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Hi all ,

i am trying to get this to work ???, but it just outputs the input string any help would be very much apprriechated



My code is :o:(



$strCart= ":New Arrival Collection :10.00 :1 :10.00 :Anturium Five :10.00 :2 :20.00"; 		// input string


$theItems = explode(":",$strCart);
$strBasket = '';
while ($i < count($theItems)) {

$strBasket .= 'Item:'. $theItems[$i].'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Quantity:'. $theItems[$i].'<br />';   ++$i; $iQuantity = $theItems[$i];
$strBasket .= 'Price (-tax):'. number_format($theItems[$i]/1.175,2).'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Tax:'. number_format($theItems[$i]*7/47,2).'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Full Price:'. number_format($theItems[$i],2).'<br />';   ++$i; $fPrice = $theItems[$i];
$strBasket .= 'Row Total:'. number_format($fPrice*$iQuantity,2).'<br />';   ++$i;


// add delivery to the total and the basket

$strBasket = $strCart ;
$strBasket=$iBasketItems+1 . $strBasket . ":Delivery:1:5.00:---:5.00:5.00";

echo $strCart;
// currently outputs ":New Arrival Collection :10.00 :1 :10.00 :Anturium Five :10.00 :2 :20.00”

// explanation of desired results for 
//    2 items                      “no of rows    : first item                 : qty  : price – tax   : tax    :  Price  : item total	:  ect for second + delivery	
// should output should be  “ 3                :New Arrival Collection  :1     :8.25             : 1.75  :10.00   :10.00       : Anturium Five :10.00 :2 :20.00





Many thanks for you time and help





(edited by kenrbnsn to add


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You're doing all the work in the while loop, then doing:

$strBasket = $strCart ;
$strBasket=$iBasketItems+1 . $strBasket . ":Delivery:1:5.00:---:5.00:5.00";
echo $strCart;


which overwrites that work and just outputs the original string.



Hi Ken,

you must have telepathy ;D as i noticed that just as my email poped up,



But i still seem to have a problem ??? as my output seems to be mixed up and or missing an item


Here is my current code,


$strCart= ":New Arrival Collection :10.00 :2 :10.00 :Anturium Five :10.00 :2 :20.00"; 		

$strThisEntry= $strCart;

$theItems = explode(":",$strCart);

$strBasket = '';

while ($i < count($theItems)) {

$strBasket .= 'Item:'. $theItems[$i].'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Quantity:'. $theItems[$i].'<br />';   ++$i; $iQuantity = $theItems[$i];
$strBasket .= 'Price (-tax):'. number_format($theItems[$i]/1.175,2).'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Tax:'. number_format($theItems[$i]*7/47,2).'<br />';   ++$i;
$strBasket .= 'Full Price:'. number_format($theItems[$i],2).'<br />';   ++$i; $fPrice = $theItems[$i];
$strBasket .= 'Row Total:'. number_format($fPrice*$iQuantity,2).'<br />';   ++$i;

// Move to the next cart entry, if there is one
if ($pos==0) 

// add delivery to the total and the basket
$strBasket=$iBasketItems+1 . $strBasket . ":Delivery:1:5.00:---:5.00:5.00";

echo $strBasket ;	




it outputs the following



Quantity:New Arrival Collection

Price (-tax):8.51


Full Price:10.00

Row Total:0.00



Price (-tax):17.02


Full Price:0.00

Row Total:0.00




But it should be


Items in basket: 2

Item: New Arrival Collection


Price (-tax):8.51


Full Price:10.00

Row Total:10.00

Item: Anturium Five


Price (-tax):17.02


Full Price:10.00

Row Total:20.00




Any and all help is very much apprsiated




(edited by kenrbnsn to add


hi there,


turn on error_reporting(E_ALL);


how does the start data ($strCart ) get into the script. is it from a text file, database, $_SESSION etc. Also, what does the data look like with more items in the basket that are all different in price etc.


Can you provide an example of more data. then it will be possible to help you with a solution.


you may want to look at


list($var, $var, ...) = explode(':', $strCart);


this would make the data much easier to put together, but would  only work if the $strCart input is always identical.

Hence, seeing more data would be helpful.

$strCart= ":New Arrival Collection :10.00 :1 :10.00 :Anturium Five :10.00 :2 :20.00"; 		

$strThisEntry= $strCart;
$theItems = explode(":",$strCart);
$strBasket = '';
$i = 1;
while ($i < count($theItems)) {
$item = $theItems[$i++];
$full_price = $theItems[$i++];
$quantity = $theItems[$i++];
$total = $theItems[$i++];
$strBasket .= 'Item:'. $item.'<br />';
$strBasket .= 'Quantity:'. $quantity.'<br />';
$strBasket .= 'Price (-tax):'. number_format($total/1.175,2).'<br />';
$strBasket .= 'Tax:'. number_format($total*7/47,2).'<br />';
$strBasket .= 'Full Price:'. number_format($full_price,2).'<br />';
$strBasket .= 'Row Total:'. number_format($total,2).'<br />';

// add delivery to the total and the basket
$strBasket= 'Items in basket:'.$iBasketItems . '<br />' . $strBasket . ":Delivery:1:5.00:---:5.00:5.00";

echo $strBasket ;	


Hi all, sorry but it’s worth noting i am very new to php.


$strCart  come from a shopping cart but, for the purpose of getting a clean exit string from the array, i have been feeding the array manually, just to make sure of data consistency


Her are some examples of the input string ($strCart )


For one item

New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2 :100.00 :


For two items

New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2 :100.00 :Anturium Five :40.00 :2 :80.00


For three items

New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2:100.00 :Anturium Five :40.00 :2 :80.00 :White Dream :34.00 :5 :34.00";



It’s all in the same format “item ,price , qty ,total” note that total in only a total for the item in that line and doeas not need to be recalculated.


As you can see from the code below



The first example i item

Input New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2 :100.00



2Item:New Arrival Collection


Price (-tax):42.55


Full Price:100.00

Row Total:0.00



The secound example 2 items

Input New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2 :100.00 :Anturium Five :40.00 :2 :80.00



3Item:New Arrival Collection


Price (-tax):42.55


Full Price:100.00

Row Total:0.00



Price (-tax):1.70


Full Price:0.00

Row Total:0.00





The third example 3 items

Input New Arrival Collection :50.00 :2 :100.00 :Anturium Five :40.00 :2 :80.00



4Item:New Arrival Collection


Price (-tax):42.55


Full Price:100.00

Row Total:0.00



Price (-tax):1.70


Full Price:0.00

Row Total:68.00



Price (-tax):28.94


Full Price:0.00

Row Total:0.00







$strCart= "New Arrival Collection :50.00 :1 :50.00 :Anturium Five :40.00 :2 :80.00 :White Dream :34.00 :5 :34.00";





$strThisEntry= $strCart;




$theItems = explode(":",$strCart);


$strBasket = '';


while ($i < count($theItems)) {


$iQuantity=cleanInput(substr($strThisEntry,0,1),"Number"); //new





$strBasket .= 'Item:'. $theItems[+$i].'<br />';+$i;

$strBasket .= 'Quantity:'. $theItems[$i].'<br />';++$i; $iQuantity = $theItems[$i];

$strBasket .= 'Price (-tax):'. number_format($theItems[$i]/1.175,2).'<br />';   ++$i;

$strBasket .= 'Tax:'. number_format($theItems[$i]*7/47,2).'<br />';   ++$i;

$strBasket .= 'Full Price:'. number_format($theItems[$i],2).'<br />';   ++$i; $fPrice = $theItems[$i];

$strBasket .= 'Row Total:'. number_format($fPrice*$iQuantity,2).'<br />';   ++$i;




// Move to the next cart entry, if there is one


if ($pos==0)






// add delivery to the total and the basket



$strBasket= $iBasketItems+1  . $strBasket . ":Delivery:1:5.00:---:5.00:5.00";




echo $strBasket ;




I've noticed that you've made a lot of topics and posts about this cart issue...how come you're making life so difficult and make crazy strings and all sorts of stuff instead of just making an array in the sessions or using a pre-made e-commerce solution like OSCommerce?  First of all, your cart would break if a product had a : in it....second of all it's just clumsy.


it's a hand me down cart for a cheap skate friend of mine and it 's based on a flat file system, plus all of the $vars are dropt instantly and output into content html >.tpl


i had to extract the data from the html then re-jig it for the backend, if only it had a database and some vb my life would have a lot easier!!! How well..



Again Many thanks for everyone’s help





Yes please for the code, as i am on a php learning cerv.



As for thr rejig of the code, that is somthing i am and have been looking into, i also do not like this sloppy approach.

I have had to rewrite a lot of the code already!!


i am just having a look at OSCommerce very interesting ..

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