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What happened to some topics

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We ran out of disk space and had to restore.  Unfortunately we lost a little data.  We're trying to make sure that won't happen again.




Didnt think that would ever happen.  Time to look at a bigger server I guess


donate enough for better server and we will

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We ran out of disk space and had to restore.  Unfortunately we lost a little data.  We're trying to make sure that won't happen again.




Didnt think that would ever happen.  Time to look at a bigger server I guess


donate enough for better server and we will


This wasnt a shot a saying that the forum was cheap, I was just stating the obvious.  If you ran out of space, then you need more space, with to me is a bigger server, or at least more HDs.  Yes, I would donate, but my funds are low right now as yours are I guess, hence the database errors.  Sorry to pull the wrong sting with this topic, but was just woundering what is going on.

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I didnt even know there was a donation link, I do now though and i donated $10.00 know its not much but every little helps  :) its all i can spare at the moment,


It was removed when the site was taken down. It was just created again yesterday.

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why some topics are not answered??


People answer whatever topics they have time to and they feel their capable of. Sometimes questions don't get answered because the poster is incapable of asking properly. If I see a topic where there is just a bunch of code with a message saying "help, it doesn't work" or something like that then I usually just leave it. If someone cannot take the time to properly formulate a question along with information such as database structure, error messages, expected behavior and how it actually behaved, then I won't always take my time to help that person. Some of those could be reasons why there are topics left unanswered.

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People answer whatever topics they have time to and they feel their capable of. Sometimes questions don't get answered because the poster is incapable of asking properly. If I see a topic where there is just a bunch of code with a message saying "help, it doesn't work" or something like that then I usually just leave it. If someone cannot take the time to properly formulate a question along with information such as database structure, error messages, expected behavior and how it actually behaved, then I won't always take my time to help that person. Some of those could be reasons why there are topics left unanswered.

Heh... that's what I was going to post but I couldn't be bothered at the time.  I thought I'd get clarification so I wouldn't have to type as much.

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