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Someone help me with a query?

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Sorry if this is in the wrong place.


I am wanting to create a website that allows users to sign up to a team, when authorised by me.


They then are signed to a team i.e LA LAKERS as the captain, and can offer trials and a contract to otehr members to fill there team.


Once teams are filled, users play the games on XBOX LIVE and then come to the site and input the score results, the tables are then automatically updated if both teams score reports match.


If one team fails to report there score within 2 days then team who did report the score gets the win.


Sites that are like the one I want are:








I have downloaded a PHP Script called CCLEAGUES from www.orlandocastillo.com


I am wondering am I going about this the right way, can anyone recommend anything to me as a newb at this?


Would anyone offer support for me?


I appreciate all replies, and thank you in advance.



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This board is for questions relating to the installation and configuration of the php interpreter itself, I'm not sure exactly what your question is, but it isn't related to the topic of this board.

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Again, I am sorry.


I'm basically wondering how to achieve a website that is all automatic.


Scores are reported by users, and tables are updated accordingly as long as the scores match.


Users can apply to be captain and when authorised by me, they are then captain of say the LA LAKERS and then register 5 other people( there friends) on there team.


Basically like a clan.


They then play other clans on xbox live.


You get me.

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