So basically, I have got VirtulBox set up and running on my personal mac. It's for my own learning/development really. I have installed git, gitolite and gitweb on my virtual server (Guest VM is Ubuntu) and I am getting used to the basics of git.
I have a github account and I want to take my git learning to the next level and put my project on to github. I am looking in to this but VirtualBox is saying that I should install GitHub Enterprise which doesn't feel right to me. This is just one guy's development..
Instead I created a new repository on github and ran this;
git remote add origin
I got an error,
fatal: unable to access '[username]/[project]': Could not resolve host:
Is it because I am doing it from a virtual environment? Would it be easier for me to set up git on my OXS instead and push/pull from the local dev folder?
I'd rather not do it that way.. Advice?