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[SOLVED] Need some simple help


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Well I am making a number guessing game. It works just fine. But if the person doesn't pick a number and just clicks submit, it says that you got the number wrong. How can I make it say something like "Please go back and select a number." Thanks to all that can help. Here is my current script with the radiobuttons to select a number.


<form action="if.php" method="post">
Please select a number to guess.<br>
<input type="radio"
name="num" value="1">1   
<input type="radio"
name="num" value="2">2   
<input type="radio"
name="num" value="3">3   
<input type="radio"
name="num" value="4">4   
<input type="radio"
name="num" value="5">5<br>
<input type="submit" value="Guess that number!">

$cpu_number = rand(1, 5);

If (isset ($_POST['num'])) {
$number = $_POST['num'];

    If ($number == $cpu_number) { 
        echo "You guessed $number... Your number the same! You win!";

    } elseif ($number != $cpu_number) { 
        echo "You guessed $number... Your number does not match. Sorry, you lose. The computer's number was $cpu_number.";

   } elseif (noNumberSelected) {
echo "You haven't pressed a number. Please go back and select a number.";

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If looks like you need a loop to do that. Do you know how to make a while loop? Basically, you can set up a while(x = false) loop, where x is a boolean variable. When they get the question right, set x to true, and it will exit the loop. Otherwise, it will continue to loop through the selections.


Err...I guess that would only work if the options were inside the PHP code, and you had a while loop around all that. I'm not sure, but someone else can probably help you out.

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$cpu_number 	= rand(1, 5);
$number 	= (int)$_POST['num'];

  case $cpu_number:
echo "You guessed $number... Your number is the same! You win!";
  case 0:
echo "You haven't selected a number. Please go back and select a number.";
echo "You guessed $number... Your number does not match. Sorry, you lose. The computer's number was $cpu_number.";


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Okay, thats one way of doing it. I'll try it.


P.S. Please forget the:

   } elseif (noNumberSelected) {
echo "You haven't pressed a number. Please go back and select a number.";

That was a sad attempt that I forgot to take out... :P

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    $number = $_POST['num'];
    $back_link = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

         if (empty($number) || (int)$number == 0)
                  echo ('Please go back and select a number. ');
                  echo ('<a href="'.$back_link.'">Go back</a>');
                    // your code

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The following code has been tested and works fine:

<form action="" method="post">
Please select a number to guess.<br>
for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++)
echo '<input type="radio" name="num" value="' . $i . '">' . $i;
<br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Guess that number!">


If (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$cpu_number = rand(1, 5);
$number = $_POST['num'];
switch ($number) {
           case $cpu_number:
        echo "You guessed $number... Your number the same! You win!";
   case 0:
                echo "You haven't pressed a number. Please go back and select a number.";
                echo "You guessed $number... Your number does not match. Sorry, you lose. The computer's number was $cpu_number.";



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Here's one way -- I modified your script a little to be more interesting... :)


If (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
       $cpu_number = $_SESSION['cpu_guess'];
       $number = $_POST['num'];
switch ($number) {
	case $cpu_number:
        echo "You guessed $number... Your number the same! You win!";
   case 0:
			echo "You haven't pressed a number. Please go back and select a number.";
	     echo "You guessed $number... Your number does not match. Sorry, you lose. The computer's number was $cpu_number.";
else {
    $guesses = rand(5,15);
    $_SESSION['cpu_guess'] = rand(1,$guesses);
<form action="" method="post">
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and <?php echo $guesses ?> Can you guess what it is?.<br>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $guesses; $i++)
echo '<input type="radio" name="num" value="' . $i . '">' . $i;
<br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Guess that number!">
<?php } ?>



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