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How can I echo HTML?


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Hi - I'm brand new to PHP. I'm trying to figure out how to echo some HTML. The problem is, I need it to echo as though it were text, not actual HTML to be used. For example, how would I echo </title><body> so that when I viewed the PHP page online, it would show:



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quick question. How would I do a newline for each htmlentities? I keep getting errors when I put in \n


A \n would be a newline character (on certain OS's). However, a browser does not display the newline character; you'll need the <br /> tag for that. Obviously this does not want to be converted with htmlentities().

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The problem with telling him to just use htmlentities is that he probably doesn't know why it works.



Takamine, html tags display as they are supposed to when "<anything>" is types. Anytime html sees a "<" it won't print anything out until after a closing ">" is printed, and then it makes whatever changes are needed til is sees a closing "</whatever>" tag. So for you to print a < without it thinking it's an html tag, you'll need to type out the assosicated 'entity' code for it.


For example, ya know how if you type 5 space between words, it doesnt care and only adds one space? Well, the space entity code is ' ' so if you want 5 spaces, you need to type 5  's or else it won't print them. Now, the easy way to add entities is as suggested, with the htmlentities function. But if you dont' want to have to to that all the time, you can do the entity code for the < and > which is < and >, respectively. An easy way to remember is all entities starts with a & and end with a ;. And with these 2, you have a 'greater than' sign and a 'less than' sign. Hence, < and > There is an entity for (I think ) every character that needs to be displayed literally on the page.


Hope that made sense.


Hope that made sense.

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