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[SOLVED] Beginner Help - str_replace for multiple variables


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I have about 100 variables that are holding currency information that needs to be summed up. The users always format the currency with commas but the commas are treated like a decimal (messing up the sum) so I need to run str_replace on all the variables to remove the commas.


Code example:



$variable1 = str_replace(",", "", $variable1);
$variable2 = str_replace(",", "", $variable2);
$variable3 = str_replace(",", "", $variable3);


My question: Do I have to make a str_replace line for each of the 100 variables or is there a way I can tell it to run str_replace on the following variables (then have all the variables listed as comma separated values or something like that)?




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Would be a tonne easier if you had used arrays to store the information. I'm sorry but I don't know too much about Variable Variables and if they could help you in the state you are in. Otherwise, I think you MAY need to use str_replace() on them all. But really, it could've easily been avoided if you had structured your code better, using arrays. Sorry.

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I agree an array would be better, but just for fun:


for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {

    ${'variable' . $i} = str_replace(',','', ${'variable' . $i});


It works but no error checking, fairly useless, inefficient... but that's how I roll. :)



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If your variables are sequenced like in your example, you can use variable variables:


for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$var_name = "variable$i";
$$var_name = str_replace(',', '', $$var_name);


But still, try to fill an array with the values instead of creating a variable for each.


Edit: Guess philip beat me to it :)

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Well, you could also:

// These are your variable names
$names = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

foreach ($names as $name) {
    $$name = str_replace(',', '', $$name);

echo "$foo $bar $baz";

I'm too lazy to make it more efficient (am thinking creating array, and calling str_replace() once would be) but anyway... the above is easy.

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@ philip


You could use array_map() to convert the $names array to an array with the actual values. Guess it's faster than calling str_replace each time:


function return_var($var_name) {
    return $$var_name;

// These are your variable names
$names = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

$vars = array_map('return_var', $names);

$vars = str_replace(',', '', $vars);

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