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Hello. I'm playing with Google's YouTube Data API (without using the Zend Framework), and I need to perform a POST HTTP request on a URL.


My question is - do I use http_post_data() or http_request(). And can someone give me a description of the parameters with a bit more detail than the php manual? For example, on http_post_data:





    URL  <-- Simple enough



    String containing the pre-encoded post data <-- What?



    request options <-- I'm guessing the headers to send?



    Request/response information <-- links to http_get()? but I need to do a post request


Any help is appreciated.








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Is there no other way except cURL? cURL needs to be activated as an extension right? And I'm pretty certain a host I use doesn't support cURL.



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Did you look at the documentation on Google? There are examples written in PHP there. Study them.




It's all based around the Zend Framework GData module.


Hello. I'm playing with Google's YouTube Data API (without using the Zend Framework), and I need to perform a POST HTTP request on a URL.



Now playing: Hadouken! - Mister Misfortune

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Ah ok. My initial intention was to try and build a youtube data API class without using the zend framework (so I had something I had built to feel proud of etc :P) but I guess, for now at least, this seems an infinitely simpler option.



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