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[SOLVED] Unexpected $end on last line


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This is some old code I'm trying to update. It's not REALLY long, but it's a bit to look through. I cannot for the life of me figure out where I screwed up and forgot to put a semi-colon, close a quote, close a brace, etc. I assume that's what the error message means. If not, can someone explain what's really wrong?


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in edit.php on line 273


I tried commenting out the two require() at the top because I thought maybe I had accidentally hit a key with one of those files open or something and I get the same error message.


I don't have an IDE that does PHP color coding. I'm even sitting here looking at the color coding of the code render in the topic and can't see any funky things going on with any strings or functions.





$the_id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM lunch_data d
	JOIN lunch_loc el ON d.pid = el.id
	WHERE d.pid = {$the_id}";
$result = mysql_query($sql) OR DIE ("<strong>ERROR</strong><br />{$sql}<br />".mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$loc = $r['loc'];
$pid = $r['pid'];
$thedate = $r['thedate'];
	$when = explode("-", $thedate);
$rating = $r['rating'];
$spent = $r['spent'];
	$price = explode(".", $spent);
$comments = $r['comment'];
DIE ("No location with that id. Don't try to cheat me.");

if ($_POST["Submit"] == "Submit") {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
	$_POST[$key] = myEscape($val);

$the_id = $_POST['the_id'];
$pid = $_POST['pid'];

$month = $_POST['month'];
$day = $_POST['day'];
$year = $_POST['year'];
$error = (empty($month)||empty($day)||empty($year)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

$therating = $_POST['rating'];

$dollars = $_POST['dollars'];
$cents = $_POST['cents'];

$comment = trim($_POST['comment']);

if (!$error) {
	$thedate = "'{$year}-{$month}-{$day}'";
	$rating = (empty($therating)) ? "NULL" : "'{$therating}'";
	$spent = (empty($dollars)||empty($cents)) ? "NULL" : "'{$dollars}.{$cents}'";
	$notes = (empty($comment)) ? "NULL" : "'{$comment}'";

	$sql = "UPDATE lunch_data SET thedate={$thedate}, rating={$rating}, spent={$spent}, comment={$notes}, publish=NOW() WHERE id={$the_id}";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) OR DIE ("<strong>ERROR</strong><br />{$sql}<br />".mysql_error());
	header("Location: show.php?pid={$pid}");
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

Nonzero1.0 by nodethirtythree design
missing in a maze

<?php showHead(); ?>

<title>The Donger Lunch Report › Nothing Fancy</title>
<body id="data">

<div id="header">

<div id="header_inner" class="fluid">

	<div id="logo">
		<?php showLogo(); ?>


	<div id="menu">
			<?php showNav(); ?>


<div id="main">

<div id="main_inner" class="fluid">

	<div id="primaryContent_2columns">

		<div id="columnA_2columns">

			<h3>what did you eat today?</h3>

			<?php echo ($error) ? "<p class=\"error\">Form error</p>" : ""; ?>

			<form action="edit.php" method="post">
					Where?<br /><?php echo $loc; ?>


					When?<br />
					<select name="month">
						<option value="">MM  </option>
						$m = date("m");
						for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
							echo ($m == $i)
								? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
								: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";
					<select name="day">
						<option value="">DD  </option>
						$d = date("d");
						for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
							echo ($d == $i)
								? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
								: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";
					<select name="year">
						<option value="">YYYY  </option>
						$y = date("Y");
						for ($i = 2005; $i <= $y; $i++)
							echo ($y == $i)
								? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
								: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";

					How good was it?<br />
					<select name="rating">
						<option value="">N/A  </option>
						for ($i = 100; $i >= 1; $i--)
							echo ($i == $rating)
								? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
								: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";

					How much did you spend?<br />
					<select name="dollars">
						<option value="">Dollars  </option>
						for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++)
							echo ($i == $price[0])
								? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
								: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";
					<select name="cents">
						<option value="">Cents  </option>
						for ($i = 1; $i <= 99; $i++)
							if ($i < 10)
								$temp = "0{$i}";
								echo ($temp == $price[1])
									? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$temp}\">{$temp}</option>"
									: "<option value=\"{$temp}\">{$temp}</option>";
								echo ($i == $price[1])
									? "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>"
									: "<option value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";
					$XX.XX USD

					Any comments?<br />
					<textarea name="comment" rows="4" cols="30"><?php echo myEscape($comment); ?></textarea>
					<br />max 255 characters

					<input type="hidden" name="the_id" value="<?php echo $the_id; ?>" />
					<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php echo $pid; ?>" />
					<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> -
					<input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" />

			<h3>would you like to backup data?</h3>

				It will export to a .xls file.

				<a href="exportdata.php">Click me</a> to export data table.

				<a href="exportloc.php">Click me</a> to export location table.

				<a href="#" title="Back to the top">↑ top</a>



	<div id="secondaryContent_2columns">

		<div id="columnC_2columns">

			<h4><span>Recent</span> Entries</h4>
			<ul class="links">
				<?php showRecent(); ?>



	<br class="clear" />



<div id="footer" class="fluid">
<?php showFooter(); ?>


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here is your problem

if ($_POST["Submit"] == "Submit") {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
	$_POST[$key] = myEscape($val);

you never close the foreach

change that section to

if ($_POST["Submit"] == "Submit") {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
	$_POST[$key] = myEscape($val);

unexpected $end normally means there is a brace still open




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