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Anonymize all links?


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Oh ok. Gotcha. You'd have to register multiple domain names and have them point to your server. You'd have to get the IP address of your server, have the domain name point to that IP and set up a Parked domain on your server. You can do the later through CPanel if you have it.

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i'm glad you two know what your on about because i'm not too sure.

Are the links on your site, to your site, or from else where to yours.

Is it the page or the domain your wanting to hide, because eventually they'll be in the know... unless another site cURLs them for you, but i'd have to ask why...

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i'm glad you two know what your on about because i'm not too sure.


I'm not either.


thanks. but is there a code you could i could put into my template or all of my html pages?




@jordanwb - you seem to be lost.


Not really. I understand what he wants to do now that he's explained it more clearly.

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what is confusing? all links posted on my website to get dunnsearch.us/? before them. i have made a script for my .htaccess, but it will make links from my website to my website anonymous to! i only want the links from my website that are linked to another website outside my websites url. any ideas?

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You could do something like this:



$text = preg_replace('/http:\/\/([^\/]+)[^\s]*/', '<a href="http://dunnsearch.us/?$0" target="_blank">$1</a>', $text);


You'll have to tell me if the above code doesn't work or need help implementing it. I haven't exactly tested it.


Doesnt seem to work for me? Thank you so much any way do :)

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Well you'll have to put it inside a function like so:


function anonymize_links($text){
	$text = preg_replace('/http:\/\/([^\/]+)[^\s]*/', '<a href="http://dunnsearch.us/?$0" target="_blank">$1</a>', $text);



And then to actually use it:

$string = 'Hello world! Check out http://foobar.com right now!';
//Will output "Hello world! Check out <a href="http://dunnsearch.us/?http://foobar.com">http://foobar.com</a> right now!"



I just tested this and it works for me. So you might not have it set up correctly.

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