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[SOLVED] Secure HTML form input


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Hey guys!


I am building a website where people are able to submit content that is then stored into my MySQL database. I am personally validating the content before it is displayed on the website, but I was wondering how I can make sure that the users do not post any code inside my text field. For example, if a user posts the following into my text field called "mytext", then this code would be run when a user visits that page:


<script language="javascript">

alert("This is NOT cool!")



This obviously has serious security consequences (the code could be so much worse), so I want to prevent this but I am not entirely sure how.


Also, now we are talking about security, I just want to make sure that my SQL injection fix is decent (it has confused me quite a bit but it seems to be working to me. But then again, I'm still new to this):



$text = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mytext']);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO mytable (text) VALUES ('$text')") or die(mysql_error());

// Then I just withdraw $text from the database and when it's found, I do this:

$stripped_text = stripslashes($db_text);

echo $stripped_text;



Is this safe or did I misunderstand something?


Thank you for your help.

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Use htmlspecialchars() on the output.


Yep, that fixes it, but by doing that, the spaces I got using nl2br() are all turned into <br />. How do I make people able to make spaces (<br>) in the content they submit and still prevent people from submitting scripts? I assume I'll have to allow certain tags somehow.

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My first suggestion is using a BBCode system rather than HTML.


If you need the flexibility of HTML input, use something like this





As allowing 'harmless' tags can lead to holes.



$str = <<<XSS
<img src="blank.gif" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 999;" onclick="alert( 'XSS attack goes here' )" />

<script type="malacious">
but it really doesnt matter

<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
some random text
<h1>other text</h1>


echo strip_tags( $str, '<img>' );

echo '<br /><a href="#">Please click this link!</a>';


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Use htmlspecialchars() on the output.


Yep, that fixes it, but by doing that, the spaces I got using nl2br() are all turned into <br />. How do I make people able to make spaces (<br>) in the content they submit and still prevent people from submitting scripts? I assume I'll have to allow certain tags somehow.


Use nl2br() after htmlspecialchars(). =/

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