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What should I do?


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I've had the idea to create a site that would allow users to upload their own creations (.mp3), specifically electronic music, but while working on it I've come to many realizations.


The idea of having a high-traffic website that would constanting be uploading/downloading would be implausible, and expensive, and my dream is quickly being crushed.


While the cost of bandwidth, and server space isn't too bad for a decent amount, if my site became successful enough it would require copious amounts of bandwidth that I just wouldn't be able to afford.


What should I do? This feature was one thing that really insprired me to create such a website, and would have been one of the main feaures for users to take part in.


Should I continue, and try to build a site without this feature until I have a stable base of users? ( which I don't think could happen, because while the site may have appeal, that's the real reason for the site even existing )


Or should I just give up right now and attempt to build a successful website on another platform (different idea) ?


Opinions, ideas, or solutions to my problem would greatly be appreciated.


It was kind of a punch in the face to make this realization, as I always knew it wouldn't be easy, but I didn't think it'd be impossible. *sigh*  I got a little ahead of myself.

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don't be so negative. that's my advice.


as it's going to cost money, you might just have to put some more planning into it from a business perspective. look at ways your site might make money. premium memberships? could you do a preview (free) and full download (paid for) service? could you support your site with ads? as it's unsigned music, could you get a local recording studio to sponsor you?


i'm sure youtube had far bigger bandwidth issues when they started. it's good you're aware of the problems you might have, but IMO getting over them is the difference between those that do this stuff for pure fun and those that make fortunes from it. like i say - as it could cost money, treat it like a business and plan it like one.

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Yeah, don't build something, then create the business model. All, keep in mind that hosting companies are making money off you, so if your not going to be able to afford hosting, buy your own server and colocate it.


In my experience, you can get the colocation people to come down a lot, like %50. Just tell them that you are a startup and have no money, and bug them till they give you a deal. The best way seems to be to call them like every week, for about a month - eventually the'll work out a deal, and if they don't, someone out there will.

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