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Im using file_get_contents to get a string from a form input

The result is like this


"250","134","image1.gif",""," Joe  -  hosted ","http://www.url.com/?l65j",
"250","134","image2.gif",""," Sally  -  hosted ","http://www.url.com/?Ut59",

"250","134","image3.gif",""," Mary - Not hosted ","http://www.url.com/?MN7F",
"250","134","image4.gif",""," Joe - hosted ","http://www.url.com/?WrT3",


Is it possible to break down the string for each url and perform an action on each one?


I tried various things with strstr and substr but it only returns the first url.

So I thought I needed to get each one in an array but I cant seem to get that to work

Any ideas??

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I was trying that also but I get an invalid argument supplied for foreach()


This is what the form action looks ;ike

if(isset($_POST['input'])) {     

$source = file_get_contents($_POST['input']); 
$output = htmlspecialchars($source);   

foreach($output as $key => $value){
echo"The value at $key is $value<br />";






$output needs to change to the exploded value:


if(isset($_POST['input'])) {     

$source = file_get_contents($_POST['input']); 
$output = htmlspecialchars($source);   

$output = explode("\n",$output);
foreach($output as $key => $value){
echo"The value at $key is $value<br />";



Should work, as long as the $_POST['input'] actually has newlines in it.

That worked but the results arent what I was looking for

That took each line of the source code of the page and added it to the array


The value at 0 is <html> 
The value at 1 is <head> 


So I guess I should add

$source is going to be something like this



"250","134","image1.gif",""," Joe  -  hosted ","http://www.url.com/?l65j",
"250","134","image2.gif",""," Sally  -  hosted ","http://www.url.com/?Ut59",

"250","134","image3.gif",""," Mary - Not hosted ","http://www.url.com/?MN7F",
"250","134","image4.gif",""," Joe - hosted ","http://www.url.com/?WrT3",


And I need to extract and perfom an action on each url within


I guess that bit of onfo would have helped - sorry


You could add the strip_tags function into the mix. But that would leave Untitled at the top...


if(isset($_POST['input'])) {     

$source = file_get_contents($_POST['input']); 
$output = strip_tags($source);   

$output = explode("\n",$output);
foreach($output as $key => $value){
echo"The value at $key is $value<br />";



There may be another way of doing it that gets rid of Untitled as well. But it probably won't be as simple.

Im thinking I might be going about this wrong all together

I dont know,


basically I need to open


(Which will be a url from a form)


search the source code of that (Which is why I was using file_get_contents)


and perfom an action each time it finds



But everything after the ? is different for each one




I wrote how I would handle something like this below. I've tried to comment it so you understand how I've changed it. Basically, using the code below, you can access that URL (http://www.url.com/?l65j) with the variable $splitline[5].


You can also get other things from those lines (like the image filename) using $splitline[2]. Run the code below, you'll see the rest.


// Get contents of html file
$source = file_get_contents('go.html'); 
// Strip the HTML out
$output = strip_tags($source);   
// Put every new line into an array
$output = explode("\n",$output);
// Get rid of the blank array entries
$output = array_filter($output);

// For each array entry remaining:
foreach($output as $value)
// Split each line into the different sections (separated by commas)
$splitline = explode(',', $value);
// If the line has 5 values (this just gets rid of the line saying 'Untitled' which we don't want)
	// Echo the values of the line
	echo 'Number 1: ' . $splitline[0] . '<br />';
	echo 'Number 2: ' . $splitline[1] . '<br />';
	echo 'Image Filename: ' . $splitline[2] . '<br />';
	echo '[nothing] ' . $splitline[3] . '<br />';
	echo 'Person who hosted the file?: ' . $splitline[4] . '<br />';
	echo 'Url: ' . $splitline[5] . '<br />';
	echo '<hr />';


I threw one together with Regular Expressions.


if(isset($_POST['input'])) {     

$file = file_get_contents($_POST['input']);

//Lets get just the stuff between the two body tags
$source = preg_replace("/\<body>(.*?)\<\/body>/","\\1",$file);

//Grab the matches
$matches[] = $tmp_matches[1];
$source = preg_replace("/http:\/\/www.url.com\/\?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/","",$source,1);

foreach($matches as $action){
//now you can use the $action variable, which is the number after the ? in each of the links.
echo "Action Number: {$action}<br />";



Of course you'll want to change it from www.url.com no doubt. If you have trouble doing that just let me know.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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