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get_headers() -- (php 5.2.2)


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Hi group,


I have a small, but significant problem. My website is supposed to test a link to documents to determine wether to present the link, or present the link to a backup document residing on my server. This, obviously to satisfy my visitors. (100% click success rate) but limiting the bandwidth use on my server.


I was hoping to use the following code to do just the test:


$url = 'http://documentserver.com/documents/15311090_941_25.pdf';
print_r(get_headers($url, 1));


Using the development server, I get the following response:


Array ( [0] => HTTP/1.0 200 OK [Content-Type] => text/html [Content-Location] => http://documentserver.com/Gyration404.htm?404;http://documentserver.com:80/documents/15311090_941_25.pdf [Last-Modified] => Mon, 14 May 2007 14:07:11 GMT [ETag] => "902fa32a3196c71:411" [server] => Microsoft-IIS/6.0 [X-Powered-By] => ASP.NET [Date] => Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:38:53 GMT [Content-Length] => 227 [Connection] => close )



Now. obviously this is a dead link. However, since the documentserver is returning a 200 OK, I am currently presenting a dead link.... (sucks)


Testing for the Content-Type would be the obvious solution ==> application/pdf does not equal text/html


However.... I came to find: get_headers() is actually not supported..... or so it seems.


So... how to go about this? I need a function that takes a URL and returns "200 OK" and the filetype.... or return another code... if it's a redirect... returns the new URL (and the 300 code so I can update my database of URL's). a 404 obviously would be a permanent removal of the URL from the database and permanently switch to backup-document.


All i need is the tester. not the database handling. that's easy.


I am also not asking for the complete codesnippet.... (wouldn't mind) but would love some examples.


Anyone.... code giants?


Warmest regards,



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Yes, my live server is also 5.2.2.


php.ini is custom and has the allow_fopen enabled (on).


Did not check for curl as I chose this provider partially because of their php version (startlogic.com -> they support php 4 and 5; I have 5 setup as default version and can use both versions by file extension .php4 or .php5. However, I use .php and do not currently care for using .php4 any time soon, unless I have to. (mixing the two would make my coding messy and therefore confuse me a few months or years down the line)


However, if there's no other way, I will try.... :S




Here's the actual code:


function ping($url) {
	$headers = get_headers($url);
	if (is_array($headers)) {
		switch ($headers[0]) {
			case 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK':
			case 'HTTP/1.0 302 Found':
			print $headers[8]."< /br>"; // Just here to see document-type
	} else {


Does not work as is.... and when it does... I will add the document-type check. (then working with key names instead of the currently, shitty array index numbers)


Works on my server, but obviously also returns a "Y" even if the document has been 200 OK-ed but really not of the right doc type.




Warm regards,





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I tried the following on my xampp server:

$urls = array('put','your','urls','here');
function ping($url) {
	$headers = @get_headers($url,1);
	if (is_array($headers)) {
		switch ($headers[0]) {
			case 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK':
			case 'HTTP/1.0 302 Found':
			case 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK':
	} else {

foreach ($urls as $url) {
echo $url . ' ... ';
list($ret,$retary) = ping($url);
if ($ret) echo '<pre>' . print_r($retary,true) . '</pre>';
else echo 'Not ok<pre>' . print_r($retary,true) . '</pre>';
echo '<br>';

This seems to work...



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I think his original problem is that get_headers() returns nothing on the live server.  And the other original problem is that the result code does not indicate the actual result, as the server returns 200 for a 404.


AquAvia, is the second argument to get_headers() an issue?  Should it be 1?  In your second post it is missing.


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