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file upload class


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Hi people.

I'm kinda new to OOP but have been using php for about 3 years.


I'm trying to create a file upload class.

It works. It uploads and renames files selected by the user, it can even handle multiple file uploads.


The problem i'm having is that when i use it, it creates two of each file. i append a random generation of characters at the end of the name to prevent any overwriting of files and the class uploads two of the same files with a different series of chars.


this is my class:

############# File Upload Class #############
# Purpose:
# To manage the upload of a file.
# Can be used to upload any file to a server
# and can also manage the processing of an
# image to be able to rezise it. This class
# will make use of the GD Library functions.
# If GD is not enabled this script will 
# die.
# Files that require this will also require 
# the database.php class if they intend on
# storing the file imformation into a 
# database.
# This will also need to require the page.php
# class because it uses the generatePassword
# function to append a random series of 
# letters and numbers to the end of
# a filename.

## First attempt at a class. Hope i dont fuck it up.

class UploadFile {

// General File attributes
var $file_src_name; # Original name of file on clients machine
var $file_src_type; # Mime type of file being uploaded
var $file_tmp_name; # Location and name of the temporary file
var $file_src_error; # Error code given from $_FILES
var $file_src_size; # Size in bytes of the file

// Extra File Attributes
var $file_dst_path; # Path where the file is to be moved
var $file_dst_pathname; # array containing all the full names e.g: some/path/somefile.ext

// Image specific attributes
var $image_src_x; # Width of original image
var $image_dst_x; # Width of destination image
var $image_src_y; # Height of original image
var $image_dst_y; # Height of Destination image
var $image_src_type; # File type of orginal image

# Set the General File Attributes
# Upload the file(s)
function uploadFiles ($array, $path) {
	# $array will be $_FILES. If $array is a multidimensional
	# array, each GFA will be an array.
	# $path will be destination filepath for file

	// GFA
	$this->file_src_name = $array['name'];
	$this->file_src_type = $array['type'];
	$this->file_tmp_name = $array['tmp_name'];
	$this->file_src_error = $array['error'];
	$this->file_src_size = $array['size'];

	$this->file_dst_path = $path;
	$this->file_dst_pathname = array();
	// loop through
	for($i = 0; $i < count($this->file_src_name); $i++) {
		// this is where the magic happens
		if($this->file_src_name[$i] != '') {
			// behold! a file to upload!
			//get ext
			$ext = substr(strrchr($this->file_src_name[$i], '.'), 0);
			// get basename
			$basename = basename($this->file_src_name[$i], $ext);

			//create random series of chars
			$rand = '-' . generatePassword(8,1);
			// create fullname
			$this->file_dst_pathname[] = $this->file_dst_path . $basename . $rand . $ext;
			// upload the file
			move_uploaded_file($this->file_tmp_name[$i], $this->file_dst_pathname[$i]);
		} // if
	} // for
} // function

function delete ($imagePath) {
	for($i = 0; $i < count($imagePath); $i++) {
		$delete = unlink($imagePath[$i]);
		if($delete) {
			$error = 0; // ???
			$error = 2; // ???
		} // if
	} // for
} // function

//image specific functions
function image_thumb ($image, $thumbWidth = 100, $newWidth = 700, $keepOrig = true) {
	// $image will be an array of file locations
} // function

} // class



This is how i am using it:


$f->uploadFiles($_FILES['image'], 'images/uploads/images/');
		$foobar = $f->file_dst_pathname;
		echo '<pre>'; print_r($foobar); die('</pre>');



the print_r is just for debugging.


Help would be appreciated.



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This line is peculiar


for($i = 0; $i < count($this->file_src_name); $i++) {


If I am reading it properly, you're getting the count() of $this->file_src_name .. why would it ever be anything other than 1? I bet you if you figure that out the problem will really go away.


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Thanks for replying,


well the class is meant to handle multiple file uploads, which it does. and $this->file_src_name is the name of an array i use to access the names (file locations) of all the files that were uploaded. it is used for my image_thumb method in the same class.


is it a bad idea to do this?


im not all that savvy with OOP and it's my first (full) class and would appreciate advice :)



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FTP is not secure so I do not recommend that.


im not all that savvy with OOP and it's my first (full) class and would appreciate advice


I would break it in to 2 (or more) Classes. One would just represent a single file, while the other would represent the Collection of files.


If you have any specific questions let me know :)

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is the way i have written it not php5 oop style?

if not why? telling me this only helps me improve my abilities.



i see what you mean about having a class that represents a single file, rather than a bunch, since one file is classed as an object.


but wouldn't it be les productive to have two classes? wouldn't it be easier to a single class that can handle multiple files?

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is the way i have written it not php5 oop style?

if not why? telling me this only helps me improve my abilities.



i see what you mean about having a class that represents a single file, rather than a bunch, since one file is classed as an object.


but wouldn't it be les productive to have two classes? wouldn't it be easier to a single class that can handle multiple files?




Well if you want to look at it like that, wouldn't it be easier/faster to just do it procedurally?  ;p

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well that's kinda what I'm trying to get my head around.


Ive read that tutorial on the main site, a bunch of times. I understand why use oop and 'how' to use it. I'm the type of person that has to do something before they fully understand it, and I don't mean by following the examples shown in the tutorial. That's why I'm trying it out in a way that I can relate to. This is my first time putting it into practise and I want to be able to do it properly. Not code procedurally inside a class.


That's why I'm here. To ask for your help in making me a better programmer.


So your advice on how I should do it is more than welcome.


Now that was a pain in the ass to write out on a phone :)

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What you'll notice, is that as you program more your style will develop naturally. There are a billion different ways to do things.


The proper way to do what you're asking would be to break it up in to multiple classes. Encapsulation is about delegating responsibility and keeping things relatively simple. Only by creating a combination of simple objects should you achieve complexity.


Reason being, if any part of your requirements change, the changes should be isolated to a small portion of your code base. This phase is called Maintenance. Extending your application should also not impact the rest of your code base.

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Well, I reformatted my upload class to just deal with a singular file:


this is what i have come up with:

############# File Upload Class #############
# Purpose:
# To manage the upload of a file.
# Can be used to upload any file to a server
# and can also manage the processing of an
# image to be able to rezise it. This class
# will make use of the GD Library functions.
# If GD is not enabled this script will 
# die.
# Files that require this will also require 
# the database.php class if they intend on
# storing the file imformation into a 
# database.
# This will also need to require the page.php
# class because it uses the generatePassword
# function to append a random series of 
# letters and numbers to the end of
# a filename.

## First attempt at a class. Hope i dont fuck it up. - well ya did
## Second attempt - Including more delegation.

class UploadFile {

// General File attributes
private var $file_src_name; # Original name of file on clients machine
private var $file_src_type; # Mime type of file being uploaded
private var $file_tmp_name; # Location and name of the temporary file
private var $file_src_error; # Error code given from $_FILES
private var $file_src_size; # Size in bytes of the file

// Extra File Attributes
private var $file_dst_path; # Destination path. E.g: /uploads/images/
public var $file_dst_pathname; # Full destination - to be accessed outside of the class. E.g: /uploads/images/filename.ext

public function processUpload($file) {	
	// this is the function that calls the other functions to upload a file
	$this->file_src_name = $file['name']; 
	$this->file_src_type = $file['type'];
	$this->file_tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
	$this->file_src_error = $file['error'];
	$this->file_src_size = $file['size'];
} // function

private function reName() {
	// function to rename a file - this function
	// makes use of the generatePassword function  
	// written in the page class.
	// ------------------------------------------ \\
	// get extension - extension includes '.'
	$fileName = $this->file_src_name;
	$ext = substr(strrchr($fileName, '.'), 0);
	// get basename
	$basename = basename($fileName, $ext);
	// replace spaces
	$basename = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $basename);
	//strip ext to lower
	$ext = strtolower($ext);
	//create random series of chars
	$rand = '-' . generatePassword(8,1);

	/*// if file is image add sizes into name --- IGNORE
	if( 7 == 9 ) {	
		// find image sizes
		$x = imagesx($fileName);
		$y = imagesy($fileName);
		$basename .= $x . 'x' . $y;
	// create fullname
	$this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $basename . $rand . $ext;
} // function

private function moveFile () {
	// function to move the file from $tmp to $dir
	// $dir is the returned name from reName()
	$tmp = $this->file_tmp_name;
	$dir = $this->file_dst_pathname;
	$move = move_uploaded_file($tmp, $dir);
} // class

//image specific functions
class Images extends UploadFile {

function image_thumb ($image, $thumbWidth = 200, $maxWidth = 700, $keepOrig = true) {
	// $image will be an array of file locations
	$this->image_thumb_path = $this->file_dst_path . 'thumb/';
	$this->image_thumb_pathname = array();
	for ($i = 0; $i < count($image); $i++) {
		// loop through each image
		$file = pathinfo($image[$i]);
		$basename = $file['basename'];

		$sizes = getimagesize($image[$i]);
		$ratio = $sizes[0]/$sizes[1];
		//LS or PO
		if($sizes[0] > $sizes[1]){
			//pic is landscape
			$newWidth = $thumbWidth;
			$newHeight = round($thumbWidth/$ratio);
			//pic is portrait
			$newWidth = round($thumbWidth*$ratio);
			$newHeight = $thumbWidth;
		//create true colour image		
		$srcImg = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
		if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
			$tmpImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($image[$i]);
		}elseif($ext == 'png') {
			$tmpImg = imagecreatefrompng($image[$i]);
		}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
			$tmpImg = imagecreatefromgif($image[$i]);
		//create destination image filename
		//dest filename
		$dstFile = $this->image_thumb_path . 'thumb-' . $basename;
		imagecopyresampled($srcImg, $tmpImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $sizes[0], $sizes[1]);
		//save image
		if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
			imagejpeg($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);
		}elseif($ext == 'png') {
			imagepng($scrImg, $dstFile, 100);
		}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
			imagegif($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);

		// destrony tmp + src images

		echo "<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />";
		echo $basename . '<br />' . $sizes[0] . '<br />' . $sizes[1] . '<br />' . $ratio . '<br />' . $newWidth . '<br />' . $newHeight . '<br />' . $maxWidth . '<br />' . $dstFile;
		echo '<pre>'; print_r($image); echo('</pre>');
			echo 'image is there';

	} // for
} // function
} // class

function createThumb($result, $picWidth, $imgDir) {
$poo = array();
if ($result == false) {
	//file could not be uploaded
	$poo[0] = false;
	$poo[1] = 1;
	return $poo;
	//file was uploaded. create thumbnail
	$file = pathinfo($result);
	//find the .ext
	$ext = $file['extension'];
	//strip .ext to lower
	$ext = strtolower($ext);
	//get image sizes
	$sizes = getimagesize($result);
	$ratio = $sizes[0]/$sizes[1];
	//LS or PO
	if($sizes[0] > $sizes[1]){
		//pic is landscape
		$newWidth = $picWidth;
		$newHeight = round($picWidth/$ratio);
		//pic is portrait
		$newWidth = round($picWidth*$ratio);
		$newHeight = $picWidth;

	//create true colour image		
	$srcImg = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
	if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($result);
	}elseif($ext == 'png') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefrompng($result);
	}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefromgif($result);
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 2;
		return $poo;
	//create destination image filename
	//get filename
	$name = $file['basename'];
	//dest filename
	$dstFile = $imgDir . $name;
	imagecopyresampled($srcImg, $tmpImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $sizes[0], $sizes[1]);
	//save image
	if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
		imagejpeg($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);
	}elseif($ext == 'png') {
		imagepng($scrImg, $dstFile, 100);
	}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
		imagegif($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 3;
		return $poo;;

	$killSrc = imagedestroy($srcImg);
	$killTmp = imagedestroy($tmpImg);
	if($killSrc != false && $killTmp != false){
		return $dstFile;
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 5;
		return $poo;

function copyFile($oldFile, $dstDir) {
//find out basename of file
$fileName = pathinfo($oldFile);
$fileName = $fileName['basename'];
//create new dstFile
$newFile = $dstDir . $fileName;
//copy file to tmp dir
$result = copy($oldFile, $newFile);
//check copy
if ($result) {
	return $newFile;
	return false;

it's not been tested as of yet, but it should theoratically work


comments? :)

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What you'll notice, is that as you program more your style will develop naturally. There are a billion different ways to do things.


The proper way to do what you're asking would be to break it up in to multiple classes. Encapsulation is about delegating responsibility and keeping things relatively simple. Only by creating a combination of simple objects should you achieve complexity.


Reason being, if any part of your requirements change, the changes should be isolated to a small portion of your code base. This phase is called Maintenance. Extending your application should also not impact the rest of your code base.


nicely said

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