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<textarea> after 50 chars an auto break!


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There is a text area in my script / form.


In the text area when some thing is written, It goes just long and long and Cuts the entire Page.


My Text area value is colleted by using this


$details = $_POST["details"];



NOW I want that Before writing the data to file. This variable details must be run by a test.


What test? Well After each 50 charters in the $details, It must insert an auto <br> inside of it. And it must continue until it's done with all the charters.


For example, If the $details come with 200 Charters.

It must enter 4 <br> each after every 50 Charters.


HMM Looks little complicated to me. Thanks a lot :) Badly waiting for answer :)



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The text of text area must Break after 50 chars. And get onto a new line as it does in the editor of here SMF. When we are typing. We don't have to go down, it automatically Breaks ;) I want that :)..


THANKS for the answer though ;)

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Well I don't believe that the textarea can alter the looks of the text at a later point. You must do this in two separate areas.


First you must make the textarea have 50 cols.

<textarea cols="50" rows="7">


Then later you must put in a break every 50 chars. The easiest way is to use the php function wordwrap.

$string = wordwrap($text, 50);


That should do it for you.

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Thanks a lot boss :)


I use this code ;



$form = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\">
Name : <input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\">
    <input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\">

if($_POST["submit"] == submit){
$text_out = wordwrap($_POST["name"], 50);

echo $text_out;
    echo $form;


BUT still, When I insert a string into the text and Put a long line, It don't put a <br> after the 50 charters BUT Just appends the page and Increases the page :((


Ok, If this don't work this ..


Tell me an easy code that from a line or MySQL we get a text that is a line (300) charters. I want to print it out BUT I want a <br> after 50 chars :)


Thanks a lot :)



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Thanks dark water,


I use this code, But still no change :(



$form = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\">
Name : <input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\">
    <input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\">

if($_POST["submit"] == submit){
$post1 = $_POST["name"];
$post = implode("", str_split($post1, 50));

echo $post;
    echo $form;



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Very well done :).. But now very small problem the text goes out like this ;


Details : This is a test message, If you can see this message, it mean
s your Buy and Sell system is Installed successfully, Plesae
delete /install.php and go to /moderate.php to moderate.You
can delete this query once you get into your moderation. Fo
r more info go and open configuration.php... The password of
Admin Access must be inserted inside of your configuration.
php on the variable admin_pass.... Enjoy the Script. Best W
ishes -> FAISAL SHAH!


Is it not possible to put break only when we get a " " space. ?? thanks > I hope it's possible to make teh script perfect. Or it will look bad :(


Thanks! :)

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