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I'm having a mental math block, so I need a little help:


I'm trying to use Google's chart API (http://code.google.com/apis/chart) to generate a chart of the US based on order numbers (to show where most of the orders are coming from).


The way the API works is that you pass a number on a scale from 0-100 and that number corresponds to a listing of states.  Depending on the number, it colors the state based on the scale of 0-100 (right now for me dark green = 100, pale green = 0 and it interpolates between).


So I'm basically calculating a percentage (state total / country total) * 100.  What I then also want to do is put those numbers on a 0-100 scale so that the highest percentage = 100 and the lowest = 0 (or slightly above 0.


Anyone know what I should do here?


By the way, the percentages are already going to be in order because I order by the most orders per state descending.  So the highest percentage in my array is going to be element 0 and the lowest will be count(array).

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Is this what you mean?



   $maxpercent = 46; //  46% is the new 100%
   $percent = 23; // 23 would be 50% of 46

   // scale of 1-100, 23 should be 50
   // since 46 "equals" 100, we find out what it takes to make 46 turn
   // into 100, so divide 100 by 46.  then we just take that number
   // and multiply it with $percent to scale it up
   $pos = round((100 / $maxpercent) * $percent); 

   echo $pos;


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Edit: Blerh Crayon Violent beat me to it (I had to stop and test everything hehe), but here it is anyway.

Redit:  OMG beat me by 9 minutes....  lol




OK... so for state/country....  You basically want to change that data set to be scaled to 100?


So, let's say the highest state/country ratio is x, you would want that to be 100?


So, couldn't you do...


h = highest ratio

o = 100/h      This is the number you would multiply the highest percentage by to make it 100....

So, then for each rate as r, you would do:

googlenumber = ro;


But, then the lowest number won't be 0 (unless there's 0 sales in some state....)



//let's say there's a thousand orders nation wide

$orders = array(
200/1000, //this should be 100
100/1000,  //this should be 50
50/1000,  //this should be 25
35/1000, //this should be 0

$h = $orders[0];
$o = 100/$h;

foreach($orders as $rate) {
echo ($rate*$o) . PHP_EOL;

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Hmm, i interpreted it a bit differently. I thought you wanted to have the bottom value of your set as 0, and the top as 100. Ill post what i had in case that was what you were after.


The maths is pretty much the same; you have to work out what 1% is 'worth' by dividing the range by 100. You then take the minimum value off of each, then add what 1% is * the value:


$array = array('AL' => 5, 'AK'=> 8, 'AZ' => 10);
$total = array_sum($array);
$percents = array();
foreach($array as $k=> $v){
    $percents[$k] = $v/$total*100;
function scale($array){
    $max = max($array);
    $min = min($array);
    $range = $max - $min;
    $percent = 100/$range;
    $scaled = array();
    foreach($array as $k=>$v){
        $scaled[$k] = ($v-$min)*$percent;
    return $scaled;
$scaled = scale($percents);

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Oh, OK cool....  I thought that you were implying that I copied your post (I don't even work, so I didn't think it was aimed at me, but I guess I'm paranoid) ;p.  I tried to figure out GingerRobot's way for a while, and then I gave up lol...


Edit: added the part in parentheses.

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Hmm, i interpreted it a bit differently. I thought you wanted to have the bottom value of your set as 0, and the top as 100. Ill post what i had in case that was what you were after.


The maths is pretty much the same; you have to work out what 1% is 'worth' by dividing the range by 100. You then take the minimum value off of each, then add what 1% is * the value:


well in my code,  if you make


$percent = 0; // 0%..no sales..


then it will return 0 on the scale. Or hell, even if you use a bit more than 0%, I do have a round wrapped around the equation, so you still might get 0 returned (for some odd reason I assumed he wanted whole numbers).  I think he might wanna take out the round, because that might hurt someone's feelings if you say they are a zero when they sold something.  But other than that, the equation/return is free to show .00000...1 out of 100. 


Oh, OK cool....  I thought that you were implying that I copied your post (I don't even work, so I didn't think it was aimed at me, but I guess I'm paranoid) ;p.  I tried to figure out GingerRobot's way for a while, and then I gave up lol...


Edit: added the part in parentheses.


lol nah I was referencing his bitching about some girl nagging him at work

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Well, you guys took like way too long.  I posted this on a non PHP board that I run and they had the answer in a few minutes:


$st = "";
$vals = array();
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
	$st .= strtoupper($row['state']);
	if($i == 0)
		$factor = 100 / (($row['cnt'] / $totalstate) * 100);
	$vals[] = number_format($factor * (($row['cnt'] / $totalstate) * 100), 2);
$vals = implode(",", $vals);

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