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  1. Hello, This is my first post on the forum and I'm super glad that I found it! hopefully you can help me. I am trying to edit a wordpress plugin (https://github.com/samsonw/wp-grid-archives). It is an archive plugin that displays post title and excerpt sorted by date. I want to get it to display the post thumbnail or featured image. I posted the code I think i need to be changing at the bottom. I tried various things like placing <?php the_post_thumbnail( $size, $attr ); ?> But I can't work it out. Thank you very much for any help. It will be greatly appreciated! Luke define('GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION', '1.6.0'); /** * Guess the wp-content and plugin urls/paths */ // Pre-2.6 compatibility if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_URL' ) ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-content' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) define( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL. '/plugins' ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins' ); define('GRID_ARCHIVES_POSTS_TRANSIENT_KEY', 'grid_archives_posts'); define('GRID_ARCHIVES_OPTION_NAME', 'grid_archives_options'); if (!class_exists("GridArchives")) { class GridArchives { var $options; var $style; function GridArchives() { $this->plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); add_action('wp_print_styles', array(&$this, 'load_styles')); add_action('admin_print_scripts', array(&$this, 'load_admin_scripts')); add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array(&$this, 'load_scripts')); add_shortcode('grid_archives', array(&$this, 'display_archives')); // admin menu add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'grid_archives_settings')); // invalidate cache add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'delete_cache')); add_action('edit_post', array(&$this, 'delete_cache')); add_action('delete_post', array(&$this, 'delete_cache')); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'install')); } // Grab all posts and filter them into an array private function get_posts($category) { // If we have a non-expire cached copy of the filtered posts array, use that instead if($posts = get_transient(GRID_ARCHIVES_POSTS_TRANSIENT_KEY)) { return $posts; } $category_id = get_cat_ID($category); // Get a simple array of all posts under category $category_id $rawposts = get_posts(array('numberposts' => -1, 'category' => $category_id, 'order' => $this->options['sort_direction'])); // Trim some memory foreach ( $rawposts as $key => $rawpost ) $rawposts[$key]->post_content = $this->get_excerpt($rawposts[$key]->post_content, $this->options['post_content_max_len']); // Loop through each post and sort it into a structured array foreach( $rawposts as $key => $post ) { $posts[ mysql2date('Y', $post->post_date) ][ mysql2date('Y.m', $post->post_date) ][] = $post; $rawposts[$key] = null; } $rawposts = null; // More memory cleanup if($posts === null) { $posts = array(); } // Store the results into the WordPress transient, expires in 1 day (24 hours) set_transient(GRID_ARCHIVES_POSTS_TRANSIENT_KEY, $posts, 60*60*24); return $posts; } private function get_date_format($attr) { if($attr['month_date_format'] === 'default'){ $month_date_format = $this->options['month_date_format']; if($month_date_format === 'custom'){ $month_date_format = $this->options['month_date_format_custom']; } }else{ $month_date_format = $attr['month_date_format']; } if($attr['post_date_format'] === 'default'){ $post_date_format = $this->options['post_date_format']; if($post_date_format === 'custom'){ $post_date_format = $this->options['post_date_format_custom']; } }else{ $post_date_format = $attr['post_date_format']; } return array($month_date_format, $post_date_format); } private function compose_html_classic($posts, $monthly_summaries, $attr) { list($month_date_format, $post_date_format) = $this->get_date_format($attr); $html = '<div id="grid_archives" class="grid_archives_column">' . '<ul>'; foreach ($posts as $post_year => $yearly_posts) { foreach ($yearly_posts as $yearmonth => $monthly_posts) { list($year, $month) = explode('.', $yearmonth); $html .= '<li class="ga_year_month">' . '<a href="' . get_month_link( $year, $month ) . '" title="Monthly Archives: ' . $yearmonth . '">'. mysql2date($month_date_format, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($year . '-' . $month))) . '</a>'; if(!empty($monthly_summaries[$yearmonth])){ $html .= '<span class="ga_monthly_summary">“' . $monthly_summaries[$yearmonth] . '”'; }else { $html .= '<span class="ga_monthly_summary">' . $this->options['default_monthly_summary']; } $html .= '</span></li>'; foreach ($monthly_posts as $post) { $html .= '<li class="ga_post">' . '<div class="ga_post_main">' . '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" title="' . $post->post_title . '">' . $this->get_excerpt($post->post_title, $this->options['post_title_max_len']) . '</a>' . '<p>' . $post->post_content . '</p>' . '</div>'; if(!$this->options['post_date_not_display']){ $html .= '<p class="ga_post_date">' . mysql2date($post_date_format, $post->post_date) . '</p>'; } $html .= '</li>'; } } } $html .= '</ul>' . '</div>'; return $html; } private function compose_html_compact($posts, $monthly_summaries, $attr) { list($month_date_format, $post_date_format) = $this->get_date_format($attr); $compact_month_list_date_format = $this->options['compact_month_list_date_format']; if($compact_month_list_date_format === 'custom'){ $compact_month_list_date_format = $this->options['compact_month_list_date_format_custom']; } $html = '<div id="grid_archives" class="grid_archives_column">'; $html .= '<ul class="ga_year_list">'; foreach ($posts as $year => $yearly_posts) { $html .= '<li><a href="' . get_year_link($year) . '" title="Archives of Year ' . $year . '">' . $year . '</a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; foreach ($posts as $post_year => $yearly_posts) { $html .= '<div class="ga_pane">'; if(!$this->options['compact_hide_month_list']){ $html .= '<ul class="ga_month_list">'; $month_numbers = $this->get_months('numeric'); $month_range = $this->options['sort_direction'] === 'desc' ? range( 12, 1 ) : range( 1, 12 ); foreach ( $month_range as $i ) { $month_name = mysql2date($compact_month_list_date_format, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($post_year . '-' . $month_numbers[$i]))); $month_post_count = count($yearly_posts[$post_year . '.' . $month_numbers[$i]]); if ($month_post_count > 0) { $html .= '<li class="ga_active_month"><a href="#' . $post_year . '_' . $month_numbers[$i] . '" title="' . $month_post_count . ' ' . ($month_post_count === 1 ? 'post' : 'posts') . '">' . $month_name . '</a></li>'; }else { $html .= '<li><span title="No post">' . $month_name . '</span></li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '<ul>'; foreach ($yearly_posts as $yearmonth => $monthly_posts) { list($year, $month) = explode('.', $yearmonth); $html .= '<li id="' . $year . '_' . $month . '" class="ga_year_month">' . '<a href="' . get_month_link( $year, $month ) . '" title="Monthly Archives: ' . $yearmonth . '">'. mysql2date($month_date_format, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($year . '-' . $month))) . '</a>'; if(!empty($monthly_summaries[$yearmonth])){ $html .= '<span class="ga_monthly_summary">“' . $monthly_summaries[$yearmonth] . '”'; }else { $html .= '<span class="ga_monthly_summary">' . $this->options['default_monthly_summary']; } $html .= '</span></li>'; foreach ($monthly_posts as $post) { $html .= '<li class="ga_post">' . '<div class="ga_post_main">' . '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" title="' . $post->post_title . '">' . $this->get_excerpt($post->post_title, $this->options['post_title_max_len']) . '</a>' . '<p>' . $post->post_content . '</p>' . '</div>'; if(!$this->options['post_date_not_display']){ $html .= '<p class="ga_post_date">' . mysql2date($post_date_format, $post->post_date) . '</p>'; } $html .= '</li>'; } } $html .= '</ul></div>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } private function get_months( $format = 'long' ) { global $wp_locale; $months = array(); foreach ( range( 1, 12 ) as $i ) { if ( 'numeric' == $format ) { $months[$i] = zeroise( $i, 2 ); continue; } $month = $wp_locale->get_month( $i ); if ( 'short' == $format ) { $month = $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $month ); } $months[$i] = esc_html( $month ); } return $months; } private function get_excerpt($text, $length = 90) { if (!$length || mb_strlen($text, 'utf8') <= $length) return $text; $text = strip_tags($text); $text = preg_replace('/\(\(([^\)]*?)\)\)/', '(${1})', $text); $text = preg_replace('|\[(.+?)\](.+?\[/\\1\])?|s', '', $text); $text = mb_substr($text, 0, $length, 'utf8') . " ..."; return $text; } private function parse_summaries($str) { $summaries = array(); foreach (explode("\n", trim($str)) as $line) { if(strpos($line, '##') !== FALSE){ list($yearmonth, $summary) = array_map('trim', explode("##", $line, 2)); if (!empty($yearmonth)){ $summaries[$yearmonth] = stripslashes($summary); } } } return $summaries; } private function get_options() { $options = array('style_format' => 'classic', 'compact_hide_month_list' => false, 'compact_month_list_date_format' => 'F', 'compact_month_list_date_format_custom' => 'F', 'sort_direction' => 'desc', 'post_title_max_len' => 60, 'post_content_max_len' => 90, 'post_date_not_display' => false, 'post_date_format' => 'j M Y', 'post_date_format_custom' => 'j M Y', 'month_date_format' => 'Y.m', 'month_date_format_custom' => 'Y.m', 'post_hovered_highlight' => true, 'monthly_summary_hovered_rotate' => true, 'custom_css_styles' => '', 'load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page' => false, 'grid_archives_page_names' => 'archives, grid-archives', 'default_monthly_summary' => '“... ...”', 'monthly_summaries' => "2010.09##It was AWESOME!\n2010.08##Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."); $saved_options = get_option(GRID_ARCHIVES_OPTION_NAME); if (!empty($saved_options)) { foreach ($saved_options as $key => $option) $options[$key] = $option; } if ($saved_options != $options) { update_option(GRID_ARCHIVES_OPTION_NAME, $options); } return $options; } function handle_grid_archives_settings() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') ); } $options = $this->get_options(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { check_admin_referer('grid-archives-nonce'); $orig_options = $options; $options = array(); $options['style_format'] = $_POST['style_format']; $options['compact_hide_month_list'] = isset($_POST['compact_hide_month_list']) ? (boolean)$_POST['compact_hide_month_list'] : false; $options['compact_month_list_date_format'] = $_POST['compact_month_list_date_format']; $options['compact_month_list_date_format_custom'] = stripslashes($_POST['compact_month_list_date_format_custom']); $options['sort_direction'] = $_POST['sort_direction']; $options['post_title_max_len'] = (int)$_POST['post_title_max_len']; $options['post_content_max_len'] = (int)$_POST['post_content_max_len']; $options['post_date_not_display'] = isset($_POST['post_date_not_display']) ? (boolean)$_POST['post_date_not_display'] : false; $options['post_date_format'] = $_POST['post_date_format']; $options['post_date_format_custom'] = stripslashes($_POST['post_date_format_custom']); $options['month_date_format'] = $_POST['month_date_format']; $options['month_date_format_custom'] = stripslashes($_POST['month_date_format_custom']); $options['post_hovered_highlight'] = isset($_POST['post_hovered_highlight']) ? (boolean)$_POST['post_hovered_highlight'] : false; $options['monthly_summary_hovered_rotate'] = isset($_POST['monthly_summary_hovered_rotate']) ? (boolean)$_POST['monthly_summary_hovered_rotate'] : false; $options['load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page'] = isset($_POST['load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page']) ? (boolean)$_POST['load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page'] : false; $options['grid_archives_page_names'] = $options['load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page'] ? stripslashes($_POST['grid_archives_page_names']) : $orig_options['grid_archives_page_names']; $options['custom_css_styles'] = stripslashes($_POST['custom_css_styles']); $options['default_monthly_summary'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['default_monthly_summary'])); $options['monthly_summaries'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['monthly_summaries'])); update_option(GRID_ARCHIVES_OPTION_NAME, $options); $this->delete_cache(); echo '<div class="updated" id="message"><p>Settings saved.</p></div>'; } include_once("grid-archives-options.php"); } private function get_style_format($style){ switch ($style) { case 'classic': case 'compact': break; case 'default': default: $style = $this->options['style_format']; break; } return $style; } function display_archives($atts){ extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'category' => 'General', 'style' => 'default', 'month_date_format' => 'default', 'post_date_format' => 'default' ), $atts ) ); $this->style = $this->get_style_format($style); $posts = $this->get_posts($category); $monthly_summaries = $this->parse_summaries($this->options['monthly_summaries']); return call_user_func(array($this, 'compose_html_' . $this->style), $posts, $monthly_summaries, array('month_date_format' => $month_date_format, 'post_date_format' => $post_date_format)); } function grid_archives_settings() { add_options_page('Grid Archives Settings', 'Grid Archives', 'manage_options', 'grid-archives-settings', array(&$this, 'handle_grid_archives_settings')); } private function load_extra_resources(){ if($this->options['load_resources_only_in_grid_archives_page']){ $load_extra = false; // if enabled, only load resources file (css, js etc) in those specific files foreach(array_map('trim', explode(",", $this->options['grid_archives_page_names'])) as $page_name){ $load_extra = is_page($page_name); if($load_extra) break; } }else{ // disabled, load $load_extra = true; } return $load_extra; } function load_styles(){ $this->options = $this->get_options(); if($this->load_extra_resources()){ $css_url = $this->plugin_url . '/grid-archives.css'; wp_register_style('grid_archives', $css_url, array(), GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION, 'screen'); wp_enqueue_style('grid_archives'); if($this->options['post_hovered_highlight'] || $this->options['monthly_summary_hovered_rotate']) { $effect_css_url = $this->plugin_url . '/grid-archives-effect-css.php'; wp_register_style('grid_archives_effect', $effect_css_url, array(), GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION, 'screen'); wp_enqueue_style('grid_archives_effect'); } $custom_css_styles = trim($this->options['custom_css_styles']); if(!empty($custom_css_styles)) { $custom_css_url = $this->plugin_url . '/grid-archives-custom-css.php'; wp_register_style('grid_archives_custom', $custom_css_url, array(), GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION, 'screen'); wp_enqueue_style('grid_archives_custom'); } } } function load_scripts(){ if($this->load_extra_resources() && 'compact' === $this->style){ $jquery_tools_url = $this->plugin_url . '/jquery.tools.tabs.min.js'; wp_register_script('jquery.tools', $jquery_tools_url, 'jquery' , '1.2.5'); $js_url = $this->plugin_url . '/grid-archives.js'; wp_register_script('grid_archives', $js_url, array('jquery', 'jquery.tools') , GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION); wp_print_scripts('grid_archives'); } } function load_admin_scripts(){ $admin_script_url = $this->plugin_url . '/grid-archives-options.js'; wp_register_script('grid_archives_admin_script', $admin_script_url, 'jquery', GRID_ARCHIVES_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('grid_archives_admin_script'); } function delete_cache() { delete_transient(GRID_ARCHIVES_POSTS_TRANSIENT_KEY); } function install() { $this->options = $this->get_options(); } } } if (class_exists("GridArchives")) { $grid_archives = new GridArchives(); } ?>
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