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New to the HTML World--new programmer


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Hello all,


Im a brand new programmer, i recently bought Adobe CS3 and its cool but the tutorials for learning basic html kinda suck---i was wandering if there are any sites out there that YOU would know and learned from that you wouldnt mind sharing with me. i am looking to train in html then progress for php because i own a couple sites and relived my old programmer because he Sucked....so im looking to take up his spot---if there are any places you guys think woud be a great start for me to start training please leme know =)----also im curios about creating my own templates any suggestions on where i could learn to make templates?


thanks all



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If you want to learn by example, check out http://www.hotscripts.com/.  This site has plenty of free cool scripts in many different languages including HTML and PHP.  In your case, templates would be designed by HTML and content dynamically driven by PHP.  This is one of the most popular open source ways of creating/designing templates.

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