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Flash Gaming Website


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Hi there, I'm revamping my website warptweet.com with a new design and a more efficient system.

The current new design is http://www.warptweet.com/a-new From browsershots.org, the template appears fine with 44 browsers that I selected to be tested.


However, I'm asking for a more person opinion. Do you think the design looks nice?

My goals are:

Cleanliness (Is all the content neatly organized, and simple to operate?)

Efficiency (Is the placement of the content and boxes efficient? Easy to use?)

Sufficience (Is the layout sufficient, or does it change too frequently, generating a feeling of messyness?)

Accuracy (To you, do you think that the games match the category they best fit in?)

Looks (Do you simply like the design, or is it just ugly no matter what?)


I'd appreciate it if you would follow the above format, and if there is something wrong with any of them, perhaps a suggestion to help me fix your complaint?

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Cleanliness: 10/10, extremely easy to use and clean

Efficiency: 10/10 i think its a great site, and its nice to not have to register, just click and play

Sufficience: 9/10 works great, could mabby do a few tweeks to it though

Accuracy: 10/10 from the games i looked at, i would say yes they do

Looks: 7/10 your theme/looks are good, but i think a little more flashyness would look great to. Add some more movement to it. Like when you click on stuff of some mouse over effects.



I really like the site thought man, keep up the work!

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The main problem is that it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Does it matter what colors, games, functionality you use when there is absolutely nothing better on your site than a site like - miniclips.com ? ???


Personally, I would scrap the idea of receiving "website critique" and go into brainstorming mode where you think of the new things you can bring to users.

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Thanks for your critique pleek.



This is just a BETA. We are going to get exclusive flash game sponsorships to make our site the only website with a particular game. This will draw unique visitors. Also, the website is harnessing AJAX, and from my experience, no other flash game site has bothered to enhance their site with this code. This website is also designed in a "console like" form. It's small, fits in any ethical resolution, and loads fast on even the most stubborn connections, and has absolutely minimal (sometimes even unnoticable) advertising. This is what we offer, for free.

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Thanks for your critique pleek.



This is just a BETA. We are going to get exclusive flash game sponsorships to make our site the only website with a particular game. This will draw unique visitors. Also, the website is harnessing AJAX, and from my experience, no other flash game site has bothered to enhance their site with this code. This website is also designed in a "console like" form. It's small, fits in any ethical resolution, and loads fast on even the most stubborn connections, and has absolutely minimal (sometimes even unnoticable) advertising. This is what we offer, for free.


I completely understand - but you need to relay that information to the typical user. Within the first 4 seconds that I logged into your website... I was thinking... this ain't much different.

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In a way of saying, my site is similiar to addictinggames.com or miniclip -- which is in almost every angle, a good thing?

Thank you for your suggestion though. I had read articles regarding peoples opinion in the first four seconds -- wether they will leave or stay. Your critisizm has caused me to think much deeper into how I execute my website. I will attempt to make this similarity as little as possible.

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Maybe not. However, technology has grown. Games are better today than what Miniclip has bought in the past. Also, a ton of Miniclip games are basically one massive advertisment -- I hate that site with a passion. Adults run that site, their view of "fun" is distorted.


Anyways, it's still an opportunity. Me and my friend are mere kids, we have time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late but heres my suggestion:


-- I want to mind you that I'm not a great web developer I am just giving you my opinion on strictly a users perspective.


Site looks great. What I do suggest is making the Images and Links for available games that you make viewable as soon as you get to the site smaller and put more of them.


The large images and big wording makes it look kind of tacky. I know your not trying to copy addictinggames.com but if you look on there website the main page has different categories and many games within each category just on the main page. (I under stand that more games will come with time so just try and keep that in mind!)



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... What I am about to say is not intended to offend you in anyway, I just want you to come through a realization that took me over 2 years to realize.


For a website to be successful it needs to be industry proof. And when I say industry proof, I mean every damn thing is perfect. Miniclips is your competitor not a subsidary and therefore you need to provide better and higher quality material. You have already given out many reasons why your site is better and that's great - you have a strategy. The few things that you have already mentioned need to be your center point to the site. And unfortunately, you have done a bad job of implementing it. I'm not saying your website doesn't meet par, I"m just saying that it needs to be able to compete in the industry.

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