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returning to previous page....?


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Hey guys,


The problem i am having is with navigating back to a previous page in php...


What i am trying to do is, when a user tries to go to a certain page, they have to be logged in, otherwise they can't access it. So what i do is check that the user is logged on, if they are not then they are directed to my login page where they can log in.


But in my script i have a header which directs them to the profile page, but i dont want them to go there, i want them to be directed back to the page that they were TYRING to access....


I really can't figure out how to do this.....searched google and stuff too, but nothing comes up in the example i am trying to do..


Can anyone give me insight on how to do this??





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inside your condition that checks if user is logged in, before the header redirect, do


$_SESSION['currentpage'] = 'page.php';




$_SESSION['currentpage'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];


and then in your login script, where you send them to the default logged in page upon successful login, before the header redirect, do


$location = ($_SESSION['currentpage'])?  $_SESSION['currentpage'] : "profile.php";
header("Location: $location");




or yeah, you can pass it via GET method like darkwater mentioned



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What? Remove the header redirect to the profile page... or simply have


if ( $loggedOn == TRUE )
   header( 'Location: profile.php' );
   header( 'Location: login.php' );


Store it in the URL when you redirect them to the login page.  I've seen sites with like:




A cleaner way would be to use sessions to track the previous page the user has been on, I do this all the time.


At the bottom of my scripts i have $_SESSION['lastPage'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

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could use


// login.php
$page_just_on = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '' ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
$redirect_page = $page_just_on . $query_string;


store $redirect_page as a hidden input field in the login form.

then after processing the login and checking their details, just redirect to the page.


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I use this method..


Even though it's been discussed in a way, just giving practical examples :)


         $this->referrer = $_SESSION['url'];
         $this->referrer = "/";


Then call the referrer from outside the class... i.e



Although I've only recently started using this method, so I don't know how effective it is, or reliable, etc..


If you guys figure out a better waty, let me know

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hey guys,


cheers for your overwhelming response!! you were all a great help thankyou!!


I'm having a slight problem now to do with directories....


i have my login script within a folder called 'function' so when the login page is called, it goes:




so when i try redirecting to a page not in this directory it can't find it, because it isn't the same directory as the login script, say if i was trying to redirect to index.php it would do the following:




does anyone know how i go back through a directory??


cheers for your help guys



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