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Power hungtry Crayon Violent and thorpe, do you need to learn to read?

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Ha ha ha this is funny thread.


my friend onedumbcoder they have the right to move the thread because they are just organizing the the threads and not clutter it.


and please don't blame them, they are just doing their job my friend.


If you want to make complaints their is a right forum for that.




We can't blame because you are a beginner here.


well, you'll get to use to this rules here,



and my friend please try to be friendly as well.


BTW, what is your mysql problem?






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If you disagree with a decision taken by a moderator' date=' please try to solve the problem privately with the moderator first. If you cannot reach a satisfactory solution then you can contact an administrator. In that case, the decision taken by the administrator is final and is not to be discussed further.[/quote']


Let me know when you've spoken with Crayon Violent and thorpe. I'm sure they have a good reason for moving your topics.


Btw, this one is misplaced as well :P

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There was a good reason for his topics being moved: they weren't in the right place, lol.


On a more serious note: I don't really see how you can call moving a thread from one place to another "abusive conduct."  And if by "disregard for members" you mean you weren't consulted about the topic being moved, well I guess I'm guilty on that count.  Sorry.  Next time I'll make sure the Topic Forwarded thread is cc'd to your inbox. 


On an even more serious note: Although we do have stickies and stuff to explain why the forums are called what they are called, we concede that most people don't bother reading them, and therefore would nonetheless be confused about the intentions of "PHP and MySQL," so therefore we have decided to remove the "..and MySQL."


Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that your input has made a difference? Proof positive that even the little guy's voice does not go unheard.



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