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[SOLVED] Help with string extraction


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I am getting lost on how to "extract" part of a variable's string leaving only what needs to be seen. I tried using explode function but that was not allowing it to save the tags around the text with it.


This is the paragraph im processing:


[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]

Response 14455.


Now this whole paragraph above is in a variable as $Message


But i want to forward the message but to stop the user "editing" what is being quoted i want to some how extract the quote.


So from [24] to [/ QUOTE] it needs to take. So it then assigns it to a new variable so the new variable will become:

[24]Testing[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]


Leaving only for the main variable:

Response 14455. 



Can php do this? I know how to explode a string but explodes don't take the symbol that separates the information. I need this to also take the tags with it.

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Replace? I'm not trying to convert or replace anything how ever...im not sure if i have misunderstood you, or you have misunderstood me lol.


Just to sure, let me simplify it with a simple example say a string has:


Hello there!


And i wanted to "cut" this string so it become:


$Var1 = Hello

$Var2 = there!



Only for my real situation i need to cut the string "after" the last char of :



So "everything" after the ] char from [/ QUOTE]

Will go to $Var2 and everything before the ] include the ] itself goes to $Var1.


If i were to replace it I would loose tags. The tags need to remain otherwise when echo'd for later use it won't process in the BBCode.

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You mean like this ?


$text = '[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]';
if (preg_match('%(.*?\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])%si', $text, $regs))
$Var1 = $regs[1]; // [24]Test[25]
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // Thank you for reading![/quote]




to be more exact, i guess you should have

if (preg_match('%(.*?\[25\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])%si', $text, $regs)) {

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The RegEx matches everything until it hits a "[25]" and puts that into Var1, then matches everything until it hits a

and puts that into Var2


so, the results would be as follows (so it may not be what you want..


$text = '[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading!';

var1 = "[24]Test[25]"'

var2 = "Thank you for reading!"


$text = 'testing [24]Test[25]Thank you for reading!';

var1 = "testing [24]Test[25]"'

var2 = "Thank you for reading!"


$text = '[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading! can't find me';

var1 = "[24]Test[25]"'

var2 = "Thank you for reading!"


of course i could mod it to remove the [24] & [25] or only include the text inside them or almost anything but from what he said

So "everything" after the ] char from [/ QUOTE]

Will go to $Var2 and everything before the ] include the ] itself goes to $Var1.


i assume this is correct

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if (preg_match('%(.*?\[25\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])%si', $text, $regs)) {


Can I just ask, MadTechie, what purpose do the % at the start and end serve? Like, obviously they are declaring the start and end of the string like ^ and $, but do they do anything better? :)

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In RegEx you need to tag the start and end of the patten, after the last tag you can add switches


Now i am using 2 switches S and I, (dot match new lines and case insensitive), the tag i normall use are / but this can be almost anything I used % because of the / used in /QUOTE

I could of done this (escape the / in /quote)

if (preg_match('/(.*?\[25\])([^]]*?\[\//QUOTE\])/si', $text, $regs)) {

if i didn't escape the / then it would think i wanted the switches to be

"QUOTE\])/si" instead of just "si"


but i find it easier to use % then again i could use # or @ or : or ~ etc

ie for # it would be

if (preg_match('#(.*?\[25\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])#si', $text, $regs)) {


hope that makes sense :)


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You mean like this ?


$text = '[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]';
if (preg_match('%(.*?\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])%si', $text, $regs))
$Var1 = $regs[1]; // [24]Test[25]
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // Thank you for reading![/quote]




to be more exact, i guess you should have

if (preg_match('%(.*?\[25\])([^]]*?\[\/QUOTE\])%si', $text, $regs)) {


Close to that but the two variables should be become like this:


	$Var1 = $regs[1]; // [24]Test[25] Thank you for reading![/quote]
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // Response 14455.


So everything before the last char of "

" which is the ] is in one var... and everything after the ] goes to the second var.


The original string is:

[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]

Response 14455.

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Try this (i'm at work so can't test it but looks ok)

$text = '[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote] Response 14455.';
if (preg_match('%^(.*?\[\/QUOTE\])(.*)$%si', $text, $regs)) {
$Var1 = $regs[1]; // "[24]Test[25]Thank you for reading![/quote]"
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // " Response 14455." 

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Thankyou for your response. It works a treat!


Although to cover all eventualities of a forum post.... it is very common for a message to contain:


$Message = $MainMessage = '[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote] because i want to!';


They may even have more quotes than that. And so at this stage it wouldn't split the message correctly as i just tried it, it cuts the first end quote then nothing after that. Though I still require it to cut into two $vars only no matter how many [ /quote ] tags are invovled.


It should end up like:

$message[0] = '[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote]' // the quotes
$message[1] = 'because i want to!'  // the post


Any ideas?


Thanks for your response.

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Okay little different style but again may work (can't test here)


$text = '[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote] because i want to!';
if (preg_match('%(.*\b\[/quote\])(.*)%si', $text, $regs)) {
$Var1 = $regs[1]; // "[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote]"
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // " because i want to!"

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Okay little different style but again may work (can't test here)


$text = '[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote] because i want to!';
if (preg_match('%(.*\b\[/quote\])(.*)%si', $text, $regs)) {
$Var1 = $regs[1]; // "[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote]"
$Var2 = $regs[2]; // " because i want to!"


Thanks MadTechie. The if statement doesn't seem to come out as true though anymore:


$Message = $row['Message'];
//hiiide quote				
if (preg_match('%(.*\b\[/quote\])(.*)%si', $Message, $regs)) {
	$Var1 = $regs[1]; // "[ quote] [ quote] test [/quote] why are you testing[/quote]"
	$Var2 = $regs[2]; // " because i want to!"
Echo 'failed';


The failed is being echo'd. Why could that be?

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