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[SOLVED] Chunk_Split and PHP and Smarty


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Hello.  I've been studying PHP for about 9 days.  I have a table that I imported from another database.  There are 16 fields.  I only want to display 2 to 4 of them on the screen.  A slight problem that I just noticed is that one of the fields contains long, continuous URLs.  This field is 'comment_content.'  So I wrote


$sql_date = "select comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_content from $table0a ORDER by comment_ID DESC LIMIT 0,500";
$xdate_julia = mysql_query($sql_date, $my_julia) or die(mysql_error());

print "<html>";
print "<body>";	
print "<table border=1>";
print "<tr><td>comment_author</td><td>comment_author_url</td><td>comment_date</td><td>comment_content</td></tr>";

while ($date_row = mysql_fetch_array ($xdate_julia)) {
print "<tr><td>" . $date_row["comment_author"] . "</td>";
print "<td>" . $date_row["comment_author_url"] . "</td>";	
print "<td>" . $date_row["comment_date_gmt"] . "</td>";
print "<td>" . chunk_split($date_row["comment_content"],50) . "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "</body>";
print "</html>";


The result turns out okay.  But I actually want to use <strong>Smarty</strong> to format the table with alternating colored rows and controlled column widths.


So I wrote


$xdate_julia = mysql_query("select comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_content from $table0a ORDER by comment_ID DESC LIMIT 0,500");
$spam_2k = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($xdate_julia))
$spam_2k[] = $row;

$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->assign("spam", $spam_2k);


The result turns out okay with beautifully alternating colored rows.  But I don't know when to use chunk_split in the second code.  Anybody has any idea how I edit my code to split data in the comment_content field?  By the way, there are a few thousand rows of data.


Muchas gracias,



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You'd use it (in Smarty) like so:


{$some_var|wordwrap:50:"<br />\n":true}


Whoa...  You are quick.  You must have years of experience in PHP.  Actually, wordwrap probably won't do it because I'm dealing with wrong URLs.  I'll test it, anyway.


Thank you very much.

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If you put that true as the third parameter, it cuts it off at the exact amount of characters instead of breaking it up at the nearest word, so it should work fine for URLs.


Edit: And I'm not gonna lie, I have a copy of the Smarty manual printed out in a binder on my bookshelf.

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