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displaying text


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I have a TEXTAREA form field ... and I need to display the text just how its pasted into the field .


look at this link :




the RESUME and COMMENTS should have paragraph breaks in them. I looked at the field in phpAdmin an the paragaph breaks are showing there ...


here is my code :


resume paste prompt

Paste your Resume here <br>
<textarea name=resume class=resume></textarea>



viewing the resume


if ( $resumeid > 0) 
//select the table
$result = mysql_query("select * from resume where resumeid='$resumeid'");


//select the table
$result = mysql_query("select * from resume");

//grab all the content
   //the format is $variable = $r["nameofmysqlcolumn"];
   //modify these to match your mysql table columns
   $date =$r["date"];
   $resumeid =$r["resumeid"];
   $jobtitle =$r["jobtitle"];
   $title =$r["title"];
   $fname =$r["fname"];
   $lname =$r["lname"];
   $address =$r["address"];
   $city =$r["city"];
   $state =$r["state"];
   $zipcode =$r["zipcode"];
   $phone1 =$r["phone1"];
   $phone2 =$r["phone2"];
   $email =$r["email"];
   $salary =$r["salary"];
   $rate =$r["rate"];
   $eligibility =$r["eligibility"];
   $travel =$r["travel"];
   $startdate =$r["startdate"];
   $notice =$r["notice"];
   $heard =$r["heard"];
   $resume =$r["resume"];
   $comments =$r["comments"];

<h2 class=>Resume for <?=$title ?> <?=$fname ?> <?=$lname ?></h2>

<div class=resumeinfo1>
<h4 class=resumehead>Date Applied</h4>
<span class=info><?=$date ?></span>

<div class=resumeinfo2>
<h4 class=resumehead>Interested In</h4>
<span class=info><?=$jobtitle ?></span>		

<div class=resumeinfo3>
<h4 class=resumehead>Start date</h4> 
<span class=info><?=$startdate ?></span>	

<br class=clear>

<div class=resumeinfo1>
<h4 class=resumehead>Address</h4>
<span class=info>
<?=$address ?> 

<div class=resumeinfo2>
<h4 class=resumehead>City,St,Zipcode</h4>
<span class=info><?=$city ?>, <?=$state ?> <?=$zipcode ?></span>		

<div class=resumeinfo3>
<h4 class='resumehead body'>Phone 1 (<a onmouseover="tooltip.show('<?=$phone2 ?>', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" href="">2</a>)</h4>
<span class=info><?=$phone1 ?></span>					

<br><br class=clear>

<div class=resumeinfo1>
<h4 class=resumehead>Desired Salary</h4>
<span class=info><?=$salary ?></span>

<div class=resumeinfo2>
<h4 class=resumehead>Desired Rate</h4>
<span class=info><?=$rate ?></span>

<div class=resumeinfo3>
<h4 class=resumehead>Eligibility</h4>
<span class=info><?=$eligibility ?></span>

<br><br class=clear>

<div class=resumeinfo1>
<h4 class=resumehead>Start date</h4> 
<span class=info><?=$startdate ?></span>

<div class=resumeinfo2>
<h4 class=resumehead>Will Travel</h4>
<span class=info><?=$travel ?></span>

<div class=resumeinfo3>
<h4 class=resumehead>Notice</h4>
<span class=info><?=$notice ?></span>

<br><br class=clear>

<h2 class=>Resume</h2>
<?=$resume ?>


<h2 class=>Comments</h2>
<?=$comments ?>



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Shouldnt attributes be wrapped in double quotes?



<textarea name="resume" class="resume"></textarea>


instead of

<textarea name=resume class=resume></textarea>


Not that this gives you the problem, as Blade suggested how to fix it, but it's the right way of writing html.


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Your text looks fine, it has newlines, so nl2br() should correctly display them in the textarea. I usually prefer inserting html formatted content in db, so you can give it a shot and convert newlines (/n) to line breaks (< br />) or paragraphs.


PS: By the way, the site looks pretty good  ;)

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thanks man ..


ya  I like the site .. its coming together .. lol ..


but I think I am displaying the <?= nl2br($resume); ?> wrong ... I am not using an echo to display it ...


this is what is being displayed ...



<?= nl2br($resume); ?>


that does not look correct, and, its not working lol .. so I think I am doing something wrong .. and when i say not working i mean it is not displaying anything at all ... like there is nothing in the db

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