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Name and Array


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How can I Give this array a name?



	  $invoice= $_POST['file'];
	  foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
	   $_SESSION[$invoice][$key] = $val;


This Makes and Array Like This:





            [customer] => ENS Metals and Jewelry, Inc.

            [category] => Marketing Material

            [product] => Tri-Fold Brochure

            [Cnumber] => 156882

            [Qty] =>

            [item] => Marketing Material

            [Description] => Tri-Fold Brochure | Full Color

            [Cost] =>

            [Date] => 05-08-2008

            [Paid] =>





OR...Does It Already Have a name and I am missing it?

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that would simply insert the string 'array' into your database. you need to specify each value of the array.


$an_array = array('val1'=>'something1','val2'=>'something2');

$sql = "INSERT INTO sometable (somefield) VALUES ('{$an_array['val1']}')";
mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

$sql2 = "INSERT INTO sometable (somefield) VALUES ('{$an_array['val2']}')";
mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());



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I serialized it and inserted it that way.


Well it worked and all of the data in in the database and now I can't get it back out in the form of an array?


ROW1 now =

a:1:{s:0:"";a:10:{s:8:"customer";s:28:"ENS Metals and Jewelry, Inc.";s:8:"category";s:18:"Marketing Material";s:7:"product";s:17:"Tri-Fold Brochure";s:7:"Cnumber";s:6:"156882";s:3:"Qty";s:0:"";s:4:"Item";s:18:"Marketing Material";s:11:"Description";s:30:"Tri-Fold Brochure | Full Color";s:4:"Cost";s:0:"";s:4:"Date";s:10:"05-08-2008";s:4:"Paid";s:0:"";}}


How can I get it back out in the form of an array again?


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

echo "ARRAY HERE";


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I am testing this:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM invoices");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo $test;


And all I get is:  Array

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It looks like you havn't setup any keys in your serialized array. If you haven't defined any keys you'll have to use


$arr[0] to get the first item from the array

$arr[1] to get the second

... etc...

$arr[5] to get the sixth item.


Remember arrays start at zero and not one

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I really appreiciate your patients with my ignorance.


Sometime the answers given are clear to me and sometimes they are not.  Beleive me I have read many tutotials on arrays and the one problem I have is pulling just one value from an array.  I truly follow the terms of this sight.


Please Let me give you the full detail of this project...


I am using a form and posting it to a page to build an array and store that array into a databse.  Later it will be called to populate cells (<td>) in a table (<table>).



<input type=text name='Cnumber' value='$cn'>
<input type=text name='Qty' value=''>
<input type=text name='Item' value='$p'>
<input type=text name='Description' value='$I | Full Color'>
<input type=text name='Cost' value=''>
<input type=text name='Date' value='$today'>
<input type=text name='Paid' value=''>



	  $invoice = $_POST['file'];
	  foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
	   $_SESSION[$invoice][$key] = $val;


include 'connect.php';

mysql_query("INSERT INTO invoices (id, description) 

VALUES ('', '$cost')");


My prblem is getting them later into the cells mentioned earlier.


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE Cnumber='123456'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

My Attempt Yields:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [] => Array ( [customer] => ENS Metals and Jewelry, Inc. [category] => Marketing Material [product] => Tri-Fold Brochure [Cnumber] => 156882 [Qty] => [item] => Marketing Material [Description] => Tri-Fold Brochure | Full Color [Cost] => [Date] => 05-08-2008 [Paid] => ) ) ) 




I only need the items such as :"ENS Metals and Jewelry, Inc"  AND "Marketing Material"  Basically the values.


I could be setting up the array wrong in the first place (like you said).  Can you show me a better way.  It seems the tutorials and scripts I find don't seem to apply to what I am doing am therfore confuse me.


If you choose to help please explain as well.


I appreciate it !!



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Yes it seem your array is not being made correctly.


Can you post more code of your form. And explain what information gets provided in the form and where the form gets submitted too. Then post the PHP code which process the form.

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Here is what my inexperience has come up with:



<form action='POST PAGE' method=post>

<input type=text name='Cnumber' value='123456'>

<input type=text name='Qty' value='10'>

<input type=text name='Item' value='Marketing Material'>

<input type=text name='Description' value='Two Sides | Full Color'>

<input type=text name='Cost' value='125.00'>

<input type=text name='Date' value='May 8, 2008'>

<input type=text name='Paid' value='0'>

<input type=submit name=submit>



//Basically I Would Like to store all of the posted information into an array and insert it into the database.

I think the code goes something like this but I know it's probably way off.

if (isset($_POST['submit'])){


foreach($_POST as $key => $val){

$invoice= array($key => $val);


include '../../../../connect.php';

mysql_query("INSERT INTO invoices (id, Cnumber, invoice) VALUES ('', '$Cnumber', '$invoice')");


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Change this code:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])){


foreach($_POST as $key => $val){

$invoice= array($key => $val);



if (isset($_POST['submit']) && is_numeric($_POST['Cnumber']))
$Cnumber = $_POST['Cnumber'];

    $invoice = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($_POST));

    include '../../../../connect.php';

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO invoices (Cnumber, invoice) VALUES ('$Cnumber', '$invoice')");


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