Hi all,
I am trying to get information from mysql by firstly joining a couple of tables such as:
"SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM airports INNER JOIN rosters ON airports.IATA = rosters.Dep WHERE rosters.Dep = 'BGY'";
I would also however like to select another airports.Latitude and airports.Longitude in the same query.
Something like...
"SELECT Latitude AS departure_lat, Longitude AS depatrure_lng FROM airports INNER JOIN rosters ON airports.IATA = rosters.Dep WHERE rosters.Dep = 'BGY'
SELECT airports.Latitude AS arrival_lat, airports.Longitude AS arrival_lng FROM airports INNER JOIN rosters ON airports.IATA = rosters.Arr WHERE rosters.Arr = 'CRL'";
So basically, I am trying to get the departure and destination latitude and longitudes from an airport where departure = BGY and arrival = CRL using one query.
Thanks for any help!