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passing the id= php variable on page load.


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I'm using a chat script I've made and the script has 2 seperate files the hub.php and the chat.php page.  The hub.php has the form and sends the info to the chat.php page where it adds to the chat. 


I need the hub.php to send a variable through javascript to the chat.php on page load and not on the form submit.


What I'm passing is the page id.. Example: http://mysite.com/hub.php?id=dkjhf3883


What could I add here?


I've got the id defined as $hubid in php.


<div id="chat">Connecting...</div>
 <input id="message" type="text" size="53" maxlength="100" onkeyup="keyup(event);" />
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="chat_write();" /><br />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="./chat.php"></script>


Thanks! if you need more of the script or don't understand feel free to ask.

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Is the chat.php file a PHP file that generates Javascript code?


You could try two things. Either

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="./chat.php?id=<?=$hubid?>"></script>

or something completely different, like an include. Like this (in place of the <script> line):

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


include ("./chat.php?id=$hubid");




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Yep.  Thanks a whole lot.


I tried those and on my chat.php page I put a


$hubid = $_GET['id'];


And the chat is generating a txt file so I'm putting this code


$fn = $hubid.txt;


It's just creating a .txt file.  I'm not sure how I grab the variable  :-\



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