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custom message upon computer bootup


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ok i like this place, thats why i'm posting this here. and the people seem nice.


so i was wondering if anyone could direct me to a tutorial or some advice about putting startup messages on teh computer.


what i want is after the post message (I think thats what there called) my computer sits for a while, with a blinking white line, then windows starts to boot up.


well looking at this white line blinking reminds me of the matrix, when neo is sleeping and his computer says hello neo. and tells hiom to follow the white rabbit.


i want a message to appear then wait like a couple of seconds then go into the windows boot.


thanks guys,

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Unless you know a low level programming language, you're going to have difficulties. You're either going to have to create (or modify something like GRUB or LILO) a boot loader, or modify your BIOS as far as I'm aware.

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