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If input field number_field is blank how do I insert a zero in there rather then leave it empty?


For example:


$number_field = $_POST['number_field'] ;

$blank = 0 ;



if ($number_field == "") {

$number_field = $blank ;


else {

$a_lot_price = ???;




I'm not really sure what I'm doing here...  If the field is blank I want it to think there's a zero in the field.  If the form is not blank then use the origional numbers.


I think that makes since...



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what you had is good just like this

if ($number_field == "") {
$number_field = $blank ;

your file will remain what it was originally if it is not empty




Wow...  Didn't know it was that easy.  I have been trying to figure this out for about an hour...  Thank you so much Scott for your help and quick reply!!!  That worked perfect!



Now if I have two fields number_field and number_field_plus on my forms, and want the number_field_plus plus field to be zero if the number_field is zero, how do i do that?


$number_field = $_POST['number_field'] ;

$blank = 0 ;

$number_field_plus = $number_field+500 ;


if ($number_field == "") {

$number_field = $blank ;

$number_field_plus = $blank ;



This is the last question i have on the subject :)



Thank you everyone fo your help with this.


I decided to use


if ($number_field == "") {

$number_field = $blank ;

$number_field_plus = $blank ; }


This makes both fields $0


Thanks again everyone




Not very good use of code tbh as $number_field may have a value, but $number_field_plus may not and will therefore remain blank. My code is the best.

Not very good use of code tbh as $number_field may have a value, but $number_field_plus may not and will therefore remain blank. My code is the best.


Ok...  Here 's the code that i am working with...


$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;

$r_prop_base = 5000 ;

$r_prop_rent = 300 ;

$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;

$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;

if ($r_prop_price == "") {

$r_prop_price = $blank ;

$r_prop_sum = $blank ; }

$r_prop_sum_for = number_format($r_prop_sum, 0);


How can I clean that up and make it work with your code?



if ($_POST)
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if (trim($v) == "")
      $_POST[$k] = 0;
$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;

if ($_POST)
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if (trim($v) == "")
      $_POST[$k] = 0;
$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;


That code doesn't leave my r_prop_sum or my r_prop_price field with $0  It leaves the price field blank and the sum field with $17 (500/300).  I need both fields to be $0.





if ($_POST)
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if ($v == "")
      $_POST[$k] = 0;
$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;


if ($_POST)
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if ($v == "")
      $_POST[$k] = 0;
$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;


Damn your quick!

I'm sorry the previous one that i tested was blank as well.  I forgot that i added $r_prop_sum_for = number_format($r_prop_sum, 0); in with yours.  Both are blank without that extra line but with both of them come up with $17 for the sum field.





Ahhhh....  Good call...


<td class="c"><input type=text class=lot_value name=r_prop_price size=20 value="<? echo $r_prop_price; ?>"></td>

<td class="d"><input type=text class=lot_value name=r_prop_per size=20 value="$<? echo $r_prop_sum_for; ?>"></td>



change to:

<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="r_prop_price" size="20" value="<?php echo $r_prop_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="r_prop_per" size="20" value="$<?php echo $r_prop_sum_for; ?>"></td>

and try:

foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if ($v == "")
      $_POST[$k] = 0;
$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;


RJSWS - mafia Wars
<font face=verdana size=2>


foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
  if (!isset($_POST[$k]) || trim($_POST[$k]) == "" || $_POST[$k] == "" )
      $_POST[$k] = 0;

$a_lot_price = $_POST['a_lot_price'] ;
$a_lot_base = 0 ;
$a_lot_rent = 100 ;
$a_lot_sum_a = $a_lot_price+$a_lot_base ;
$a_lot_sum = $a_lot_sum_a/$a_lot_rent ;
$a_lot_sum_for = number_format($a_lot_sum, 0);

$c_lot_price = $_POST['c_lot_price'] ;
$c_lot_base = 0 ;
$c_lot_rent = 300 ;
$c_lot_sum_a = $c_lot_price+$c_lot_base ;
$c_lot_sum = $c_lot_sum_a/$c_lot_rent ;
$c_lot_sum_for = number_format($c_lot_sum, 0);

$p_lot_price = $_POST['p_lot_price'] ;
$p_lot_base = 0 ;
$p_lot_rent = 2000 ;
$p_lot_sum_a = $p_lot_price+$p_lot_base ;
$p_lot_sum = $p_lot_sum_a/$p_lot_rent ;
$p_lot_sum_for = number_format($p_lot_sum, 0);

$b_lot_price = $_POST['b_lot_price'] ;
$b_lot_base = 0 ;
$b_lot_rent = 8000 ;
$b_lot_sum_a = $b_lot_price+$b_lot_base ;
$b_lot_sum = $b_lot_sum_a/$b_lot_rent ;
$b_lot_sum_for = number_format($b_lot_sum, 0);

$r_prop_price = $_POST['r_prop_price'] ;
$r_prop_base = 5000 ;
$r_prop_rent = 300 ;
$r_prop_sum_a = $r_prop_price+$r_prop_base ;
$r_prop_sum = $r_prop_sum_a/$r_prop_rent ;


<style type="text/css">

tr.a {
background-color: Aqua;

tr.a1 {
background-color: lime;

td.b {
color: black;
width: 200px;

.lot_value {
color: red;
text-align: center;

td.c_title {
color: black;
width: 150px;
text-align: center;

tr.blank {
background-color: black;
height: 3px;



<form method=post action=mafia_prices.php>

<tr class="a">
<td class="c_title"></td>
<td class="c_title">Price Per Lot</td>
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Abandoned Lot</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=a_lot_price size="20" value="<? echo $a_lot_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=a_lot_per size="20" value="$<? echo $a_lot_sum_for; ?>"></td>
<tr class="a1">
<td class="b">Commercial Block</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=c_lot_price size="20" value="<? echo $c_lot_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=c_lot_per size="20" value="$<? echo $c_lot_sum_for; ?>"></td>
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Prime Downtown Lot</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=p_lot_price size="20" value="<? echo $p_lot_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=p_lot_per size="20" value="$<? echo $p_lot_sum_for; ?>"></td>
<tr class="a1">
<td class="b">Beachfront Property</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=b_lot_price size="20" value="<? echo $b_lot_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name=b_lot_per size="20" value="$<? echo $b_lot_sum_for; ?>"></td>
<tr class="blank">
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Rent House</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="r_prop_price" size="20" value="<?php echo $r_prop_price; ?>"></td>
<td class="d"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="r_prop_per" size="20" value="$<?php echo $r_prop_sum_for; ?>"></td>
<tr class="a1">
<td class="b">Italian Restaurant</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="i_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Apartment Complex</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="a_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<tr class="a1">
<td class="b">Valu-Mart</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="v_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Office Building</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="o_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<tr class="a1">
<td class="b">5-Star Hotel</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="5_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<tr class="a">
<td class="b">Mega Casino</td>
<td class="c"><input type="text" class="lot_value" name="m_prop" size="20" value=""></td>
<input type=submit value="Submit" >


I was messing around with it some more and noticed that if I put dollar amounts in any of the "prop_base =" then the dollar amount comes up.  It's not just with the r_prop_per field.  It's all of it.  It just wasn't noticed because they were set to zero.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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