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Because there is so much content it's hard to really to critique everything, so I'll start with the things that i dislike/stand out.


I'd redo the nav-bar, it's porly done, and could really add appeal.


If it's an anime site, why not create some article anime background or more colorful logo, the 'all-red' scheme is not only rough on the eyes, whats a random viewer gonna think...you want to establish the 'this is an anime site' immediately.


I had also originally thought you'd designed the PHP, and if that were ther case I'd be impressed by that, but I'm seeing that PHP-Fusion created the 'template' for you. Just takes the appeal away, hardly anything left to critique without that, when your asking for a critique from a board full of people (not all, but you get the point) who write their own code for the sites they create just adds insult to injury, wouldn't you say? Sorry to hit you on this issue, it has been bothering me though :)


I'm also noticing while you have used a bit of CSS, it is primarily table structured, and I think you should re-consider a whole new design, using CSS. It's avaliable to you, why not take advantage of it?


I will admit, while it is not flashy, I could navigate around easily so good job on that.


Why not center the content, or do something with that black space on the right, it's wasted space you could be using for user-appeal.


I'd also reconsider organizing the content as well, things are quite scattered, and might be important, but they go unreconized, like the "latest-threads" section, etc...


Well...I hope a little bit of that was helpful, not just a rant. Good luck.



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What do you think of my site?

I recently finished Version 2 of the site, and would like to know what to fix up on, and how to make it more appealing...


Eh, it's just another PHP-Fusion site.  They all look more or less the same.  Unfortunately, what custom work you did do (most notably the top-level navigation bar and login section) is pretty ugly.  Big, flat gray buttons just don't look good.


Another thing that caught my eye is the repeating background gradient.  Very annoying.  This is caused by the sheer number of news items you have on the front page.  It's been a while since I used PHP-Fusion (and I used version 6.xx), but there's probably a setting you can use to limit the number of news items shown on the front page.  I wouldn't show more than two, given the average size of the posts.  There's no reason to force your visitors to scroll down a mile just to leave a comment, and it should fix most of the repeating background issues.

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