20130903.xml Daily_CU_20130902.xml Daily_CU_20130903.xml Daily_EQ_20130902.xml Daily_EQ_20130903.xml Daily_IR_20130902.xml Daily_IR_20130903.xml However, i want to be selective and just select the most recent of each type, so instead of the whole list i want to display Daily_CD_20130903.xml Daily_CO_20130903.xml Daily_CU_20130903.xml Daily_EQ_20130903.xml Daily_IR_20130903.xml Is there an easy way to do this or do i need to take apart the filename, put the date in a date object and then use it to sort. my current code is: public function getFiles() { //return String, form as HTML later $return = ""; // create a resrouce pointing to the directory with the files in it on disk $dir = opendir('DIRECTORY'); //path to that directory that is appended to the URL $actualdir = 'PATH FROM WEBSERVER ROOT'; // read the directory looping over the files and populate to an array while ($entryName = readdir($dir)){ $dirArray[] = $entryName; } //close the directory as we don't need it anymore closedir($dir); //make a note of how many items are in the directory $indexCount = count($dirArray); //loop through the files building up a list of links for($index=0; $index < $indexCount; $index++) { if($dirArray[$index] !="." && $dirArray[$index] !=".."){ $return .= "<a href='"."$actualdir".$dirArray[$index]."'>".$dirArray[$index]."</a><br/>"; } } return $return; } any help is appreciated as this is my first day of PHP
I'm looking to sort this multidimensional array according to its integer value under the key name 'rank'. In other words $r_set contains the combined results of a number of search engines and each result is assigned a 'rank' according to which I want the array to be sorted. $r_set contents look like this -> $google[$google_count] = array ('url'=>$item->link, 'url_title'=>$item->title, 'snippet' =>$item->htmlSnippet, 'rank' => 100-$google_count, 'engine' => 'Google'); $google_count++; I load a number of these kinds of results(.ie $google[google_count] and others like it) in to $r_set when they have the same structure. I want $r_set to be sorted by its 'rank' key starting highest to lowest.
Hi Im new here.. Im a PHP noo-b i have this simple code with sorting and pagination with dummy data (firstname,lastname,age) I would like to add some simple search to not sure if im doing this right currentlty the search is not working properly for testing purpose, right now i limit 3 records per page a. when i search record and search result is display..Pagination link is still display even i have only 1record search result b. if i have 4 records found, when i click the 2nd page, the search result is gone and table is back to default view c. in table default view, clicking 2nd page and try to search record, records are not found because its looking under the 2nd page and not all of the table sorry for my English <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"> <html> <head> <title>Paging</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000"> <form method="post" action="" > <br />Search <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" value="Search"/></form><br /> <?php require "connect.php"; // All database details will be included here // define values the rest of the code uses $table = 'person'; // database table name $sorts = array('firstname'=>'First Name','lastname'=>'Last Name','age'=>'Age'); // list of permissible sort choices $sort_bys = array('asc','desc'); // list of permissible order by choices $limit = 3; // No of records to be shown per page. // condition inputs/set default values $start = (isset($_GET['start'])) ? (int)$_GET['start'] : 0; // default to starting row 0 if not specified $sort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'firstname'; // default to firstname if not specified $sort_by = (isset($_GET['sort_by'])) ? $_GET['sort_by'] : 'asc'; // default to asc if not specified // validate sort input (used as a keyword in query statement) if(!array_key_exists($sort,$sorts)){ $sort = 'firstname'; // default to firstname } // validate sort_by input (used as a keyword in query statement) if(!in_array($sort_by,$sort_bys)){ $sort_by = 'asc'; // default to asc } $eu = $start; $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu - $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; // get opposite sort_by value for producing toggle links in the table heading (only) if($sort_by == 'asc'){ $sort_order = 'desc'; } else { $sort_order = 'asc'; } /////////////// WE have to find out the number of records in our table. We will use this to break the pages/////// $query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table"; $result=mysql_query($query); //echo $query, mysql_error(); list($nume) = mysql_fetch_row($result); /////// The variable nume above will store the total number of records in the table//// /////////// Now let us print the table headers //////////////// $bgcolor="#f1f1f1"; echo "<table border='1'>" ; echo "<tr> <th>ID</th>"; // dynamically produce choices/columns foreach($sorts as $key=>$value){ echo "<th><a href='?sort=$key&sort_by=$sort_order'>$value</a></th>"; } echo "</tr>"; ////////////// Now let us start executing the query with variables $eu and $limit set at the top of the page/////////// //$query="SELECT * FROM $table ORDER BY $sort $sort_by limit $eu, $limit"; $query="SELECT * FROM $table where firstname like '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%' or lastname like '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%' or age like '%" . $_POST['search'] . "%' ORDER BY $sort $sort_by limit $eu, $limit"; $result=mysql_query($query); //echo $query, mysql_error(); $count = (isset($eu) && $eu > 0) ? $eu+1 : 1; //////////////// Now we will display the returned records in side the rows of the table///////// while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // toggle bgcolor if($bgcolor=='#f1f1f1'){$bgcolor='#ffffff';} else{$bgcolor='#f1f1f1';} echo "<tr >"; echo "<td align=left bgcolor=$bgcolor id='title'> <font face='Verdana' size='2'>"; echo $count++; echo "</font></td>"; echo "<td>$rows[firstname]</td>"; echo "<td>$rows[lastname]</td>"; echo "<td>$rows[age]</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ////////////////////////////// End of displaying the table with records //////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// if($nume > $limit ){ // Let us display bottom links if sufficient records are there for paging /////////////// Start the bottom links with Prev and next link with page numbers ///////////////// echo "<table align = 'center' width='50%'><tr><td align='left' width='30%'>"; //// if our variable $back is equal to 0 or more then only we will display the link to move back //////// if($back >=0){ $_GET['start'] = $back; // only modify the 'start' value, all others left as is $q = http_build_query($_GET,'','&'); print "<a href='?$q'><font face='Verdana' size='2'>PREV</font></a>"; } //////////////// Let us display the page links at center. We will not display the current page as a link /////////// echo "</td><td align=center width='30%'>"; $i=0; $l=1; for($i=0;$i < $nume;$i=$i+$limit){ if($i <> $eu){ $_GET['start'] = $i; // only modify the 'start' value, all others left as is $q = http_build_query($_GET,'','&'); echo " <a href='?$q'><font face='Verdana' size='2'>$l</font></a> "; } else { echo "<font face='Verdana' size='4' color=red>$l</font>";} /// Current page is not displayed as link and given font color red $l=$l+1; } echo "</td><td align='right' width='30%'>"; ///////////// If we are not in the last page then Next link will be displayed. Here we check that ///// if($this1 < $nume){ $_GET['start'] = $next; // only modify the 'start' value, all others left as is $q = http_build_query($_GET,'','&'); print "<a href='?$q'><font face='Verdana' size='2'>NEXT</font></a>"; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; }// end of if checking sufficient records are there to display bottom navigational link. include "menu.php"; ?>
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Hello all! I've posted here in the past and had great success, hoping for the same today. I have a wordpress site and I'm trying to pull the members into a page and sort them by results. It's a Musicians site and I need to be able to sort the members by the instruments they play. This code will pull the members into the page and you can see the results at: <?php $args = array( 'fields' => 'all', 'role' => 'Subscriber', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key'=>'instrument' )) ); $members = get_users($args); //custom function for comparing the data we want to sort by function cmp($a, $B){ if ($a->instrument == $b->instrument) { return 0; } return ($a->instrument > $b->instrument) ? 1 : -1; } usort($members, 'cmp'); foreach ($members as $member ) { // get all the user's data $member_info = get_userdata($member->ID); echo '<div id="membox">'; echo $member_info->first_name. ' ' .$member_info->last_name.'<br />'; echo $member_info->address_1.'<br />'; echo $member_info->city.', '.$member_info->state.', '.$member_info->zip.'<br />'; echo $member_info->phone.'<br />'; echo '<a href="mailto:'.$member_info->email.'">'.$member_info->email.'</a><br />'; foreach ($member_info->instrument as $inst) { echo '<b>'.$inst.'</b>, '; } echo '</div>'; } ?> What I want to do is have the Instrument as a title and have all of the members that play that instrument listed like this: <h1>Accordian</h1> Arpi Anderson 1234 Whitfield Avenue Cincinnati, OH, 45220 513-111-1111 [email protected] Accordion, David Abbott 123 N. Ft. Thomas Ave. Ft. Thomas, KY, 41075 859-111-1111 [email protected] Accordion, Acoustic, <h1>Violin</h1> Ann Baer 123 Cabinridge Batavia, OH, 45103 513-111-1111 [email protected] Violin, Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks
I got myself wrapped up in something I can't get figured. In the following code, I would like to order the list of properties ("<div class="property">") by the "$pr_street" variable. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, <?php /////////////// SEO /////////////// $keywords = ""; $description = ""; /////////////// DB Connection /////////////////// include('../includes/connect.php'); include('../includes/login.php'); if(isset($_GET['delete'])){ $del_id = $_GET['delete']; $sel_del_imgs_q = "SELECT * FROM pr_imgs WHERE pr_id = '$del_id'"; $pr_img_del_result = mysqli_query($db, $sel_del_imgs_q); while($pr_del_imgs = mysqli_fetch_array($pr_img_del_result)){ $pr_del_img_id[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_id']; $pr_del_img_path_xl[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_path_xl']; $pr_del_img_path_l[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_path_l']; $pr_del_img_path_m[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_path_m']; $pr_del_img_path_s[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_path_s']; $pr_del_img_path_xs[] = $pr_del_imgs['pr_img_path_xs']; } for($i = 0; $i < count($pr_del_img_id);$i++){ if(!empty($pr_del_img_path_xl[$i])){ unlink('..'.$pr_del_img_path_xl[$i]); } if(!empty($pr_del_img_path_l[$i])){ unlink('..'.$pr_del_img_path_l[$i]); } if(!empty($pr_del_img_path_m[$i])){ unlink('..'.$pr_del_img_path_m[$i]); } if(!empty($pr_del_img_path_s[$i])){ unlink('..'.$pr_del_img_path_s[$i]); } if(!empty($pr_del_img_path_xs[$i])){ unlink('..'.$pr_del_img_path_xs[$i]); } } $dir_to_remove = dirname(getcwd()).'/images/properties/'.$del_id; rmdir($dir_to_remove); $delete_query = "DELETE property, pr_imgs FROM property LEFT OUTER JOIN pr_imgs ON property.pr_id = pr_imgs.pr_id WHERE property.pr_id = '$del_id'"; $deleted = mysqli_query($db, $delete_query); if($deleted){ header('Location:index.php'); //print $delete_query; } } $sel_pr_type = 1; // 1 = For Rent Residential, 2 = For Rent Commercial, 3 = For Sale $pr_sel_query = "SELECT * FROM property LEFT OUTER JOIN pr_imgs ON property.pr_id = pr_imgs.pr_id AND pr_imgs.pr_img_count = '0' ORDER BY property.pr_live DESC, property.pr_modified DESC"; $result = mysqli_query($db,$pr_sel_query); while($pr_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $pr_id[] = $pr_row[0]; $pr_type[] = $pr_row['pr_type']; $pr_live[] = $pr_row['pr_live']; $pr_title[] = $pr_row['pr_title']; $pr_street[] = $pr_row['pr_street']; $pr_city[] = $pr_row['pr_city']; $pr_state[] = $pr_row['pr_state']; $pr_zip[] = $pr_row['pr_zip']; $pr_price[] = $pr_row['pr_price']; $pr_bedroom[] = $pr_row['pr_bedroom']; $pr_bathroom[] = $pr_row['pr_bathroom']; $pr_size[] = $pr_row['pr_size']; $pr_img_path_s[] = $pr_row['pr_img_path_s']; } include('../includes/head.php'); include('../includes/header.php'); ob_end_flush(); // ob_start() in /includes/login.php ?> <div class="content"> <div class="hldr"> <?php if($loggedin){ ?> <div class="left"> <h2><a href="/admin/">Admin</a></h2> <?php for($i = 0; $i < count($pr_id); $i++){ if($pr_live[$i] == 1){ $islive[$i] = ' • <span class="live">Live</span>'; } ?> <div class="property"> <div class="thumb"><a href="/property_details.php?property=<?php print $pr_id[$i]; ?>"><img src="<?php print $pr_img_path_s[$i]; ?>" width="100" height="100" /></a></div> <div class="details"> <h4><a href="/property_details.php?property=<?php print $pr_id[$i]; ?>"><?php print $pr_title[$i]; ?></a></h4> <ul> <li>Bedroom: <?php print $pr_bedroom[$i]; ?> • Bathroom: <?php print $pr_bathroom[$i]; ?></li> <li class="adrs"><?php print $pr_street[$i].', '.$pr_city[$i].', '.$pr_state[$i].' '.$pr_zip[$i]; ?></li> <li>Price: $<?php print $pr_price[$i]; ?> 4 • Size: <?php print $pr_size[$i]; ?> sq ft</li> <li><a href="/admin/add-property.php?edit=<?php print $pr_id[$i]; ?>">EDIT</a> • <a href="/admin/index.php?delete=<?php print $pr_id[$i]; ?>" class="red" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to deletet this Property?');">DELETE</a><?php print $islive[$i]; ?></li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="sidebarHome"> <div class="sidebarHome"> <p><strong><a href="/admin/">Admin Home</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="add-property.php">Add Property</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="for-rent-res.php">Edit Properties for Rent - Residential</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="for-rent-com.php">Edit Properties for Rent - Commercial</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="for-sale.php">Edit Properties for Sale </a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="index.php?logout=1">Log Out </a></strong></p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <?php }else { ?> <div class="fullpage"> <div class="login"> <?php print $error_msg; ?> <form method="post" action="index.php"> <label>Username:</label> <input type="text" name="user" class="txt" /> <label>Password:</label> <input type="password" name="pass" class="txt" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="submit" /> </form> </form> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include('../includes/footer.php'); ?>