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i found it!!!


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ok... a while back i started a weird topic that talked about going the speed of light.  blah blah blah you cant go the speed of light, only almost blah blah blah...i will concede that for now...


then i said that i would give 1000 points to the person who could tell me the name of the theory where you basically put the ship in a bubble and have space move faster than the speed of light around that bubble, while the ship stays still...well, I FOUND IT!!!


clicking randomly on a slightly interesting news website i found this page:



i didnt notice a name for the theory, but still...i'm not crazy!


ok, back to work! nothing to see here!

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I vaguely recall watching some sci-fi movie that seemed to be based off that theory.  Or maybe it was some kind of theory involving space being like a piece of paper and you fold it and poke a hole in the paper and push the ship through the hole and then unfold the paper and that makes the ship on the other side of the paper or something.  I don't remember what it was called. 



Einstein's relativity theory says that matter cannot travel through space at a speed faster than the speed of light, estimated at 300,000 km/sec.


I don't understand why we are trying to go faster than light at this time, if it's supposedly impossible.  Why are we trying to get around it?  Why can't we focus on something slower, like say, 200,000 km/sec or 100,000 or hell, even 1 km/sec.  I mean seriously, even that is pretty F'in fast compared to where we're at right now, right? 


Or is it like...equally 'impossible' for other reasons, so we're just like, F it, we can't do any of the above, so may as well focus on the big enchilada sort of thing?  I'm sure you can tell science is not my thing.

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I don't understand why we are trying to go faster than light at this time, if it's supposedly impossible.  Why are we trying to get around it?  Why can't we focus on something slower, like say, 200,000 km/sec or 100,000 or hell, even 1 km/sec.  I mean seriously, even that is pretty F'in fast compared to where we're at right now, right? 


Good point, however (correct me if I'm wrong) I think the space shuttle travels faster than 1 km/sec. I think it travels at a speed at Mach 20+. Mach 1 is ~ 1220 Kph

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Okay yeah, i went to nasa.gov and they say in order to retain orbit, it has to go about 17.5k mph so that's like, 4.86 miles per second, but that's still nothing compared to 300k mps...just seems like if we lowered the bar a little we'd go a lot farther in space, exploratory-wise.  IDK. Like I said, I'm not a scientist, I'm probably talking out my arse.

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Personally I find space exploration a waste of time for a couple of reasons:



but the next star would take us over 4 years.

2: I do not believe in aliens or that life (in any form) exists or did exist on other planets/rocks (I do believe in God, angels etc.). So as far as I'm concerned there's nothing really to discover.

3: The money can be put to better use.

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The bible doesn't say aliens don't exist (at least, by our definition). It doesn't mention them one way or the other.  To assume that God doesn't feel it's relevant to your christian growing experience would probably be okay, but to outright say they don't exist at all is not a belief based on anything in the scriptures.   


and anyways, it's 4 years to the next sun-like star.  There's lots of things along the way to look at.  I wouldn't mind doing it. 

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(at least, by our definition)


I think we should avoid the bible discussion, but it does depend how you as a person define alien. In a sense God and the angels can be considered aliens. They live in another dimension.


There's lots of things along the way to look at.  I wouldn't mind doing it.


What about black holes? you could detect them but one mis-calculation and you're screwed.

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Well if you want to avoid religious discussion then okay.  I just thought that since you said both those things, you were somehow linking the two, so I thought I'd throw that in there.


But anyways, oh come on now, nobody really knows what will happen, except for what they theorize on paper with equations and variables that aren't 100% proven.  I'll do the guinea pig thing.  Who knows? Maybe sci-fi has it right and I'll go through some wormhole to the other side of the galaxy :P Yes, my boldness is only exceeded by my dashing good looks

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But anyways, oh come on now, nobody really knows what will happen, except for what they theorize on paper with equations and variables that aren't 100% proven.  I'll do the guinea pig thing.  Who knows?


That's true.


Yes, my boldness is only exceeded by my dashing good looks



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Reading that article I get a feeling of it being some comical joke. Like something in the Onion. I mean it could be true, but things like Dark Matter and warp drives, and shrinking at the front and expanding at the back?  I mean that last one there reminds me of Star Wars where the ship warps into hyperspace.  The front kind of shrinks up, the back kind of expands, there is a pop, a sense of what looks like extreme forward motion, and then they are half way across the galaxy. 


Then again I could be wrong!

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and anyways, it's 4 years to the next sun-like star.  There's lots of things along the way to look at.  I wouldn't mind doing it. 


I don't think there would be an awful lot to look at though, lol. And that's without going into the problems of looking at things if you're travelling at light speed...

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and anyways, it's 4 years to the next sun-like star.  There's lots of things along the way to look at.  I wouldn't mind doing it. 


I don't think there would be an awful lot to look at though, lol. And that's without going into the problems of looking at things if you're travelling at light speed...


I'd still hang my head out the window and let the solar wind make my face do those funny : Q shapes with my tongue flapping every which way. 

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I bet that's what the Bermuda Triangle is, a Black Hole. :P


On discovery I saw a show about the Bermuda Triangle, and they only thing the guys in the show discovered that works was methane gas trapped below the surface of the seabed. The methan would break free rise to the surface and into the air. On the altimeter it would look like the plane was rising; the pilot would put the nose down and bam! Crash into the water.

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