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PHP Formating HTML??

Vivid Lust

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Hey, I have this Leaderboard script at: http://onestamp.co.uk/projects/phishfriends/leader.php


Now what is strange, is that when a new field is added to the table, the gap above that table gets bigger, quite weird! Maybe the script may explain why to few:


<?php include("siteincludes/header.php"); ?> 
<!-- content block START -->
<div id="conent">
<?php include("siteincludes/sidebar.html"); ?>
	<!-- left column start-->
	<div class="left_col">
		<div class="db1">
			<div class="db1_title">
				<h3>Leaderboard - Top 20 Phishers</h3> 
			<div class="db1_content">
				<div class="db1_container">

$sql = "select * from users order by `s_phish` desc";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link)
or die(mysql_error());
<table cellpadding="0" width="50%" cellspacing="0">
$rank = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) AND $rank < 20) {
     $rank++;   // adds 1
     echo "<tr><td>";
     echo $rank;
     echo "</td><td>";
     echo "  <a href='profile.php?id=";
     echo $row['id'];
     echo "'>";
     echo $row['name'];
     echo "</a> ";
     echo "</td><td>";
     echo $row['s_phish']; // put HTML break to end line
     echo "</td></tr>";
     echo "<br />"; 
<!-- and more html below here... -->


Thanks if you can help.

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You have so many divs on that page, that I'm getting a little lost. Never the less, try adding the "vertical-align: top;" to the CSS of any element that those items are contained in. If that doesn't work, try playing around with it. Try messing it up. Sometimes that helps me see something that I was blind to before.

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PHP won't automatically generate a table. I suggest you add the vertical-align: top; to ALL the divs. I think the more likely situation than PHP generating a table is that the divs are defaulting to vertical-align: middle;, because it's not explicitly set.

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Yes, but that will only vertically align the elements in the body. Your problem is that the data needs to be vertically aligned in a specific div. But, since we don't know which div is the problem, I suggest either adding it to all of them, or one by one until you see something change.

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