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formmail.php Mystery


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Hello PHP people.


I'm new to PHP, trying to build a form. It's here: www.biz-logo.com/test-order-page.shtml


When I submit the form the email gets sent, but there's no data in the fields. The email looks like:








The weird thing is if I click back and submit the form again, the data is sent successfully and the form looks like:


Name: Me

Email: myemail@domain.com

Company: Biz-Logo




??? ??? ???


Here's the formmail code:


  $toemail = "email@domain.com";
  $subject = "biz-logo-form TEST 5";

  $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
            ."From: \"".$name."\" <".$email.">\n"
            ."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";

  $body = "URL: ".$url."<br>\n"
            ."Name: ".$name."<br>\n"
            ."Email: ".$email."<br>\n"
		."Company: ".$company."<br>\n"
		."Tag Line: ".$tagline."<br>\n"
		."Colors, Fonts: ".$colorsfonts."<br>\n"
		."Image: ".$image."<br>\n"

    mail($toemail, $subject, $body, $headers);
header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/");



Probably not very slick. Go easy. I'm new!



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I`m also new to PHP... ;D Here is an example I found somewhere. I managed to change/alter some fields to my spesific needs:


/** Our 1st bit of code will be a file named conf.inc.php.

This file holds all of our mysql and function data, so we dont have to enter it over and over



$db_user = ""; // Username

$db_pass = ""; // Password

$db_database = ""; // Database Name

$db_host = ""; // Server Hostname

$db_connect = mysql_connect ($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); // Connects to the database.

$db_select = mysql_select_db ($db_database); // Selects the database.


function form($data) { // Prevents SQL Injection

  global $db_connect;

  $data = ereg_replace("[\'\")(;|`,<>]", "", $data);

  $data = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($data), $db_connect);

  return stripslashes($data);




/** Breakdown:

    The 1st part is all the mySQL information in order to view and insert data.

    The 2nd part prevents SQL injection, so people cant gain unauthorized access.



// Our database will be setup like the following:



// This is how your DB will be setup.


* | Table Name: users

* |- user_id

* |- username

* |- password

* |- email 




/** Breakdown:

    user_id is the default value that keeps track of users.

    username is the users log in name.

    password is the users log in password.

    email is the users email, so in later versions of the member system, a forgot password can be added




include("conf.inc.php"); // Includes the db and form info.

session_start(); // Starts the session.

if ($_SESSION['logged'] == 1) { // User is already logged in.

  header("Location: index.php"); // Goes to main page.

  exit(); // Stops the rest of the script.

} else {

  if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // The form has not been submitted.

    echo "<form action=\"login.php\" method=\"POST\">";

    echo "<table>";

    echo "<tr>";

    echo "<td colspan=\"2\">Login:</td>";

    echo "</tr>";

    echo "<tr>";

    echo "<td width=\"50%\">Username:</td><td width=\"50%\"><input name=\"username\" size=\"18\" type=\"text\" />";

    echo "</tr>";

    echo "<tr>";

    echo "<td width=\"50%\">Password:</td><td width=\"50%\"><input name=\"password\" size=\"18\" type=\"text\" />";

    echo "</tr>";

    echo "<tr>";

    echo "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"</td>";

    echo "</tr>";

    echo "</table>";

    echo "</form>";

  } else {

    $username = form($_POST['username']);

    $password = md5($_POST['password']); // Encrypts the password.


    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'") or die (mysql_error()); // mySQL query

    $r = mysql_num_rows($q); // Checks to see if anything is in the db.


    if ($r == 1) { // There is something in the db. The username/password match up.

      $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; // Sets the session.

      header("Location: index.php"); // Goes to main page.

      exit(); // Stops the rest of the script.

    } else { // Invalid username/password.

      exit("Incorrect username/password!"); // Stops the script with an error message.




mysql_close($db_connect); // Closes the connection.



/** Breakdown:

    1st we include the db and function file, and start the session, telling the browser that sessions will be used.

    We then make sure the form has not been submitted in order to show the login form.

    If the form has been submitted we make 2 variables for username and password. We encrypt the password with md5() so it is a bit more secure. (To all those who are experts in PHP, you would normally salt a password to make it harder to crack, but for beginners stick with md5())

    We then have a query checking the database if any users match the username and password, and if there are matches it will be counted in $r.

    If there are matches we set a login session




session_unset(); // Destroys the session.

header("Location: login.php"); // Goes back to login.



/** Breakdown:

    We destroy all sessions and forward the user to the login page



/** Our next file will be register.php, it will allow users to register an account

so they may login and view parts of the website that others cant



include("conf.inc.php"); // Includes the db and form info.

if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // If the form has not been submitted.

  echo "<form action=\"register.php\" method=\"POST\">";

  echo "<table>";

  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td colspan=\"2\">Register:</td>";

  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td width=\"50%\">Username:</td><td width=\"50%\"><input name=\"username\" size=\"18\" type=\"text\" />";

  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td width=\"50%\">Password:</td><td width=\"50%\"><input name=\"password\" size=\"18\" type=\"text\" />";

  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td width=\"50%\">Email:</td><td width=\"50%\"><input name=\"email\" size=\"18\" type=\"text\" />";

  echo "</tr>";

  echo "<tr>";

  echo "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"</td>";

  echo "</tr>";

  echo "</table>";

  echo "</form>";

} else { // The form has been submitted.

  $username = form($_POST['username']);

  $password = md5($_POST['password']); // Encrypts the password.

  $email = form($_POST['email']);


  $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username = '$username' OR email = '$email'") or die (mysql_error()); // mySQL Query

  $r = mysql_num_rows($q); // Checks to see if anything is in the db.


  if ($r > 0) { // If there are users with the same username/email.

    exit("That username/email is already registered!");

  } else {

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (username,password,email) VALUES ('$username','$password','$email')") or die (mysql_error()); // Inserts the user.

    header("Location: login.php"); // Back to login.



mysql_close($db_connect); // Closes the connection.



/** Breakdown:

    We 1st include the database details and make sure the form has not been submitted. If it has not been submitted then we display the register form.

    If the form is submitted, we make some variables so we can incorporate the form() function.

    We then make sure that the users email or username are not already in the database.

    Then we insert the user into the database and redirect them to the login page.



/** the page where you want only logged in users to view


include("conf.inc.php"); // Includes the db and form info.

session_start(); // Starts the session.

if ($_SESSION['logged'] != 1) { // There was no session found!

  header("Location: login.php"); // Goes to login page.

  exit(); // Stops the rest of the script.


echo "This is the main page!";

echo "<br />";

echo "<a href=\"logout.php\">Logout?</a>"


/** Breakdown:

    We include the config page.

    Check to see if the logged in session is set, otherwise forward user to login page.

    Allow the user to log out if needed



This is 6 files in total. Hope it helps  ;)

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Hmmm. BlueSkyIS that looks like the solution, but I'm having trouble with the syntax.


Here's what I did:


if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "post") {

  $toemail = "email@domain.com";
  $subject = "biz-logo-form TEST 7";
  $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
            ."From: \"".$name."\" <".$email.">\n"
            ."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";

  $body = "URL: ".$url."<br>\n"
            ."Name: ".$name."<br>\n"
            ."Email: ".$email."<br>\n"
    ."Company: ".$company."<br>\n"
    ."Tag Line: ".$tagline."<br>\n"
    ."Colors, Fonts: ".$colorsfonts."<br>\n"
    ."Image: ".$image."<br>\n"

    mail($toemail, $subject, $body, $headers);
header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/");

else {
    header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/test-order-page.shtml");


When I submit the form, the form loads again and no email is sent - which is weird - I though it would be the other way round. So I swapped the bit under "if" with the bit under "else" and then the email gets sent, but it's still blank like before.  :-\

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While debugging this, replace the "header()" functions with an echo saying you've gotten to that point.


You don't need addslashes() if you're sending email. You probably want to use htmlentities() to avoid sending email that contains malicious content.



if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == "post") { // will work if REQUEST_METHOD is POST or post

  $toemail = "email@domain.com";
  $subject = "biz-logo-form TEST 7";
  $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
            ."From: \"".$_POST['name']."\" <".$_POST['email'].">\n"
            ."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";

  $body = "URL: ".$url."<br>\n"
            ."Name: ".htmlentities($_POST['name'])."<br>\n"
            ."Email: ".htmlentities($_POST['email'])."<br>\n"
    ."Company: ".$company."<br>\n"
    ."Tag Line: ".$tagline."<br>\n"
    ."Colors, Fonts: ".$colorsfonts."<br>\n"
    ."Image: ".$image."<br>\n"

    mail($toemail, $subject, $body, $headers);
    echo 'Would have sent the following email<br><pre>' . $body . '</pre>';
//	header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/");

else {
    echo 'Not sending any email';
//    header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/test-order-page.shtml");



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Ken, many thanks for the response.


When I use your code exactly as is and submit the form I get the response "Not sending any email" - so in my very limited understanding of PHP that means the "if" part returns false and it's executing the "else" part instead. Right?


FYI, the form tag looks like this:

<form action="formmail.php" method="post">


I don't know if it makes a difference, but I have the following right below the form tag:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write(' type="hidden"');
document.write(' name="url"');
document.write(' value="' + document.URL + '">');


We need that bit in there so we know which page the form comes from. Could that be the culprit?

Anything else that I'm missing?


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Can you post the source for your form?


Also at the top of the formmail.php script, put

echo '$_SERVER: <pre>' . print_r($_SERVER,true) . '</pre>';
if (!empty($_POST)) echo '$_POST: <pre>' . print_r($_POST,true) . '</pre>';

and post what shows.



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Many thanks for the response.


I've added the code. Here's the complete formmail.php:



echo '$_SERVER: <pre>' . print_r($_SERVER,true) . '</pre>';
if (!empty($_POST)) echo '$_POST: <pre>' . print_r($_POST,true) . '</pre>';

if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == "post") { // will work if REQUEST_METHOD is POST or post

  $toemail = "email@domain.com";
  $subject = "biz-logo-form TEST 7";
  $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
            ."From: \"".$_POST['name']."\" <".$_POST['email'].">\n"
            ."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";

  $body = "URL: ".$url."<br>\n"
            ."Name: ".htmlentities($_POST['name'])."<br>\n"
            ."Email: ".htmlentities($_POST['email'])."<br>\n"
    ."Company: ".$company."<br>\n"
    ."Tag Line: ".$tagline."<br>\n"
    ."Colors, Fonts: ".$colorsfonts."<br>\n"
    ."Image: ".$image."<br>\n"

    mail($toemail, $subject, $body, $headers);
    echo 'Would have sent the following email<br><pre>' . $body . '</pre>';
//	header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/");

else {
    echo 'Not sending any email';
//    header("Location: http://www.biz-logo.com/test-order-page.shtml");


And here's the form code:


<form action="formmail.php" method="post">

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
document.write(' type="hidden"');
document.write(' name="url"');
document.write(' value="' + document.URL + '">');

<table width="93%" cellpadding="7" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><div align="left"></div>
                                  <img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td class="font11">Your name</td>
                              <td><span class="style13">
                                <input type="text" name="name">
                              <td> </td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11">Your email address</div></td>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <input type="text" name="email">
                              <td><span class="style13">Please avoid using free, web-based email addresses where possible.<br>
      We promise not to misuse your contact info. We will use your email address only to send you your logo. <span class="style1">Also see our full <a href="privacy.shtml">privacy policy</a>. </span></span></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11">Your company name (the one we should use in your logo)</div></td>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <input type="text" name="company">
                              <td><span class="style13">Use upper / lowercase exactly as you want it in your logo. If you do not want the company name included (if you just want a symbol), leave this field blank. </span></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11">Your slogan/tag line (the one we should use in your logo).</div></td>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <input type="text" name="tagline">
                              <td><span class="style13">Use upper / lowercase exactly as you want it in your logo. You can of course put just about anything below your logo. If you want your web site address, toll free number etc. included, that's fine. Type it in this box exactly as you want it in the logo. If you do not want to include a slogan or any other information, simply skip this field.</span></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11"> Do you have a specific color or font in mind?</div></td>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <textarea name="colorsfonts" cols="21" rows="10" id="colorsfonts"></textarea>
                              <td width="43%"><p class="style13"><img src="icon-color.gif" width="13" height="13" align="absmiddle"> <a href="javascript:void(0)"
			'color','width=777,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>>> OPEN COLOR CHART </strong></font></a><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <br>
        (OPENS IN NEW WINDOW)</font></p>
                                  <p class="style13"> <img src="icon-font.gif" width="20" height="12" align="absmiddle"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="javascript:void(0)"
			'fonts','width=577,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')"> <strong>>> OPEN FONT CHART</strong> </a> <br>
        (OPENS IN NEW WINDOW) </font></p>
                                  <p align="left" class="style1 style12 style13 style11">Note: If you want the designer assigned to your logo to experiment with different colors and fonts, leave this field blank. </p>
                                  <p align="left" class="style1 style12 style13 style11">Also, if you select a color or font here, that does not limit you. You get 15 logos to choose from and unlimited alterations to your chosen logo, so there is plenty of time to change your mind later in the design process.</p></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11">Do you have a specific image in mind? </div></td>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <textarea name="image" rows="10" cols="21"></textarea>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <p>If you do not have a specific image in mind, don't worry, we will come up with a couple of ideas for you.</p>
                                  <p>If you have more than one idea, list them all. We will try all of them and let you decide which one works best. </p>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%"><div align="left" class="font11">
                                  <p>Anything else?<br>
          Special instructions?<br>
                              <td><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <textarea name="other" cols="21" rows="10" id="other"></textarea>
                              <td><p align="left" class="style13">The more info you can give us here, the better. If you have examples of logos that you found on the web, paste the URL (web address) of those pages in this box. It really helps when our designers can actually see what direction you want to go with your logo. You can also email us your ideas. Email address will follow on the "thanks for your order" page. All this is not required of course, but seeing an example of what you are after sure helps us hit the mark much sooner.</p>
                                  <p align="left" class="style13">What if 15 concept logos are not enough?! <a href="notenough.shtml" target="_blank"><br>
        Click here</a>.</p>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td width="25%" height="28"><div align="left" class="font11"></div></td>
                              <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="font11"><div align="left" class="style13">
                                  <p align="left" class="style14"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#000000"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#000000"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="img/greenarrows.gif" width="11" height="7"></font></font></font><font color="#777777" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Placing this order indicates acceptance of the standard Biz-Logo.com </font><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
			<a href="javascript:void(0)"
			'terms','width=777,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')"> Terms of Service</a> <br>
                                    </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#000000"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="img/greenarrows.gif" width="11" height="7"></font></font><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font color="#777777"> This order is backed by our unconditional, 30-day money-back guarantee. <br>
                                    <font color="#000000"><font color="#000000"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="img/greenarrows.gif" width="11" height="7"></font></font></font> $299 is the full, once-off fee. No hidden fees. No surprises. </font></font></p>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td colspan="3"><img src="img/myline.gif" width="577" height="1"></td>
                            <tr valign="middle">
                              <td><p align="left"> </p></td>
                              <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value=">>   STEP 2   >>   ( Order confirmation )"></td>
                          <p> </p>


When I submit the form it returns a whole lot of info about the server - but I assume that's for debugging???  :-\


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Here's what the browser returns:






    [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /home/bizlogoc/public_html


    [HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5

    [HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7

    [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] => gzip,deflate

    [HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => en-us,en;q=0.5

    [HTTP_CONNECTION] => keep-alive

    [HTTP_COOKIE] => cprelogin=no; cpsession=closed; PHPSESSID=c97f13d8f2247a21e2db0e709364dfd2; bizlogo-affiliate=biz-logo.com

    [HTTP_HOST] => www.biz-logo.com:80

    [HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE] => 300

    [HTTP_REFERER] => http://www.biz-logo.com/test-order-page.shtml

    [HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/

    [PATH] => /bin:/usr/bin


    [REDIRECT_STATUS] => 200

    [REMOTE_ADDR] =>

    [REMOTE_PORT] => 1277


    [REQUEST_URI] => /formmail.php

    [sCRIPT_FILENAME] => /home/bizlogoc/public_html/formmail.php

    [sCRIPT_NAME] => /formmail.php

    [sERVER_ADDR] =>

    [sERVER_ADMIN] => webmaster@biz-logo.com

    [sERVER_NAME] => www.biz-logo.com

    [sERVER_PORT] => 80



Apache/2.2.9 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8g DAV/2 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at www.biz-logo.com Port 80



    [sERVER_SOFTWARE] => Apache/2.2.9 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8g DAV/2 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/

    [php_SELF] => /formmail.php

    [argv] => Array




    [argc] => 0



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