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[SOLVED] radio button array


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I am creating a peer review page.  I have 10 users in a group and they need to rate the other nine members in their group.


for each member of the group there is a row in a table that has their name and then marks from -3 to 3 for their performance.


My query calls the student name id and group from a table in the db.


this pulls all the relevant users out and creates a table.


However, the radio buttons all belong to the same group so I cannot select scores for each user individually, see below:


<tr><td>' . $row['StudentID'] . '</td><td>' . $row['SurName'] . '</td><td>' . $row['FirstName'] . '</td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="-3" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="-2" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="-1" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="0" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="1" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="1" /></td><td><input name="rating" type="radio" value="3" /></td></tr>'


I want to change the input name from rating, to something unique to each user, for example to use the StudentID


hope this makes sense.


all answers appreciated.



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Just place the student ID value in the radio value param:


<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="-3" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="-2" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="-1" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="0" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="1" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="1" />
<input name="'.$row['StudentID'].'" type="radio" value="3" /></td></tr>';

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Thanks all of you.


I did that and it works, sort of.


How do I grab that value once the form is submitted?  If I use this bit of code:


if(isset($_GET['submitted'])) {


//echo $StudentID;

//echo $StudentID;


$name =  $_GET['rating']; //this is causing a fatal error.

echo $name;

//echo $FirstName;

} else


I get the response: Notice: Undefined index: rating


How do it get it to append the value that is passed with 'rating'?



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If you used name="{$row['StudentID']}", use $_POST[$row['StudentID']].

If you used name="rating[{$row['StudentID']}]", use $POST['rating'][$row['StudentID']].

If you used name="rating_{$row['StudentID']}", use $_POST['rating_'.$row['StudentID']].

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One more thing. If you want to cycle through all of them, use this:

foreach ($_POST['rating'] as $StudentID=>$Rating){
  //do whatever here...


This will only work if you use name="rating[{$row['StudentID']}]" as your name.

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If you used name="{$row['StudentID']}", use $_POST[$row['StudentID']].

If you used name="rating[{$row['StudentID']}]", use $POST['rating'][$row['StudentID']].

If you used name="rating_{$row['StudentID']}", use $_POST['rating_'.$row['StudentID']].


none of these are the same as the one your first suggested:


<input name="rating[' . $row['StudentID'] . ']" type="radio" value="-3" />


so I'm a bit confused, I'm also getting lots of error messages :[





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I've changed the action to get in order to see what is being sent though the browser:




so it's picking up the variable and the value.


But when the button is submitted it tells me this:



Notice: Undefined variable: row in /data/www/sites/.../viewStudentsSetVs.php on line 24


Notice: Undefined index: in /data/www/sites/.../viewStudentsSetVs.php on line 24


why isn't it picking up the information?


any help appreciated.

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First, name="rating[{$row['StudentID']}]" is the same as name="rating[' . $row['StudentID'] . ']".


Second, you're not listing all of your code, but read your errors. "Undefined variable: row..." You haven't defined $row by line 24. Then you have an undefined index that is blank on the same line. That usually happens when you use an undefined variable as an array key. List ALL of your code.

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sorry, i wanted to be quick.


You are right, $row is defined after the data comes from the query, I thought this would persist on the button click, it appears in the location bar in the browser, so to my brain, it must still be available to use. i'm not a natural with this stuff.


here is my code





ini_set('display_errors', '1');


$selected = 1;


$page_title = 'hello chips';




//page header

echo '<h2>students</h2>';




if(isset($_GET['submitted'])) {


echo 'submitted!';


$rating = $_GET['rating'][$row['StudentID']];


} else {


echo 'no button pushed here weakling';




$query = "SELECT StudentID, SurName,FirstName FROM tblStudent WHERE GroupID= ' . $Selected . '";


$result = mysql_query($query);


if($result) {


//table header

echo '<form action="viewStudentsSetVs.php" method="get">';

echo '<table border=1>



<td>First Name</td>










while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

$SurName = $row['SurName'];

$FirstName = $row['FirstName'];

$StudentID = $row['StudentID'];


echo '<tr>';

echo '<td>' . $StudentID . '</td>';

echo '<td>' . $FirstName . '</td>';

echo '<td>' . $SurName . '</td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="-3" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="-2" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="-1" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="0" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="1" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="1" /></td>';

echo '<td><input name="rating[' . $StudentID . ']" type="radio" value="3" /></td></tr>';





echo '</table>';

echo '<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="go tiger" />';

//echo '<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />';

echo '<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />';

echo '</form>';




} else {


echo ' the current users could not be retrieved.';








this is the location bar contents:




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First, PLEASE post your code in the code tags. It is painful to read without.


Now, you have found the problem yourself; you are defining $row after you are using it. You can't do that. The only way that a variable can span multiple pages is by using $_SESSION variables. Also, you say it's being passed in the location bar, but I don't see the $row variable in your listed URL.


To fix all of it, declare (define) $row before you use it. It is as simple as that. It's like trying to drive a car before you put gas in it. You try to start it, it won't start. Then you put gas in it and ask yourself why it wouldn't start before. Make sense?

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