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Do with ASP or PHP


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i'm starter in PHP i want to ask you that i want to make dynamic pages which i can controll like qbrushes.(com)

that i can add my new font and new brushes in site and don't have to change all page again so i decide to learn PHP !!

i don't know yet!!!can i do it with PHP???

how many year i must spend???(to get pro and make it)

is there any program that i can install inmy site like WP MT and  .... to do it for me???

i have 6 CD (php learning) that i don't think that can help me to get pro!!!

is there any Ebook that can help me!!!

sorry for bad English!!!


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There's no a book that will make you pro, same situation with video tutorial. You can watch a hundred hours of videos, but you must practice on your own.

For php basics you don't need a book (i'm not talking about programming basics), you have php.net and great tutorial there.


I'm looking at qbrushes momentally... You must have a lot of experience to deploy some user-friendly site. You can't just learn a bit of php, a bit of html, css and make a good site. At least you must be a good UI designer to make your first visitors feel happy.


So, start learn, there is lot of it...

Cheerz and good luck

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Don't worry about how much time you must spend, or what books you do. Like HeaDmiLe said, it is just practice. Personally, I am self taugh PHP programmer, I started to learn it last year, and I consider myself good at it (regardless of the stupif errors I make, heh :P). Just read some tutorials. I learned from internet tutorials, then I just started practicing, and now I am making my own forum software to learn more.

Doesn't matter what medium you use to learn. You just have to be interested. This is also a good community. This guys have helped me a lot. You also have PHP.net, and many other resources.

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Breaking down your questions:


Q: Can i do it with PHP?

A: You can do pretty much everything with PHP.


Q: Is there any application that can do it for me?

A: The php open source community is probably the largest. I'm sure you can find what you need.


Q: How many years i must spend learning php and become a pro?

A: The word "pro" is too relative to be used. If you have any experience with coding, you'll find PHP really easy to start off. It has a quite simple syntax, based on functions and most of the time you'll be using the same ones. After you get the basics, you'll discover a whole new world of object oriented, design patterns, good coding practices, etc.


Q: What can help me get pro?

A: What will help you get everywhere is studying and working/experimenting. Personally i find books a really good starting point, but also as good resources to better improve your skills. Starter books will give you a general idea of how it works, how to solve different situations and take you on the right path of learning by yourself. Also the manual is a huge resource and you'll find yourself using it on a daily basis. After then, you can concentrate on reading about specific topic to boost your knowledge in more advanced areas.


Q: PHP or ASP?

A: Each one has it's own strength and weaknesses. Which is better for you is a matter of personal choice, but keep in mind that a tool is only good if you know how to use it. From a personal viewpoint, i like PHP better because of it's highly flexible nature and the huge community that supports it.

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