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"subject verb object" identification


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ok i need help breaking down a input sentence from a search input from a user where i need to drop it down to 3 variables subject verb and object (basic english language) i have looked at this


but my javascript knowledge is minimal if anyone can help me generate a function to do that i would be very appriceative

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wow you guys are helpful thanks heaps........ you know you could have just said "i dont know" or just not replyed at all  firstly i dont want to compete with natural language processing i want to take a educated guess..... i was expecting an accrucay of about 25-35% if that which is hardly a break through i have seenn it done before which a much greater sucess


so i thought that maybe just maybe some one here at a stretch might be able to at least point me to a page or a book or somthing that might contain the information i need

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I thought I was being helpful...seems to me if you want to write programs and algorithms having to do with a language, first place to start would be to master that language.  At least, that's where I'd start if I were you, because I read your post and it's full of misspellings and grammatical errors and stuff.  And before you start pointing the finger back at me...I'm not the one trying to undertake that project.  How can you hope to have any measure of success in this venture if you don't even understand the data you're working with?  If you were wanting to solve some problem that involved using calculus, but barely knew algebra, would you be offended if I told you to start by learning math?  If you want to be offended because I pointed that out, then that's your deal.  Good luck in your endeavor.

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Crayoni do understand you point and being offendedi would like to appoligise for takeing it offencivly i am infact dyslexic and am offended when people comment on it as it has somthing i have dealt with as a darogatory all my life how ever i do have some understanding on language processing and i am not working alone i am simply the programmer for this endever and as i said our attempt is simply to improve the accuracy of a search by identifiying relevent words as apposed to irelivent ones


as another option possably there is some sort of external software i could hook with (under linux)

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It's an incredibly difficult and complicated attempt at a process that really won't work well, if it even works at all. The best hope you could have would be to have a dictionary with the word's parts of speech.. not that it would be incredibly helpful without knowledge of grammars as they apply to programming as well. In short: I'd really not suggest trying it, but if you want to play around a bit google "natural-language programming grammars" or "natural-language logical grammars"... did I mention you probably shouldn't waste your time without a Ph.D in computer science, years of experience and flawless knowledge of the english language? Brilliant people struggle with this stuff.

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Crayoni do understand you point and being offendedi would like to appoligise for takeing it offencivly i am infact dyslexic and am offended when people comment on it as it has somthing i have dealt with as a darogatory all my life how ever i do have some understanding on language processing and i am not working alone i am simply the programmer for this endever and as i said our attempt is simply to improve the accuracy of a search by identifiying relevent words as apposed to irelivent ones


as another option possably there is some sort of external software i could hook with (under linux)


Hmmm..... Is it just me or has your level of writing suddenly gotten markedly worse?  I'm halfway tempted to think you did that on purpose in an attempt to lend credibility to this "dyslexia" thing.  Everybody on the internet has dyslexia.  It's a requirement for being online.  Also, your parents have to be dead.  And you have to know Chuck Norris.  My sincere apologies to the 0.0001% of people who actually do have issues, but I hope you do understand why I take statements like this as a grain of salt.


Anyways, google the things others have mentioned.  But you aren't going to find much, because even the top people in those fields struggle with it.  Natural side effect of only a handful of people working on something and struggling at it to boot, is that you're not going to find much info about it, let alone programs that will actually do anything for you.  Which leads us back to the whole learning to program and master language thing, so that you can be a pioneer in the field.

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