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I have this code:


if (!$_email)
echo ("You are missing some information!");

elseif (!$lastname)
echo ("You are missing some information!");

elseif (!$firstname)
echo ("You are missing some information!");


They all have the same output as you can tell "you are missing some information". I want it to make sure that they enter their firstname, last name and password. If they dont to display "you are missing some information." is there a simpler way to do this. sorry i am a total noob. I am looking for something like (!$firstname) and (!$lastname) and (!$email).

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All three conditions must to be met otherwise display the error message?  If so, I would do this:


if(emty($email) && empty($lastname) && empty($firstname))


    echo "You are missing some information!";




    echo ....etc



Is this what you are looking for?

If i am correct the (!$email) by adding the "!" it means that nothing was set to $email. Is that not the right way to do things? Should I use the empty($email) type? What is the best method?


I am new to php and am trying to get the best methods down while I am a beginner so that I do not get into bad habits or use false coding.

I use empty() on everything but the $_POST['submit'] never seems to work for some reason. Also if data is going into a database use mysql_real_escape_string() or md5() for password encryption. If it's going to be displayed use htmlspecialchars().

i use empty() because of the following things are considered to be empty:


"" (an empty string)

0 (0 as an integer)

"0" (0 as a string)



array() (an empty array)

var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)


and Darkwater was right about using || instead of &&.  I got switched on my logic there.  You would want at least one of the conditions to be true and using || allows that.  the &&, all three conditions must be met, otherwise your message will not be displayed.


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