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Flash Game Programming

The Little Guy

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Well there are a ton of regular tutorials for flash and actionscript in general, how to achieve effects, etc... I mean if you're looking for tutorials in actual game design...well that's not really flash dependent;  I'd be looking in other places besides a flash site...


I mean, that's kind of like wanting to make a game in php so you go to php sites looking for how to make a game.  Well php is just a language.  That's not really the important part.  It's just the medium.

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1) Use AS3. The time you spend learning AS2's "quirks" could be spent learning a real, solid language.


2) If your doing a multiplier game with sockets, a good starting point might be to figure out how your going to setup the server. Generally, you want to write a game server that is capable of running multiple games concurrently in different states while still listening for new connections - you can try to run them all in a single thread or have a 'waiting room' type thing that then spawns separate game threads. I can't think of any reason to specifically look for game programming - figure out how to create and move squares in flash, figure out to fie key events, write Tetris, learn sockets in C/C++/PHP, learn sockets in Flash, pass data between the two, ect. Games are just made by combining different technologies, and while there are some largely game specific topics you might need to know, I would worry more about know how to program than I would knowing how to 'game program'.

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