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first i installed pear in wamp and was able to do so.

then i installed the Date package




then i tried to configure my php.ini




then i tried to run my simple test script to get the classes available

$foo = new DateTime();
echo "the classes are ".get_class($foo)."<br/>";


and then error appears on my browser



what you think guys is the problem? i need help..im just doing self study so i need guides in here.



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These errors means only file is missing. Do you have file DateTime.php into folder wher your script is placed?


ill change my question sir,

i browse the documentation of the Date Package from pear website and it says




and so I run another test script in order to output a class


$foo = new Date();
echo "the classes are ".get_class($foo)."<br/>";


and it says



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Try this example

require_once 'Date.php';

//without parameter == now
$now = new Date();

//pass a string in ISO format
$longAgo = new Date('1813-02-23T05:34:23');

//create a Date object from a PHP unix timestamp
$timestamp = time();
$nearlyNow = new Date($timestamp);

//make a copy of an existing Date object
$copyDate = new Date($longAgo);


I gave you this example because you're trying to includeTimeZone.php instead of Date.php. I have not experience with installing pear packages on windows, but I saw no TimeZone.php, only Date.php even though you need TimeZone functionallities.

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i have a script running now..but still it has a few errors



$foo = new DateTime();
echo "the class is/are ". nl2br(print_r(get_class($foo),true));
echo "<br/>";
echo "the methods are ". nl2br(print_r(get_class_methods($foo),true));





what should i do now?



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i figured out the error now... daemn!, am so dumb, it took me 2 days to figure this out.

it was with the include path of my php.ini  :(


here's the correct path


include_path = ".;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\PEAR"


i didn't notice the "\php" between \bin and \php5.2.5 in the firstplace  ;D

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