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I noticed a weird behavior with my small application.


I open a csv file, do a loop throughout a big list of emails and send them so I have before the while an echo with "Please be patient..."


In mozilla, when I click submit, it shows the message "Please be patient" and the browser continue its normal loading till the loop ends and shows the success message while in internet explorer it doesn't. It go to the post page with only the background color and after it finish its loading it shows the please be patient + success at the same time.


any idea or previous experience with such issues? thanks


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From what I understand of your post, it's probably because of the ways that each browser handles new page loads. IE might be set to wait for the page to completely finish loading, while your setup of (Firefox?) Mozilla, it might be set to start showing you the results right away.


I guess I'm just confused as to what you mean by the 'post page'. You have a sort of action script that is run after the user clicks something? Is it the page that is echoing 'Please be patient'? It's hard to tell without seeing any of your code.



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I assume that means you're actively flushing your output? If you read the section in the manual and the user-contributed notes, you'll see that some browsers have their own buffers so don't show anything until a certain amount of data has been recieved. You'll have to fool them with some whitespace.

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You have to use flush(), but either way, the browser might not display.


A better way to do this would be to use javascript... call the actual function in an external page ( invisible iframe ) and use javascript to tell the parent page when the script has finished execution.

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Guest Xanza
If only it were that easy, and half of the worlds teenage population wasn't so stubborn on using IE...


Yea, I've noticed that.. :( It's sad...


But this story actually made my day:


Redmond, WA – As the Mozilla Foundation releases Firefox 3 and tries to set a record for most downloads in a day, they will be receiving help from an unlikely source: Microsoft.


Steve Ballmer announced early Monday that Microsoft would be halting development on Internet Explorer 8 and focusing the company’s efforts on Firefox 3.


“I’m going to be downloading it myself, and I’ve told all our employees to download Firefox 3 on Tuesday and instructed our programming teams to start working on making the open source browser better rather than stumble around with Internet Explorer 8,” said Ballmer. “I mean, why bother? Firefox 3 has the ‘AwesomeBar,’ you can’t seriously expect to compete with that, can you?”


Ballmer said that Firefox 3.0 will be the standard browser included with Windows 7 installations along and will replace Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista SP2. “We’ve been looking for something to try to salvage Vista, and this could be it,” said Ballmer.


The Mozilla Foundation was surprised by the news. Carmen Pinter, head of press relations for the Foundation, said, “We’re closing in on 20% of the marketplace, and we know Microsoft is worried, but we didn’t expect this. We predicited capitulation with the release of Firefox 4.0 in 2011 which will have the ‘TotallyAwesomeBar.’”


Ballmer pleaded with other browser makers to coalesce around Firefox. “Why should we have so many programming hours going into different browsers? It’s so easy for everyone to contribute to Firefox. Safari and Opera programmers should get on board too. If we all rally around one browser then consumers will be the big winners, and that’s always been a priority for Microsoft,” said Ballmer.


The programmers working on Internet Explorer 8 were excited. “I can’t wait to stop working on IE8, fucking thing sucks. Most people around here already use Firefox anyway and are sick of doing it Live,” said browser programming team leader William Reily.


The Mozilla Foundation said it welcomed any contributors to the project, even from its arch rival Microsoft except “we don’t want any of the people responsible for Internet Explorer 6. They could set back Firefox decades.”

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It is not a matter of uninstalling :D because I cannot control my users. Let me better explain


page1= send.php

post page =sendresult.php


in the form page "send.php" I have the post method to the page "sendresult.php" where the code with the getcsv and do the loop is. the echo is just before the while. so as mentioned in some of the replies it is a matter of handling page loads between FireFox mozilla and IE


GingerRobot  could you pls advice how to fool with whitespace.

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I use this and it works in both FF and IE7 (don't know about 6)


if (ob_get_level() == 0) ob_start();
 echo str_pad('',4096)."\n"; 
<div id='loading'>  Loading.  Please wait </div>	


       //Do stuff here




The  echo str_pad('',4096)."\n"; is kind of important as some browsers won't flush the buffer (even if you tell it to) unless there are a minimum number of characters in it.

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I was surprised to see that about a 3rd of people are still using IE6. WTF is that about?


Businesses, I believe.


Large organisations can have hundreds of machines and users and a fairly small tech team who are not willing to allow general staff access to installation capabilities on their units because they are stupid and will almost certainly fill their boxes with bonsai buddies and keyloggers if given half the chance. Rather than having five guys take a week off normal work to go to every machine in the building individually and install different browsers, they'll just leave the whole thing well alone. :P

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pretty much to sum things up Firefox owns and is Very L33t and IE Just plane sucks cock.! IE sucks at loading tables etc... and makes sights look like and smell like shit. firefox make it smell like this orchard garden spray i have nice clean and deodorizes IE's nastiness. over all Stay with Firefox. thanks for your time



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Guest Xanza
you cant unistall IE cuz windows is based on IE


Sure you can, Control Panel > Add or Remote Programs > Add or Remove Windows Components (on the left)


Simple as that - but sure, alot of core components won't work if you un-install it... Like most help files - except for chm's I think.. But they actually might use IE... So I'm not sure.

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Age: 15


hem iv been around IE etc since windows 3.1 .. and around the block with other operating systems that USE "FF"


and No u cant completely uninstall IE. my computer search etc... are all based on the IE browser. so u cannot get ride of it.. if u delete the IE components then ur pc will not and cannot run until u reinstall or do a system recovery. so completely removing IE is unilateral and impossible to do. sorry to pwn you but things have to be done

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"Freak" ur wrong google it... YOU CAN NOT UNISTALL IT! thats simple "Freak"!


OP: got it coming along?? what i always do is make a script saying your using IE and this page is designed for FF please install FF or go home which takes them to mozilla.com


EDIT: i took out the language

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