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[SOLVED] problems with the floor function


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I am having problems with the floor function when having to deal with higher integers when using an input tag.

my tag looks like this:


<input class="button" type="button" value="max" maxlength="30" onClick="document.store.medi.value=<?=floor($user["cash"]/20)?>">      <input type="text" class="entry" maxlength="30" size="8" name="medi">


for example, I have 278430613974337550 in cash and i hit the 'max' button, well instead of inputing 13921530698716877 in the text field, it will round up to 13921530698717000.


Does anyone know why and how to fix this issue,


thank you :)

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what happens if you enter the number manually in your script


say..you change this line






if that gives you a correct number then something's wrong in your database

most likely your datatype, which would maintain the length of the number (or amount of cash)

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yes, the number is correct in the database.

going back to the script, i was looking in the page and there is this before we get to the input tag. Would this play games with the floor function?



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mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET currently='at the pharmacy' WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
if($REMOTE_ADDR == ""){ mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET currently='admining the game', WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'"); }
  $pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT crew FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
   $pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT status FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';")) or die(mysql_error());
   $pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pimp,crew,protection,protectionstart,alert FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT cash,condom,medicine,crack,weed,thugs,hoehappy,thughappy FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

$need = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT game FROM $tab[set] WHERE round='$rid';"));
$nogunbuy = $need["game"];


if ($buy || $sell)
      if ((maxlength($cond) == bad) ||
          (maxlength($medi) == bad) ||
          (maxlength($crac) == bad) ||
          (maxlength($weed) == bad) ||
          {$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot buy/sell that amount at a time</font>';}
   elseif (($cond) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$cond)) || ($medi) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$medi)) || ($chem) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$chem)) || ($thug) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$thug)) || ($gloc) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$gloc)) || ($shot) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$shot)) || ($uzis) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$uzis)) || ($ak47) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$ak47)) || ($crac) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$crac)) || ($weed) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$weed)) || ($drug) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$drug)) || ($stre) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$stre)) || ($lowr) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$lowr)) || ($humm) && (eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$humm))) {
       $error='<font color="#FFCC00">No item selected</font><br/>'; }
           if($buy){ $cost=$cond*1+$medi*20+$thug*1000+$gloc*500+$shot*1000+$uzis*2500+$ak47*5000+$crac*10+$weed*5+$stre*500+$lowr*2500+$humm*3000; }
       elseif($sell){ $cost=$gloc*375+$shot*750+$uzis*1875+$ak47*3750+$lowr*1875+$stre*375+$humm*2250; }
       if (($buy) && ($cost > $user["cash"])){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You dont have enough cash.</font><br/>';}
   elseif (($sell) && ($cond)){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot sell Condoms.</font><br/>';}
   elseif (($sell) && ($weed)){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot sell Weed.</font><br/>';}
   elseif (($sell) && ($crac)){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot sell Crack.</font><br/>';}
   elseif (($sell) && ($medi)){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot sell Medicine.</font><br/>';}
   elseif (($sell) && ($thug)){$error='<font color="#FFCC00">You cannot sell thugs.</font><br/>';}
	   if($buy){ $user["cash"] -= $cost;
	   $user["condom"] += $cond;
	   $user["medicine"] += $medi;
	   $user["crack"] += $crac;
	   $user["weed"] += $weed;
	   $user["thugs"] += $thug;
	   $user["glock"] += $gloc;
	   $user["shotgun"] += $shot;
	   $user["uzi"] += $uzis;$user["ak47"] += $ak47;
	   $user["streetbike"] += $stre;$user["lowrider"] += $lowr;$user["hummer"] += $humm; }
	    //$user["chemist"] += $chem;$user["chemical"] += $drug;
	   if($sell){ $user["cash"] += $cost;
           mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET cash='$user[cash]', condom='$user[condom]', medicine='$user[medicine]', crack='$user[crack]', weed='$user[weed]', thugs='$user[thugs]' WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
  $worth = fixinput($worth);
      mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET hoehappy='$wappy', thughappy='$tappy',worth='$worth', online='$time' WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT status,hoehappy,thughappy,messages,crewmessages,attacks,invites,crew FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT cash,glock,shotgun,uzi,ak47,streetbike,lowrider,hummer,condom,medicine,crack,weed,thugs,hoes,hoehappy,thughappy FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
<title>Cartelz - You Gotta Grow The Green To Make The Green</title>
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font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
color: #666666;
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<div  align="center" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;">
<div class="boxdef-hd">
	<div class="boxdef"> 
		 <form name="store" method="post" action="../pharmacy.php?rid=<?=$rid?><?if($buying){?>&buying=<?=$buying?><?}elseif($pawn){?>&pawn=<?=$pawn?><?}?>">
           if(($buy) && ($cost > 0)){?><font color="#0CFF00" size="+1"><b>Items Purchase:</b></font><br/><?}
           if(($sell) && ($cost > 0)){?><font color="#0CFF00" size="+1"><b>Items Sold for <font color="#0CFF00">$<?=commas($cost)?></font>:</b></font><br/><?}
           if($cond == 1){echo "$cond condom<br/>";}elseif($cond > 1){echo "$cond Condoms<br/>";}
           if($medi == 1){echo "$medi box of Medicine<br/>";}elseif($medi > 1){echo "$medi boxes of Medicine<br/>";}
           if($crac == 1){echo "$crac crackrock<br/>";}elseif($crac > 1){echo "$crac Crack<br/>";}
           if($weed == 1){echo "$weed gram of Weed<br/>";}elseif($weed > 1){echo "$weed grams of Weed<br/>";}
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
  <td align="center" valign="top">
    <table width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" style="padding:5px">
     <td class="ranktop" align="center" colspan="6"><font size="+1"><b>Pharmacy</b></font></td>
<td width="50"> </td>
     <td align="left"><u>QTY:</u></td>
     <td align="center"><u>Price:</u></td>
     <td align="right"><u>Own:</u></td> 
<td><a href="#" onMouseover="popup('<span class=styleGreen>Condoms</span><br>little jimmies!')"; onMouseout="kill()"><img src="images/purchaseicons/condom.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" /></a></td>
     <td align="left">

      <input class="button" type="button"  value="max" maxlength="30" onClick="document.store.cond.value=<?=floor($user["cash"]/1)?>">
      <input type="text" class="entry" maxlength="30" size="8" name="cond">

     <td align="center"><font color="#0CFF00">$1</font></td>  
     <td align="right"><?=commas($user["condom"])?></td>    
<td><a href="#" onMouseover="popup('<span class=styleGreen>Medicine</span><br>cure the crabs!')"; onMouseout="kill()"><img src="images/purchaseicons/meds.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" /></a></td>
     <td  align="left">
  <input class="button" type="button" value="max" maxlength="30" onClick="document.store.medi.value=<?=floor($user["cash"]/20)?>">      <input type="text" class="entry" maxlength="30" size="8" name="medi">
     <td align="center"><font color="#0CFF00">$20</font></td>
     <td align="right"><?=commas($user["medicine"])?></td> 
<td><a href="#" onMouseover="popup('<span class=styleGreen>Weed</span><br>The Bomb Bud!')"; onMouseout="kill()"><img src="images/purchaseicons/weed.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" /></a></td>
     <td  align="left">
  <input class="button" type="button" value="max" maxlength="30" onClick="document.store.weed.value=<?=floor($user["cash"]/5)?>">
  <input type="text" class="entry" maxlength="30" size="8" name="weed">
     <td align="center"><font color="#0CFF00">$5</font></td>
     <td align="right"><?=commas($user["weed"])?></td>    
<td><a href="#" onMouseover="popup('<span class=styleGreen>Crack</span><br>Free your mind!')"; onMouseout="kill()"><img src="images/purchaseicons/crack.png" width="50" height="50" border="0" /></a></td>
     <td  align="left">
  <input class="button" type="button" maxlength="30" value="max" onClick="document.store.crac.value=<?=floor($user["cash"]/10)?>">      <input type="text" class="entry" maxlength="30" size="8" name="crac">
     <td align="center"><font color="#0CFF00">$10</font></td>
     <td align="right"><?=commas($user["crack"])?></td>
  <td align="center" colspan="7">
    <input type="submit" class="button" name="buy" value="buy"> <input type="submit" class="button" name="sell" value="sell">
<td align="center" colspan="7">
<b>You have <font color="#b4b4b4">$<?=commas($user["cash"])?></font> cash on hand.</b>

$con=round(($user[hoes]*5)-$user[condom]); if(0 > $con){$con=0;}
$med=round(($user[hoes]*1.5)-$user[medicine]); if(0 > $med){$med=0;}
$cra=round(($user[hoes]*2.5)-$user[crack]); if(0 > $cra){$cra=0;}


if($conprice > $change){ $con=round($change/1); $change=$change-($con*1); }
if($medprice > $change){ $med=round($change/20); $change=$change-($med*20); }
if($craprice > $change){ $cra=round($change/10); $change=$change-($cra*10); }

if (isset($user)) unset($user);

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its in another file that game_html calls.


function cash($turns){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT hoes,payout FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$rand1=(rand(6, );$rand2=(rand(8, 10));
$money=$turns*(rand($rand1, $rand2));
return "$money";

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zanus here is Game_html


function secureheader(){
global $id, $tab, $time, $game, $pkuser, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT username,online,status FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));

    if (!$user){ setcookie("pkuser","NODATA"); header("Location: index.php?reason=notlogged"); die();}
elseif ($idle > 360000){ setcookie("pkuser","NODATA"); header("Location: index.php?reason=idle"); die();}
elseif ($user["status"] == 0){ setcookie("pkuser","NODATA"); header("Location: index.php?reason=disabled&user=$user[username]"); die();}

//mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[user] SET online='$time' WHERE id='$id';");

     if((!$rid) || (!fetch("SELECT pimp FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"))){ header("Location: play.php"); }
    $pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT status FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';")) or die(mysql_error());
     if ($pimp["status"] == 0){ header("Location: play.php?reason=disabled&rid=$rid"); die(); }
else{ siteheader(); }

$bt=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT bonusturntime FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$site2 = mysql_query("SELECT cron24hour,cron10min,cron5min,game,ends FROM $tab[set] WHERE round='$rid';");
     while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($site2))

function siteheader(){
global $id, $tab, $time, $chat,$pkuser, $rid;
$user2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT messages,crewmessages,attacks,invites,crew,attacksin,attacksout,status,pimp FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id,online,status,username FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));

if (($user) && ($user["status"] != 0) && ($idle < 3600)) { $logged="yes"; }
   if(!isset($logged)) $logged="no";

$idle = $time-360;
$get = mysql_query("SELECT round FROM $tab[set] WHERE starts<$time and ends>$time ORDER BY starts ASC;");
  while ($game = mysql_fetch_array($get)){

  $getattacking = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE lastattacked>$idle AND rid='$game[round]';");
  $getonline = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE online>$idle AND rid='$game[round]';");
  if (!isset($attacking)) $attacking=0;
  $attacking = $attacking+$getattacking;
  if (!isset($online)) $online=0;
  $online = $online+$getonline;



$reg = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[user];");

$idle2 = $time-604800;
$real = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[user] WHERE online>$idle2;");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
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  <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Cartelz is a massive, online, multiplayer text based game. Here you are a Drug Lord on a quest for money, power and respect. This game is simple, highly addictive and very fun!">
  <META NAME='KEYWORDS' CONTENT='Cartelz, pimp games, online games, pimp game, grow, pimp, role play, guns, text based, game, drugs, drug lords, money, hoes, thugs, addictive, fun, ak47s, glocks, shotguns, pimps, ranks'>
<META name="author" content="2 Days Away">
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  <? }
          function sitefooter(){
          global $id, $time, $tab;
          $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT online,status FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));
          if (($user) && ($user["status"] != 0) && ($idle < 3600)) { $logged="yes"; }
if (isset($connect)) mysql_close($connect);

function gameheader(){
global $id, $tab, $time, $rid;

$site = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT starts,ends FROM $tab[set] WHERE round='$rid';"));

if($time > $site["ends"]){ header("Location: myaccount.php"); }
if($site["starts"] > $time){ header("Location: myaccount.php"); }

$pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pimp,crew,protection,protectionstart,alert FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT bgimage FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));
$crew = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM $tab[crew] WHERE id='$pimp[crew]' AND rid='$rid';"));

if($protect < 0){$protect=0;}

$idle = $time-360;
$online = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE online>$idle AND rid='$rid';");
   $reg = fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[user];");
$attacking=fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE lastattacked>$idle AND rid='$rid';");

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    secs= time.getSeconds();

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<div class="container">
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    <span style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:10px;text-align:left;">
     <a href="http://myspace.com/growthegreen" title="Cartelz Myspace" target="_blank">
 <font color="#FF9900" size="1"><blink>Join Cartelz at Myspace</blink></font></a></span>
 <span style="position:absolute; right:10px; top:10px;text-align:left;"><font color="#FFFFFF">
 <a href="http://www.2daysaway.com/cartelz.swf" onClick="return popitup('http://www.2daysaway.com/cartelz.swf')">Watch The Cartelz Movie!</a>
  <div class="rounds">
   <div class="newsheader">
    // This reads all available news
    $newsinfo =  mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT title,id,time FROM $tab[news] ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2;"));
  <th align="left">Cartelz Latest News: <B><a href="cartelznews.php?rid=<?=$rid?>" title="cartelznews"><?=$newsinfo["title"]?></a></B></th>     
  <th align='right'><small><?=countdown($newsinfo["time"])?></small></th>
   <div class="content1"><?=include("round.php")?></div>
<?php include("topnavbar.php");?>
<?php $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT lastturn,status,hoehappy,thughappy,messages,crewmessages,boardmessages,attacks,invites,crew FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));?> 
<?php include("shapbar.php");?>			 
<div class="boxdef-hd3">	
  <div class="boxdef">
  	<div class="boxdef-blue-hd">
      <div class="boxdef-blue"> 
    <div class="bd">
	<?php include("invite_crew_popupbar.php");?>
	<div id="contentarea">

                function gamefooter(){
                global $id, $tab, $rid;
                $pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT crew FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
<? include("bottomnavbar.php");?>       
<div class="bottomdarkbg">
  <div class="content"><script type="text/javascript" src="jst.js"></script>
    <ul><script type="text/javascript">new imageclock.display()</script></ul>

function bar(){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT turn,cash,crack,condom,hoes,thugs,weed FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$site = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT cron10min,speed,turnmax FROM $tab[set] WHERE round='$rid';"));
<? include("sitefooter.php");?> 

<?if($site["cron10min"] > 0){?><?}

function contacts(){
global $tab, $id, $rid;
$pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pimp FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
<select class="headertext" name="contact" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0,this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_main','toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes')">
<option selected>select one</option>
$bitches = mysql_query("SELECT contact FROM $tab[clist] WHERE pimp='$pimp[pimp]' AND type=2 AND rid='$rid' ORDER BY id ASC;");
  while ($bitch = mysql_fetch_array($bitches)){
        ?><option value="pimp.php?pmp=<?=$bitch["contact"]?>&rid=<?=$rid?>"><?=$bitch["contact"]?></option><?
$contacts = mysql_query("SELECT contact FROM $tab[clist] WHERE pimp='$pimp[pimp]' AND type=1 AND rid='$rid' ORDER BY id ASC;");
  while ($contact = mysql_fetch_array($contacts)){
        ?><option value="pimp.php?pmp=<?=$contact["contact"]?>&rid=<?=$rid?>"><?=$contact["contact"]?></option><?


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And here is game_funcs


function censor_replace($input){ return $output = str_repeat("*", (strlen($input))); }
function fetch ($query){ $data = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query)); return $data[0]; }
function fixinput ($input){ return number_format(($input),0,",",""); }
function commas ($str){ return number_format(floor($str)); }
function stri_replace($old, $new, $haystack){ return preg_replace('/'.quotemeta($old).'/i', $new, $haystack); }
function getlast($toget){$pos=strrpos($toget,".");$lastext=substr($toget,$pos+1);return $lastext;}
function maxlength($input){
@preg_match_all('/.{1,1}/s', $input, $matches);
if(sizeof($matches[0]) > 40) {
        return bad;

function esttime(){
echo date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", time());

function preptab($round){
global $tab;
if ($round>0) $pre='r'.$round.'_';
$tab["find"] =$pre."recentsearches";
$tab["mail"]= $pre."messages";

function filter($input){
$input = wordwrap($input, 30, " ", 1);
$input = strip_tags($input, "");
    $input = str_replace("\n","<br>", $input);
return $input;

function censor($input,$all=false) {
// The file function loads the file into an array...
// example: echo $words[0]; Outputs: shit
$words = @file('swearwords.txt'); $censors = Array();
// This empty and count makes sure the $words variable is not empty.
// It may be empty if the file doesn't exist or there are no censored words.
if (empty($words)||count($words)<1) return $input;
// This foreach statement loops through the array.
// It makes a list of censors for the words based on $all.
// If $all is true, it censors the complete word, otherwise, only partially.
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (!$all) $censors[] = substr($word,0,1).str_repeat('*',strlen($word)-2).substr($word,-1);
else $censors[] = str_repeat('*', strlen($word));
// This replaces all the censored words.
// It will even replace partial words.
// Example: googlearkinex -> googlea*****x
$input = str_replace($words, $censors, $input);
return $input;

function ordinal($number) {
$number = number_format($number);
     if ((ereg("(1)+$",$number)) && (!ereg("(11)+$",$number))) { $suffix = "st"; }
elseif ((ereg("(2)+$",$number)) && (!ereg("(12)+$",$number))) { $suffix = "nd"; }
elseif ((ereg("(3)+$",$number)) && (!ereg("(13)+$",$number))) { $suffix = "rd"; }
   else { $suffix = "th"; }
return "$number<small>$suffix</small>";

function createPass(){    
$chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
while ($i <= 7){        
return $pass;

function logip($id,$ip){
global $time, $tab;

   if(fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM $tab[ips] WHERE uid='$id';") > 4){
      $getlog = mysql_query("SELECT time FROM $tab[ips] WHERE uid='$id' ORDER BY time ASC limit 1;");  
      while ($log = mysql_fetch_array($getlog)){
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM $tab[ips] WHERE time='$log[time]'"); 
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO $tab[ips] (uid,ip,time) VALUES ('$id','$ip','$time');");

function mail_1 ($subject, $message, $email){
mail("$email", "$subject", $message,
     "From: CARTELZ.COM <jfunk1@cinci.rr.com>\n"
    ."Reply-To: jfunk1@cinci.rr.com\r\n"
    ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

function mail_2 ($subject, $message, $email){
$fd = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t", 'w');
fputs($fd, "To: $email\n");
fputs($fd, "Subject: $subject\n");
fputs($fd, "X-Mailer: PHP4\n");
if ($headers)
  fputs($fd, "$headers\n");
fputs($fd, "\n");
fputs($fd, $message);

function copyright(){
echo "<TABLE border=0 align='center' cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0><tbody><TR>";
echo "<TD rowspan='2' align=center><a href='http://2daysaway.com' target='_blank'><b>2 Days Away</b></a> 
                  Productions 2005 ©</TD>";
echo "</tr></table>";

function losecash($id){
global $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT cash FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$formula = fixinput($formula);
return $formula;

function useresources($turns){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT condom,crack,weed,hoes,thugs FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

if($usecondom <= 0) $usecondom=0;
$usecondom = fixinput($usecondom);

if($usecrack <= 0) $usecrack=0;
$usecrack = fixinput($usecrack);

if($useweed <= 0) $useweed=0;
$useweed = fixinput($useweed);

mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET weed='$useweed', condom='$usecondom', crack='$usecrack' WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");

//labels helper status to pimp name
function helper(){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$hlp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT helper FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));	
if ($hlp["helper"] == 1){
mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET helperstatus = '1'
WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
 // This function displays the admin bar on the main page 
function adminbar(){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$adminview = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));
if ($adminview["adminlevel"] == 10){
echo "<table border='1' align='center'><tr background='images/1x60.gif'><td background='images/1x60.gif'>";
echo "<a href='giveturns.php'>giveturns</a></td>";
echo "<td background='images/1x60.gif'><a href='iplog.php'>iplog</a></td>";
echo "<td background='images/1x60.gif'><a href='cartelznews.php?rid=$rid'>news</a></td>";
echo "<td background='images/1x60.gif'><a href='admin/adm-poller.php'>poll</a></td>";
echo "</tr></table>";

function medicine ($turns){
global $tab, $id, $rid, $infected;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT condom,medicine,hoes FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
if($user["condom"] <= 0){
    $infected=rand(0, $figrand);
    if($infected > $user["medicine"]){ $infected=$user["medicine"]; }
$medsused = fixinput($medsused);
    if($medsused <= 0){$medsused=0;}
    mysql_query("UPDATE $tab[pimp] SET medicine='$medsused' WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
return "$infected";

function nomedicine ($turns){
global $tab, $id, $rid, $killhoe;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT condom,medicine,hoes FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

if($user["condom"] <= 0){
  if($user["medicine"] <= 0){
    $killhoe=rand(0, $killrand);
    if($killhoe >= $user["hoes"]){$killhoe=$user["hoes"];}
return "$killhoe";

function cash($turns){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT hoes,payout FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$rand1=(rand(6, );$rand2=(rand(8, 10));
$money=$turns*(rand($rand1, $rand2));
return "$money";
function unhappy($hoethug,$turns,$bonus){
global $id, $tab, $rid;
if($hoethug=="thugs"){$happy="thughappy"; $num=20;}
if($hoethug=="hoes"){$happy="hoehappy"; $num=15;}
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT $happy,$hoethug FROM
$tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

if($user[$happy] < 80){
  $maxleave=round($turns*.25); $leaverand=rand(0, $maxleave);
  if($leave >= $user[$hoethug]){$leave=$user[$hoethug];}
return "$leave";

function hoehappy($id){
global $tab, $rid;
$hap = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT thugs,condom,crack,medicine,payout,hoes,attacksout FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

  if($hoe == 0){ $hoe=1; }
  if($tak1 > 50){
     if($cond >= 51){ $cond=50; }
     if($cond >= 80){$cond=100-$tak1;}

$thug=round((($thu*0.50)/$hoe)*50); if($thug >=5){$thug=5;}
$crac=round((($cra*0.75)/$hoe)*25); if($crac >=22){$crac=22;}
$medi=round((($med*0.99)/$hoe)*25); if($medi >=20){$medi=21;}
$payo=round(($pay*0.01)*10); if($payo >=10){$payo=10;}

if(0 > $whap){ $whap=0; }
return "$whap";

function thughappy ($id){
global $tab, $rid;
$hap = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT glock,shotgun,uzi,ak47,weed,thugs FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

$thu=$hap["thugs"];if($thu == 0){$thu=1;}$wmax=($thu+($thu*0.25));
$glo=$hap["glock"];if($glo > $wmax){$glo=$wmax;}
$sho=$hap["shotgun"];if($sho > $wmax){$sho=$wmax;}
$uzi=$hap["uzi"];if($uzi > $wmax){$uzi=$wmax;}
$ak4=$hap["ak47"];if($ak4 > $wmax){$ak4=$wmax;}

$weed=round((($wee*0.75)/$thu)*50); if($weed >=25){$weed=25;}

$gloc=round((($glo*0.86)/$thu)*80); if($gloc >=100){$gloc=100;}
$shot=round((($sho*0.88)/$thu)*80); if($shot >=100){$shot=100;}
$uzi=round((($uzi*0.90)/$thu)*80);  if($uzi >=100) {$uzi=100;}
$ak47=round((($ak4*0.92)/$thu)*80); if($ak47 >=100){$ak47=100;}

if($weed > $guns){$weed=$guns;}
if(0 > $thughappy){ $thughappy=0; }
return "$thughappy";
//define("BIGINT_DIVIDER", 9223372036854776000 + 1);
function worth($id){
global $tab, $rid;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT hoes,thugs,hoeskilled,thugskilled,hoesteals,thugsteals,glock,shotgun,uzi,ak47,cash, condom,medicine,bank,crack,weed,bank,bank1,streetbike,lowrider,hummer,informant FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));

//mysql_query("INSERT INTO $tab[pimp] (lower,upper) VALUES ('$lower','$upper') WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid'");
return "$worth";

//function split2Int(&$upper, &$lower, $worth) {
  //$lower = intval($worth % BIGINT_DIVIDER);
  //$upper = intval(($worth - $lower) / BIGINT_DIVIDER);

function bigInt2float($upper, $lower) {
  global $tab, $rid, $id;
  return $upper * BIGINT_DIVIDER + $lower;

function supporter(){
global $id, $tab;
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT status FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));
if($user[0] == 3){ header("Location: play.php"); }

function dayhour ($online){
global $time;
$num = $difference/86400;
$days = intval($num);
$num2 = ($num - $days)*24;
$hours = intval($num2);
if($days != 0){echo"$days days, ";}if($hours != 0){echo"$hours hours. ";}


function revenge($eid){
global $tab, $rid, $rvng, $id;
if ($row=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tab[mail] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid AND rvng=0 AND inbox=1 AND time>$rvng[bck] ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1"))){
	return true;
return false;
function countdown ($online){
global $time;
$difference=$time-$online;$num = $difference/86400;$days = intval($num);$num2 = ($num - $days)*24;$hours = intval($num2);$num3 = ($num2 - $hours)*60;$mins = intval($num3);$num4 = ($num3 - $mins)*60;$secs = intval($num4);
if($days != 0){?><font color="#FFFFFF"><?=$days?></font> day<?if($days > 1){?>s<?} if($hours){?>, <?}}
if($hours != 0){?><font color="#FFFFFF"><?=$hours?></font> hour<?if($hours > 1){?>s<?} if($days==0){?>, <?}}
if($days == 0){ if($mins != 0){?><font color="#FFFFFF"><?=$mins?></font> min<?if($mins > 1){?>s<?} if(($hours == 0) && ($days == 0)){?>, <?} } }
if(($hours == 0) && ($days == 0)){?><font color="#FFFFFF"><?=$secs?></font> sec<?if($secs > 1){?>s<?} }

function countup ($online){
global $time;
$difference=$online-$time;$num = $difference/86400;$days = intval($num);$num2 = ($num - $days)*24;$hours = intval($num2);$num3 = ($num2 - $hours)*60;$mins = intval($num3);$num4 = ($num3 - $mins)*60;$secs = intval($num4);
if($days != 0){?><font color="#ffffff"><?=$days?></font> day<?if($days > 1){?>s<?} if($hours){?>, <?}}
if($hours != 0){?><font color="#ffffff"><?=$hours?></font> hour<?if($hours > 1){?>s<?} if($days==0){?>, <?}}
if($days == 0){ if($mins != 0){?><font color="#ffffff"><?=$mins?></font> min<?if($mins > 1){?>s<?} if(($hours == 0) && ($days == 0)){?>, <?} } }
if(($hours == 0) && ($days == 0)){?><font color="#ffffff"><?=$secs?> </font>sec<?if($secs > 1){?>s<?} }
function sounds(){
global $id, $tab, $site, $rid;
$pimp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT messages,attacks FROM $tab[pimp] WHERE id='$id' AND rid='$rid';"));
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sounds FROM $tab[user] WHERE id='$id';"));
if($user["sounds"]  == 0){
       if($pimp["attacks"] >= 1){?><embed src="Img/attack.swf" loop="false" quality="high" width="1" height="1" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginpage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed><?}
   elseif($pimp["messages"] >= 1){?><embed src="Img/message.swf" loop="false" quality="high" width="1" height="1" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginpage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed><?}


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deafolt precision in php is 14 digits

in your calculation you use number biger then maximal integer can be

your number is convert to float

number 278430613974337550 is converted to 2.78430613974337550E17 but in 14 digit precision is 2.7843061397433E17 (it is integer 278430613974330000) after / 20 and convert to integer resul is 13921530698717000

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