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Urgent Help ( Want to display in desc order )


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Friends, i need urgent help to fix this code that should fatch the record from table and display it in descending order agains the Date/time :




require_once 'db/db.php';
function check()
	$accState = $_SESSION['account_state'];
	$Uname = $_SESSION['user_name'];
	$Iclient = $_SESSION['id_client'];
	$Recharge = $_POST['txtRecharge'];

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM pins WHERE name='$Recharge' and id_status='1'";
	$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Wrong SQL Staement..");

	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
		if($row['name'] == $Recharge && $row['id_status']==1)
			$Amount = $row['amount'];
			$accState = $accState + $Amount;

			$QueryUpdate = "UPDATE clientshearlink SET account_state='$accState' "
			." WHERE id_client = '$Iclient' "
			." and login = '$Uname' ";
			echo $Uname.": ".$accState;
			echo "Invalid PIN.";


}	*/

if(empty($_SESSION['id_client'])) {

if(empty($_GET['page_no'])) {
	$page_no = 1;
else {
	$page_no = $_GET['page_no'];
$start = 30 * ($page_no - 1);
$end = 30;

$cur_time = getdate(time());
$cur_day = $cur_time['mday'];
$cur_month = $cur_time['mon'];
$cur_year = $cur_time['year'];

$param = "param=null";		// passed as url parameter for next and previous page link
$selected = array();
if(empty($_GET['s_day']) || empty($_GET['s_month']) || empty($_GET['s_year']) 
	|| empty($_GET['e_day']) || empty($_GET['e_month']) || empty($_GET['e_year'])) {
	$from = date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 00:00:00";
	$to = date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 23:59:59";

	$selected['s_day'] = $selected['e_day'] = $cur_day;
	$selected['s_month'] = $selected['e_month'] = $cur_month;
	$selected['s_year'] = $selected['e_year'] = $cur_year;

else {
	$from = $_GET['s_year'] . "-" . $_GET['s_month'] . "-" . $_GET['s_day'] . ' ' . "00:00:00";
	$to = $_GET['e_year'] . "-" . $_GET['e_month'] . "-" . $_GET['e_day'] . ' ' . "23:59:59";
	$param = "s_year={$_GET['s_year']}&s_month={$_GET['s_month']}&s_day={$_GET['s_day']}&"
			. "e_year={$_GET['e_year']}&e_month={$_GET['e_month']}&e_day={$_GET['e_day']}";

	$selected['s_day'] = $_GET['s_day'];
	$selected['s_month'] = $_GET['s_month'];
	$selected['s_year'] = $_GET['s_year'];
	$selected['e_day'] = $_GET['e_day'];
	$selected['e_month'] = $_GET['e_month'];
	$selected['e_year'] = $_GET['e_year'];


div.header {
	font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

table {


<div style="float:right"><a href="">Logout</a></div>
echo "<br/><div class=\"header\">";
echo "Client Type: PC 2 Phone, ";
echo "User: ". $_SESSION['user_name'] . ", ";
echo "User remaining funds: " . $_SESSION['account_state'] . "</div><br/>";
<form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"><br/>
<input type="hidden" page_no="1">
		<select name="s_day">
			<option value=""> Day </option>
			for($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
				if($i == $selected['s_day'])
					printf("<option value=%02d selected> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
					printf("<option value=%02d> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
		<select name="s_month">
			<option value=""> Month </option>
				for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
				if($i == $selected['s_month'])
					printf("<option value=%02d selected> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
					printf("<option value=%02d> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
		<select name="s_year">
			<option value=""> Year </option>
				for($i = 1999; $i <= 2006; $i++)
					if($i == $selected['s_year'])
						printf("<option value=%04d selected> %4d </option>\n", $i, $i);
						printf("<option value=%04d> %4d </option>\n", $i, $i);
		<select name="e_day" size="1">
			<option value="">Day</option>
			for($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
				if($i == $selected['e_day'])
					printf("<option value=%02d selected> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
					printf("<option value=%02d> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);

		<select name="e_month">
			<option value="">Month</option>
				for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
					if($i == $selected['e_month'])
						printf("<option value=%02d selected> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);
						printf("<option value=%02d> %2d </option>\n", $i, $i);

		<select name="e_year">
			<option value="">Year</option>
				for($i = 1999; $i <= 2006; $i++)
					if($i == $selected['e_year'])
						printf("<option value=%04d selected> %4d </option>\n", $i, $i);
						printf("<option value=%04d> %4d </option>\n", $i, $i);
	<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Filter"></td>

<a href="p2ppayments.php" target="_blank">Payment List</a>
<!--<form name="check" action="p2pcheck.php" method="post">-->
<form name="PIN"  method="post" action="p2pcheck.php">
<table width="30%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
    <td align="left"><input name="txtRecharge" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20"></td>

    <td align="right"><input name="btnRecharge" type="submit" value="PIN Recharge"></td>

$query_total_cost = "SELECT SUM(cost) total_cost FROM calls "
			. " WHERE id_client = " . $_SESSION['id_client']
			. " AND client_type = 1 " 
			. " AND call_start >= '{$from}' AND call_start <= '{$to}'";
			//. " GROUP BY id_client ";

//echo "<br>" . $query_temp . "<br/>";				

$result_total_cost = mysql_query($query_total_cost) or die("billing.php: 168 " . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_total_cost);
$total_cost_period = $row['total_cost'];
printf("<br/>Total cost during the period: %.2f <br/><br/>\n" , $total_cost_period);

$query_all = "SELECT * FROM calls "
			. " WHERE id_client = " . $_SESSION['id_client']
			. " AND client_type = 1 " 
			. " AND call_start >= '{$from}' AND call_start <= '{$to}'";
$result_all = mysql_query($query_all) or die("billing.php: 97 " . mysql_error());

$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result_all);	
if($num_rows == 0) {
	echo '<font color="red" size="+1">No call in this duration</font>';
//	echo "<br/>Number of rows: " . $num_rows . "<br />";

$num_pages = ceil($num_rows/30);

if(($page_no < 1) || ($page_no > $num_pages)) {
	echo '<font color="red" size="+1">Illegal page number</font>';
$prev_page = ($page_no > 1)? $page_no-1 : 1;
$next_page = ($page_no < $num_pages)? $page_no+1 : $num_pages;

<table width="100%" border="0" style="background-color:#CCCCCC">
	<td align="left"><a href="p2pbilling.php?page_no=<?php echo $prev_page . "&". $param;?>"><< Prev</a></td>
	<td colspan="3" align="center"><?php echo "Page $page_no of $num_pages"; ?></td>
	<td align="right"><a href="p2pbilling.php?page_no=<?php echo $next_page . "&". $param;?>">Next >></td>

<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellpadding="3" border="1" rules="rows" onMouseOver="this.style.color=red">
<tr align="left">
	<th>Row number</th>
	<th>Call Start</th>
	<th>Call End</th>
	<!-- <th>Actual Dur</th> -->


//echo "Number of rows " . mysql_num_rows($result_calls) . "<br/>";

$query_calls = "SELECT * FROM calls "
			. " WHERE id_client = " . $_SESSION['id_client']
			. " AND client_type = 1 " 
			. " AND call_start >= '{$from}' AND call_start <= '{$to}'"
			. " ORDER BY call_start DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$end}";

//echo "<br/>query_calls: " . $query_calls . "<br/>";

$result_calls = mysql_query($query_calls) or die("p2pbilling.php: 97 " . mysql_error());

$rowNum = 30 * ($page_no-1);
$totalDuration = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_calls)) {
	echo "<tr align=\"left\">\n";
	echo "<td>" . $rowNum . "</td>\n";
	echo "<td>" . $row['called_number']. "</td>\n";
	echo "<td>" . $row['call_start'] . "</td>\n";
	echo "<td>" . $row['call_end'] . "</td>\n";
//		echo "<td>" . $row['duration'] . "</td>\n";
	$billingDuration = (int)(($row['duration']+59)/60);
	if($row['cost'] > 0)
		$totalDuration += $billingDuration;
	echo "<td>" . $billingDuration . "</td>\n";
	printf("<td> %.2f </td>\n", $row['cost']);
//		echo "<td>" . $row['cost'] . "</td>\n";
	echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td colspan=4>Total</td>";
echo "<td>" . $totalDuration . "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>";

<table width="100%" border="0" style="background-color:#CCCCCC">
	<td align="left"><a href="p2pbilling.php?page_no=<?php echo $prev_page . "&". $param;?>"><< Prev</a></td>
	<td colspan="3" align="center"><?php echo "Page $page_no of $num_pages"; ?></td>
	<td align="right"><a href="p2pbilling.php?page_no=<?php echo $next_page . "&". $param;?>">Next >></td>



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See it does fatch the record from two tables ( one is Calls and 2nd is cliente164 ), it does search the user / password from table ( cliente164 ) and then fatch the record from Calls against the ( client_Id ), and then print it on screen ), i need the printed thing in decending order, my request is where i have to change the things in the above codes. so it print the records in decending order against date/time a/c to the ( Call_start ) .


I hope you can understand it now,



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