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Hi all,


I'm working on a simple shopping cart implementation for learning purposes.


I have a Product Class and a Shopping Cart class, each in a seperate .php file


Naturally, the Shopping Cart Class is a collection of Product Objects.


Now in the Shopping Cart Class at some point I'll need to call Product Object methods, how does this work as far as includes go?


Where do I include the Product class in my Shopping Cart code?  Or by including both classes in my index this isn't necessary?





do you mean you will need to use a function from your

products class inside your shopping cart class?


if so,

yes, you will need to include the products class

into the shopping cart function like so:




class shopping{

function something(){



do you mean you will need to use a function from your

products class inside your shopping cart class?


if so,

yes, you will need to include the products class

into the shopping cart function like so:




class shopping{

function something(){




That would involve the Products class being static. Instead consider this:



require_once 'Products.php';

class ShoppingCart {

    protected $_products;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->_products = new Products();

    public function getCategoryProducts($cid){
        $products; // load Product IDs from given Category ID

        foreach($products as $pid){
            $category[] = $this->_products->getProduct($pid);

        return $category;



Depending on how you have set up the products class, you might consider simply extending, but the above would be my preffered method.

Keep them seperate. Have a Product.php and a Cart.php (or ShoppingCart.php), and consider using an autoloader (__autoload() override, or Zend autoloader). I wouldn't describe a shopping cart as a composite of products exactly, although i'm unsure exactly how I might model it (as shopping cart for example wouldn't have a price attribute). However I would imagine that you can "add" products to the cart.


Something like the following for example:

* Product (should probably be abstract).
class Product {
private $name;
private $price;

public function __construct($name = '', $price = 0.00){
	$this->name = $name;
	$this->price = $price;

public function getPrice(){
	return $this->price;

public function getName(){
	return $this->name;


* Cart class.
class Cart {

private $products;

public function __construct(){
	$this->products = array();

public function addProduct(Product $product){
	array_push($this->products, $product);

public function getTotal(){
	$total = 0.00;
	foreach($this->products as $product){
		$total += $product->getPrice();
	return $total;


$cart = new Cart();

$cart->addProduct( new Product('teddy bear', 2.99) );
$cart->addProduct( new Product('train set', 5.99) );

echo $cart->getTotal();



Note: in the above i have put the Product and Cart together, however these SHOULD be in separate files as I described earlier, and the test example at the bottom should be in a controller (action).

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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